"Far-Left investment firm BlackRock..." oh my aching sides. As for the JoeBot, him heap speed freak these days, amplifying his natural aggression but helping him stay awake until the wee hours (14:30 or thereabouts).

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Biden melting down doesn’t surprise me in the least, he’s been a thin-skinned, arrogant, intellectual featherweight his entire political career and those kind of people don’t accept criticism of any kind. In any discussion with Crazy Joe, he knows all that can be known and everyone else knows the rest. What an insufferable wretch, but what do I know, 81 million people voted for him. No joke, true story, I’m not kiddin around.

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Does Biden's screaming and shouting really indicate dementia, or is he just channelling his inner Hillary?

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"...for example, a guy with dementia developing an even more explosive temper than before..."

This can (generally) be ascribed to frontal lobe degeneration, or frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTD).

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Gee, and the people at Blackrock seem like such nice folks.

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Trump’s support got Moreno by 17%, where per polls he was running neck and neck with the eGOP candidate.


Musk expanded info on censorship:


Good video on homeless in Ca, it reflects reality, unfortunately:


RNC seems to be doing more lawsuits on Election integrity - a major change:


Will the house flip due to Rino resignations? Buck had two divorces, so he had a lot of dirty laundry…


Dominion was also in the news. Private emails from dominion Serbia admitted foreign access. There are ongoing lawsuits, but somehow the vulnerabilities of dominion have been kept under wrap.


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Uhhh, earth to Joe, gaslighting and pandering to different swathes of the electorate, issue by issue, is not leadership, just the opposite: it’s what schoolyard bullies do best. No wonder he’s behind! He’s all about Joe, zilch about the country.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 20
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