I don't see how Biden rescues his image between now and the midterms. As they say, never underestimate the GOP's ability to screw things up, but I just don't see Biden's problems going away any time soon. If anything, there is a good chance it actually gets worse. There is a reason why sometimes bad things keep happening to some people. It's not always bad luck--people know a loser when they see one, and act accordingly.

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He won't need to rescue his image, if the GOPe let Dems stuff ballot boxes next year.

Why expect the GOPe to do boo about this?

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When Dumbocrats actually believe that if they get Covid there is a 40%+ chance that they will end up in the hospital, the media has done its job well. In Australia, the government seems to be coordinating censoring and narrative responses in order to drive fear into the elderly population. Many on the right believe that election integrity must be our main focus and and the predicate to all other policy priorities. I respectfully disagree. Our first priority must be to break Big Tech and social media's control over news and information. It is the root cause of every policy problem that we have. Without their gaslighting and finger on the scales, none of these radical, plainly fallacious narratives could be pushed or sustained. Either we take down Big Tech or we will live in a world in which they insidiously garner more power and control.

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if they just keep ignoring it and move on with whatever they want, MSM ignores, general population forgets, and we get 3 more years of this. Nothing will change

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