Herewith, a few tweets on events of the day. It’s food for thought while we wait for the shape of events to come.
First up—Credit Suisse. Gotta luv Culy’s line—”Pivot or Credit Suisse comes home in a body bag. Interestingly, in that regard, Goldman Sachs today came out with a sorta special plea for Credit Suisse—its competitor. Shakedowns to come?

High stakes poker among the ruling elite, while we plebs watch from the sidelines. But if the long cold winter takes hold, how long will the plebs remain sidelined? Wanna see how big this is all getting, and why Luongo has been right to be paying attention to it?

Eat your vegetables! Oh, wait …

More food for thought. What was the point of the pipeline sabotage? OK, subjugate Germany, make it impossible for the Germans to do a deal with Russia—because, what’s the point whent there’s no pipeline to begin with? In that context, Russia said to day that they can fix the pipeline, but NATO controls the area. No doubt the European public, and nowhere more than in Germany, is paying attention to this. But is it possible that the sabotage was also perpetrated in the hope of provoking an overreation—whatever that might mean in this context—from Russia? Is that what the Ukrainian “counteroffensives” are really about, with their massive casualties to the Ukrainians? To try to force the Russians into an escalation that would be used to justify a counter escalation by the US that would amount to full conventional war?
Never say never. People are talking about this. And no matter what you think about David Petraeus, he’s probably in the Zhou regime’s loop, at least for propaganda purposes:

Stranger things have happened.
And what’s up with Jeffrey Sachs? The guy is totally off the rez with regard to Covid and now with regard to the Nordstream sabotage:

But back to The Fed. Luongo says we should cheer The Fed on, to bust the rentseeking bloodsuckers of our financialized economy—and of Davos. Luongo is replying to a headline about the UN begging The Fed to go all in on inflation forever:

The UN is now not much more at this point than a vehicle for Davos control of the world.
Nuclear war? Do We The People get a voice in this?

But Elon Musk gets the last word:
If they can fix the pipeline(s), they should announce that fixing NS2 is much easier and quicker which will explode more neocon heads. Also, announce you are sending the bill to Brandon...
If things get as bad as predicted here in Europe, I'm going to replace the poster on my bedroom wall of Kim Kardashian with one of those Hak pickle jars. "No doubt the European public, and nowhere more than in Germany, is paying attention to this." Sorry, but I think most Euros still think Nordstream is a Swedish porn channel.