Russian nuclear submarine spotted off UK coast sparks emergency defence meeting


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When reality intrudes into the West’s fantasyland, it’s gonna hurt. Big time. The sight of the two pretend leaders I Italy slobbering over each other and announcing their ten year commitment to each other was something else.

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Don’t know if you caught this from CFP, but here’s Italy PM Meloni flashing her “if looks could kill” snarl at Microbe…sums up the disgust we all feel…


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Absolute gold. Meloni is not quite what I'd hoped for but in a whole different league to the rest of those losers. In tune with the prevailing _public_ opinion of the era, for a start. Little Rishi clearly has a soft spot for her.

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How should we understand a 10 year commitment, at a time when the American people have not voted on the war and are deeply divided on approval of it, as anything other than profoundly *anti-democratic*?

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Link? Tx

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Hundreds of millions for a drone? Hard to believe this thing could cost more than an F35? The MIC needs to go on a diet.

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