The question of what is real or not these days is first in my mind. Submersible imploded with 5 rich men inside is fake I think. Wagner turns on Russia also sounds fake. Just soberly looking at the chances of success of either mission leads to SMDH!!!

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Thinking about this further. Prigozhin just stuffed his troop's futures into a wormhole. No one is going to hire them. Venezuela President just responded affirming Putin support. Chechen's also supporting Putin. Think the new Russia/Africa relationships will support Prigozhin and use of his troops in Africa going forward? Expect others to follow suit and those poor followers have no more "Wagner" future IMO.

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Russia's perspective on Ukraine given Prigozhin's stunts... "Never let a serious crisis go to waste". - R. Emanuel

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Tells me never give down time to a group of mercenaries.

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Kremlin says that Putin has personally promised the safety of Prigozhin when travelling to Belarus - TASS

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BREAKING: The criminal case against Prigozhin will be dropped and he will move to Belarus, Kremlin says - TASS

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Just remarkable....perhaps it was simple hubris or maybe Prighozin watched Valkyrie too many times.

Unfortunately for Prigozhin, he likely now faces the same ending as Claus von Stauffenberg....

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The western press will have a field day for awhile.

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Interesting background info, including suggestions that again support Ritter:


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To me, this is another indication that Ritter might have been right. If so, this episode is probably far from over--6 hrs. ago:

Visegrád 24



The Wagner Group has announced that most of the Russian Army units in the Lipetsk region have switched sides and joined the Wagner Group military column heading toward Moscow

That didn't happen. Neither did the ploy (if true) to get Moscow citizens out in support of Wagner work. But it definitely suggests a plan, coming from a foreign actor.

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I really cannot work out what Prighozin's motive is/was. Interestingly though an American commentator on GB News channel, who seemed pretty mainstream did say it only made sense by drawing the conclusion that 'The West' was behind it in some way because the counter offensive was going so badly for Ukr.

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KD rants, and there's some pretty good stuff:


Russia, Internal This Time

If you're one of the fools cheering on the internal unrest in Russia please raise your hand.

I want to know who you are ...

Mike Pompeo is an idiot. So is Lindsey Graham. They have a right to their opinions but attempting to execute them as policy should earn them a permanent stay in prison -- and in solitary confinement at that.

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Again, there are a lot of rumors. Here's an interesting one that, if true, may shed light on how prepared this coup attempt actually was--as Scott Ritter was saying:

Residents of Moscow allegedly began to receive calls from unfamiliar numbers supposedly from PMC "Wagner" - residents are called to "support the Wagnerites and take to the streets," pic.twitter.com/AbJLK963Rx

— War Monitor (@WarMonitors) June 24, 2023

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It was a strategic withdrawal of Wagner from the operation. Wagner was no longer needed in what will now be the endgame of the SMO. So, Prgozhin & Putin put in a little “jazz hands” on what actually was a low drama cessation and withdrawal. The “negotiations” were probably a couple of calls to say hi and chuckle a bit over their little scripted scene to show “solidarity” of the regional players.

That also means that it’s more than likely that what remains of the battlefield in Ukraine is one big trap waiting to be sprung. A very dangerous time.

But look! Yellowstone River!

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This tweet will give you Putin's speech, with subtitles. Very tough and direct. However, the "quote" is inaccurate--Putin doesn't ever mention Prigozhin by name.


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