If I may offer my humble opinion on the subject, you may be looking into this the wrong way. You wonder about coordination when it is not necessary. We've had years and years of indoctrination, as well as more than enough time for a selective push of conformist people into key positions.

In a syllogism, the conclusion follows from the premises. The premises may be false, but the wrong conclusion necessarily follows, and if one believes the premises that's all that matters.

After decades of indoctrination, we have more than enough people to fill all the key positions worldwide. Coordination is not necessary when all of them already think in lockstep.

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Mark, my sincere gratitude for the yeoman's effort you are giving to focus the unprecedented historical issues of our time - and deep respect for members of this communication trying to distill the signal from the noise - so hopefully we can take appropriate action. A real concern is that those with evil intent now have their hands on many levers of power - are they nearing the tipping point? Is time running out?

Reading the superb comments here reminds me of the story of the six blind men and the elephant. Are we using a microscope when a telescope is required? Should we begin to focus more on the overall pattern, rather than on selected dots - like the plandemic? We know they want us confused and bewildered. They need us distracted and fragmented. Perhaps it's just me, yet it seems that many who are just waking up cannot yet fathom how corrupt, manipulative, and wicked governments have become - at the behest of TPTB.

It seems that a long game - intergenerational (provocative Doreen Dotan suggests a historical theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RU893a1X_c) is being waged against us. When "they" talk about eugenics we should believe them. When "they" talk about transhumanism we should listen carefully. When "they" describe having total power and control with Central Bank Digital Currency we should take serious note. The elements of The Great Reset are hiding in plain sight.

Occam's razor? What do over 190 nations have in common - borrowing from independent central bank cartels. Money is the grease that oils the global machine. IMO, Catherine Austin Fitts over at https://home.solari.com/ presents thoughtful and plausible theories about what big picture things are going down, i.e., global financial coup d'etat. The International Financial & Monetary System that has supported capitalism has run its course, it must be replaced (The Great Reset).

The plandemic is but one tactic deployed to achieve their plan for us. In fourth-generation warfare, conflict is blurred between the line of war and politics, combatants and civilians. It seems for certain are many other planned calamities beyond what we are seeing with supply chain destruction. This is not about incompetence, although our formidable enemies of humanity will course-correct their plan on the fly appearing as clumsy implementation.

As background, for over thirty-five years I was on 100% commission serving as an organizational consultant, training, and senior executive coach mostly for blue-chip companies. Sadly, my work contributed to helping the current fascist corporate oligarchy. Misreading, discounting, or not seeing workplace dynamics led me to a two year program at a psychoanalytic institute on the upper West side of NYC. The now defunct program focused on the unconscious, irrational and covert organizational processes - that is what's really going on when your gut disagrees with your other senses. My journey included many crazy-making group relations conferences and membership in the A.K. Rice Institute. This is a long way of saying my antenna are activated and sense clear and present danger. Danger of predatory anti-human actions on a global scale.

On an optimismic note, Archbishop Viganò's call for Founding of Anti-Globalist Alliance is a clarion call: https://catholicfamilynews.com/blog/2021/11/18/archbishop-vigano-calls-for-the-founding-of-anti-globalist-alliance/ What can we do to give traction to this initiative?

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Would you like to review some court admissible documentary evidence of a criminal conspiracy?


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I still err on the side of picking incompetence when I have to choose between that and malice. I think the virus was engineered and was accidentally released. The response, especially in the US, was driven by the desire to get rid of Donald Trump in the 2020 election- that part is malice combined with incompetence, and I write that because Joe Biden and the Democrats could have declared victory over COVID in March of this year, but are too stupid to do so, and now own whatever happens going forward, most definitely side effects that can't be hidden forever or denied. In short, these people are just too stupid to be this genocidal.

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Hanlon's razor no longer cuts this mustard. They play stupid to mask their malice. Generous and charitable people consistently fall for it, especially when uninformed.

The virus was by no means "accidentally released". Have you ever heard of Event 201?

Please, watch some footage of that. https://plandemicseries.com

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Can we all agree on this?

"Americans Need A Conspiracy Theory They Can All Agree On"


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Perhaps (and I appreciate the irony). When there is no basis for belief of anything presented to the public there is also no basis for disbelief of anything. That is a dangerous place to be as a society. I place the blame for that squarely on the politicians and the media. The founders saw the press as fulfilling a critical role in our society - that of being a check on government run amok; that is a role they have long ago abdicated in favor of being sycophantic narrative engineers. They also saw our representatives in government as being men of good will and virtue... who would honestly represent the best interests of their constituents... nuff said.

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For a long time I would cite Adams' "our constitution was made for a religious and moral people" favorably. But now I realize that to be a sign of folly.

In a similar vein, I have heard that the Executive Branch was basically designed for Washington. But they should have designed it for Burr.

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Yes, so did I - if you believe George Gilder in Life After Google, they don’t yet have enough physical energy - despite their Columbia River facility, to monitor everyone, so evidence gets thru and speeds around the globe.

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Well thought out post Sir. It makes me wonder how they get people like some of these governors to go along though. Are they opportunists or somehow in on the game. Do they ever wonder what would happen if enough like-minded people learned the truth and decided to do something about it? And I don't mean that in a snide way. I truly wonder.

Re: Bill Gates and his depopulation crew I would say this. Been an avid World War Two guy since I was a kid and have educated myself pretty well over the years. It has always fascinated me how gutter scum like Hitler could come to power and start a war leading to the death of 60+ million. He took advantage of things going on around him, historical issues that pre-dated him i.e, European anti-semitism and coupled it with his maniacal will to power. Maybe Gates is the type of guy Hitler was, just in different clothing. A genocidal maniac surrounded by like-minded nuts bent on remaking the world in their distorted, utopian fantasy. Maybe they see this as a step toward that goal.

I've always told people this. At any given time there are people with personalities like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot all over the world. Some of em run your local DMV or the corner store. Some of em though have the balls to murder their way to power and start a world war. I guess we'll find out.

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These guys would never pull any of it off without a majority of a complicit public eagerly lining up to do the dirty work involved.

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I think of the fact that he dominated the world of personal computers so thoroughly, it gave him delusions of grandeur, the vax and booster scheme is a lot like a software rollout. Creepy, but we if you're a tech titan like him you think the winds of history and destiny are at your back and if you were visionary about computing devices that at present no one seems able to live without, why would you not feel visionary about other things? It's for everybody's own good. I think he's a monster of our own making.

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I believe you are correct. Israel is the only fly in the ointment. Surely the leaders in Israel would not want to have genocide in their country ? It boggles the mind.

However - here is further evidence in support of your theory



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Thanks for reposting this link that you or someone else appended to a post here a few days ago. I read this article a few days ago and found it absolutely terrifying.

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I know. It terrified me too. The video is a zoom meeting of doctors. If the other doctors saw flaws in his ideas they would have said something. Hope Mark watches the video because it fits his theory too and provides evidence for it

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"Who would be directly these events" is always a profitable way to start a thought process, but in this case would there really need to be tight coordination? There is an awful lot of self-interest involved. In Fauci's case eliciting the help of researchers dependent upon NIH funding to obfuscate the goal of that research and his at least quasi-criminal restart of GoF work in 2017. In Pfizer's case hiding regulatory wrong-doing by destroying the control arm of the trial and concealing unfavorable results. At the WHO, paying off their CCP benefactors by slow-rolling and corrupting the viral origin investigations. In the intel arm of the deep state looking the other way in order to fashion Trump a pair of cement electoral galoshes. The hospitals were making a lot of money declaring every death possible a result of Covid. The AMA and medical journals have long had a left-leaning, profitable symbiosis. The corporate media made tons of money purveying non-stop fear.

Maybe a better way to approach this thought experiment is to ask: who would have had an incentive to jump out of their foxhole and charge the machine gun nests that covered the entire field of fire? Couldn't what happened simply have been a waterfall effect with every independent actor's effort cutting a deeper channel and becoming ever harder to re-route?

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Throw this in the pile:


"The BBC had earlier responded[viii] to a call for evidence from the House of Lords’ Select Committee on Democracy and Digital Technology, citing in its first footnote a June 3, 2019 BBC blog entitled “Tackling Misinformation.”[ix]

The first point of that blog referred to a pre-pandemic March 3, 2019 BBC news report that anti-vaxxers were gaining traction on social media as part of a “fake news” movement spreading “misleading and dangerous information”.[x]

The June 3 blog also claimed a “mammoth” online scale of deceitful business practices and hate speech as problems needing “algorithmic interventions”. The online “information ecosystem” was “polluted”; the size of the problem “unprecedented.” The BBC and other organizations would be looking at interventions “to address misinformation across the media landscape”.

If anyone watched the Event 201 which I' surprised is still on YT, one part of the "planning" meeting discusses that they need to actively be able to stop "misinformation".

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Vaccines with malintent could not have been developed within the time frame you suggest. What about the coroner in Milton Keynes who claims that in the first months of the pandemic, the rest homes were giving their inhabitants the euthanasia drug and claiming it was Covid in order to scare people? That speaks planning. I think they hoped more would die of Covid than did. But the vaccines will increase all cause mortality 5-15% for years to come. That had to be planned for a decade or more, and the evidence for that were the many pandemic rehearsals. I understand not being able to take on board the malignancy of our government without searching for alternatives. The culture-wide notion that the earth is over-populated is riven right through every elite class I've known. Almost without consciousness, they decided to do something about it.

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I’ve read they had a patent for this vaccine back in 2015. It could have the engineered poisons in it that are in the article I posted.

My theory is they created the vaccine first. Then created covid. The plan was depopulation as per this article and the video embedded within.

Don’t forget there’s a Austrian scientist that was murdered who gave a presentation about carbon in the vaxxines. I saw the video of his presentation.


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I'll simply say that a lot of the results and the measures taken that led to those results all seems beyond the realm of coincidence, when taken as a whole.

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vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences.

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So they serve a purpose, after all.

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Are these folks, ex Bill Gates, actually taking the vaccine themselves? Would they want to risk side affects?

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they get the saline.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 10, 2021
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From my recollection "conspiracy theorist" was popularized in the aftermath of the JFK assassination to malign and ridicule those who questioned The Warren Report's findings. No longer do I ascribe this label to others and no longer will allow it to be used against me when engaging in dialogue and debate. There is both posteriori and a priori evidence of a global conspiracy to remake the world with less freedom and more control (e.g., jab mandates and clot shot passports) - and most global citizens are not being consulted.

My two cents is let's not paint ourselves in a corner with labels. Humorously, some refer to conspiracy theorists as providing spoiler alerts.

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So much is unknowable at this point. I believe nothing but consider everything. I read a post by a Pharma employee who quit afterwards saying there are prefixes to each dose. 1, 2, 3. 1 is saline.

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BTW, thanks for the link to the "Snake Oil" article. Very informative.

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My operating theory is that the pandemic was planned but that they weren't ready to execute it - or maybe it was Plan B if Plan A failed. They released the virus early, before it had achieved desired lethality, in order to get rid of President Trump because he was reviving nationalism and a functional economy.

The timing vis a vis Trump seems clear enough.

I base my early release theory on the observation that the virus has clear indications of engineering that should have been removed (ie, it looks like they were rushed into production).

Population reduction may or may not be its primary purpose. The elites, even when they are eugenicists, don't suffer the effects of over-population and they can always start a war whenever they do.

The Great Reset is their end game, and that is in play regardless of population size.

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"...in order to get rid of President Trump because he was reviving nationalism and a functional economy." And what they cared about wrt that was the inevitable decoupling Trump was taking our two nations to. had the virus not intervened, the successful, capitalist (-ish!) American model would have been shown to be far superior to what would soon have been a completely failed controlist-mercantile model, which would have meant popular rebellion and certain doom for the CCP. All that plus the Hong Kong rebellion already in full flame is what really got them motivated to do whatever they had to.

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Lots to recommend that view.

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US intelligence employs a straightforward strategy of controlled opposition in order to keep their enemies close. By funding gain-of-function research at Wuhan, the US could have been keeping tabs on Chinese bioweapons capabilities. EcoHealth Alliance could have acted as a front while NIH remained intentionally or unintentionally ignorant. Not only this, but if the IC sees even a moderate likelihood of biowarfare with China at some point, then the US and other western powers would be forced to develop defensive capabilities i.e. lockdowns and mRNA vaccines or else risk their survival. The remarkable feature of SARS-CoV-2 is that it appears to meet a minimum for creating a broad panic and instituting these defenses yet falls well short of being a truly deadly bioweapon. Through an intentional release, the US could have “forced everyone’s hand” and precipitated a limited germ game in lieu of something far bigger and deadlier years from now. Many of the capabilities being put in place now would defend against and hopefully deter such future bio attacks. We are establishing legal and logistical precedent for lockdowns while drastically shrinking (by orders of magnitude) the time required to identify a pathogen, sequence it, and get shots into arms. From this perspective, the collateral damage of (mostly) elderly deaths and rare (possibly downplayed) vaccine side effects are small relative to the size and scale of calamity that US intelligence and other western security organizations may be preparing for. Vaccine hesitancy, while frustrating the effort to deal with SARS-CoV-2 specifically, would not really derail a broader program of rapid authorization and distribution capabilities as long as some significant portion of the population (70%?) exercise the capability and work out the kinks this time around. In the context of biowarfare preparedness, where vaccine hesitancy absolutely couldn’t be tolerated (and isn’t being tolerated) is in the military and government itself. There, our soldiers and public servants would simply have to accept the reality of being required to inject rapidly-developed antibody boosters or get out.

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Another limited modified hangout. There is a but too much detail left out of your scenario, except what is helpful to a benign interpretation of , nay justification for the totalitarianism underway. Don't worry, you say, they're doing this for our own good...from the shadows...without our consent.

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"By funding gain-of-function research at Wuhan, the US could have been keeping tabs on Chinese bioweapons capabilities."

Right. To the extent that that was their only bioweapons program and to the extent that the Chinese allowed us access to their full capabilities.

Nice try.

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