"The Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) program aims to support military readiness and global stability through pursuit of novel methods to dramatically accelerate discovery, integration, pre-clinical testing, and manufacturing of medical countermeasures against infectious diseases."
"P3 focuses on rapid discovery, characterization, production, testing, and delivery of efficacious DNA- and RNA-encoded medical countermeasures".
The overall goal of the P3 is described as: "DARPA's intent [is] to safely deliver transient immunity, halting the spread of disease by creating a firewall, and buying time for longer-term medical responses to be developed and deployed."
The stated goal of producing a temporary countermeasure to a pandemic was surprising since everybody speaks of the current COVID-19 vaccines as if they were the same as regular vaccines, which offer permanent immunity. We heard a little about some potential "longer-term medical responses" from Trump, but they were quickly ridiculed and dismissed. So the mRNA vaccines became the only solution rather than a temporary stop-gap.
When Trump talked about "Operation Warp Speed" was he talking about offering these temporary vaccines to buy time to develop other effective medical responses to the virus? Was that effort thwarted by Big Pharma and the Cabal enablers? As I recall from hearing about mRNA vaccine side effects, it seems that the second and subsequent doses are associated with the most negative side effects. Is that because they were never intended to be given multiple times?
It can be confusing to figure out the rationale for Covid and the vaccines because there were multiple parties involved with different but overlapping agendas. My view: yes Covid was manufactured as a bioweapon and deliberately released, and yes the ‘vaccines’ and all the terrible restrictions and murdering of people in hospitals through lack of treatment were preplanned by certain people. But once it commenced, the ‘pandemic’ served big pharma’s interests, big tech’s interests and big corporate interests (crushing small business). It became a new 9/11 moment for governments around the world to impose totalitarian control measures on their populations in the name of ‘safety’. In the US, it helped the Dems set up the infrastructure for better stealing elections. Covid furthered the globalist agenda of total control, and helped the climate change fanatics by turning ‘climate change’ into a public health issue so making the onerous and oppressive Covid solutions like lockdowns also a solution for ‘saving the planet’. Everybody wins! Except the people.
The gain of function bioengineered virus narrative is a psyop in itself. There are no viruses. Covid symptoms are the same as other respiratory infections and they are your body’s natural healing response. Now it is possible that in the initial wave in Wuhan and Milan a poison was used but that’s another can of worms...
I can see some point to what your correspondent is saying. But at a certain level, I think he is making the same mistake that our elites--in WEF, DC, EU, and other areas, especially academia, are making: he overestimates their competence, and so did they! I am inclined to the lab leak theory, because from what I have seen, that Wuhan lab has a record--and it's not a good one. Sometimes it takes a while, but truth does come out. We are still only in the starting stages of that.
If it was just an accidental leak, Bill Gates holding Event 201 in October 2019 which laid out the whole pandemic and global response would just have to be a massive coincidence don’t you think?
I agree. He relied on the government funded medical agencies. No one knew how corrupted Fauci et al were back then. No one new Fauci’s ties to the production of the virus either.
But here's the thing. The injections were never tested before they were rolled out. The testing on animals for other corona viruses (SARS?) had been disastrous. They *needed* an Op Warp Speed because they didn't want to put this engineered virus through rigorous testing--that would have given the whole game away . So maybe the whole plan all along was to gin up a pandemic hysteria to get the injections into most of the population.
As a bioweapon, engineered COVID was something of a dud, since the most susceptible were the elderly or people with various morbidities or compromised immune systems, and not healthy people of military age.
The death occurred mostly from harmful hospital protocols established by government $$$$ incentives. And hospitals kept double downing on them despite the overwhelming results.
so do you think the intent of Covid was to address / compromise healthy military age people and not elderly, mature, sophisticated, informed, and educated voters?
In a very recent video Dowd maintains that we're approaching the point at which public consciousness of injection harm leads to insurrection. Something like that.
Japanese investigators studying Omicron strains... "for all but one mutation in the omicron sub-variant BA1, a strain exists in which that mutation - alone - is absent"
In other words, we seem to be participants in a living, population-wide experiment.
As you say, the purpose is not entirely clear, but probably only because we assume the purpose of a bio-weapon is to kill lots of people. But the way COVID worked out wasn't so much about mass death - they had to massively inflate the death stats - but more like people-herding.
I do think there was a get-Trump angle in the timing. Though what you lay out in regard to a Hillary scenario is plausible, I think she could have accomplished much of their agenda without needing to resort to the weapon.
Yes birthrates are, apparently, crashing in the West, no injection required. Just mess with people's minds, and get them to fear their own carbon footprint. But future injections, or self-spreading vaccines, can be used to reduce fertility without consent.
"There was simply too much coercion and too much coordination."
So do you see George Soros and Klaus Schwab and Tony Fauci and Bill Gates and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden...and Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzock and Lisa Page...and Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele and Nellie Ohr and Marc Elias...and Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and Andrew Weissmann and Bob Mueller and Alexander Vindman and Eric Ciaramella...and John Brennan and James Clapper...and god knows how many others...all secretly conspiring to kill and/or subjugate the people and destroy the people's only great hope, Donald Trump?
I may sound a tad snarky but I'm asking a serious question...
When I ponder multiple genocides in the last century or so perpetrated by Nazi (Germany), Pol Pot (Cambodia) or Armenia (Turkey), the group think & censorship that occurs...
They are not trying to kill us and subjugate us per se. They want to thin the herd and improve its genetics. We're livestock, and the earth is our CAFO, and some animals are more equal than others.
Did anybody else here notice that during his video interview with Tucker Carlson, a gay man named Larry Sinclair not only claimed to have had a physical encounter with Barack Obama, but that another gay man named Donald Young who Sinclair alleged had also had a relationship with Obama was mysteriously killed on Christmas Day 2007. The killer has never been identified. Sinclair suggested that Young died because the disclosure of his relationship would have harmed Obama's electoral chances.
Never forget that high level people in our very own government, theoretically acting at the behest of the American public in our name, attempted to kill some of us and succeeded at killing others. What that says about the state of our supposed representative form of government is astounding to me. The whole episode really transformed my understanding of the relationship between we the people and our government. We’re on our own to navigate the best we can this brave new world.
Our government, as a channel for the global elites, has all but declared war on its citizens. Covid and the clot shots are the latest attack on us. Our enemy is hiding in plain sight. It grieves me to say this, and I’m open to other explanations, but I don’t see any. Denial will not make this go away.
I have always thought it more than strange that Zhou has never ordered a commission, nor Congress an investigation (formal public hearings) into the origin of the SARS-Covid virus…Zhou was mute, and yet he and Xi must know very well what happened…or, as Captain von Trapp replied to Her Zeller, “we both must be suffering from a deplorable lack of curiosity.”
Yes, we are on our own. We can’t afford to give anyone—including Trump—a free pass. So maybe its a good thing that future elections will be 'fortified,' and we don't have to take responsibiity for what the government does. As things stand, with the border and the economy the way they are, we won't be mush of a country in 2024. Survive in spite of the government.
This Coof business is reminiscent of the vampire who will not be vanquished; the garlic bulbs aren't sufficient, so perhaps the silver dagger or cross will have to suffice. In the early days (Feb 2020) of this hot mess, some wags on ZH were fond of "It's the flu, bro." They may have been right. I talked to a lot of people in my orbit and asked if anyone they knew had this new disease. The result: Nobody.
I had to go to a hospital for a knee job in September 2020...and the place (a large hospital) was empty.
By the same token, I know of no one in my circle who were jabbed and who suffered for it.
Psyops on both sides? Idk. We live in strange times.
If you remember, the jab was a two parter. The set up in my area was at a mall in a defunct store. Hubby and I got funneled into a room with at least a thousand seated chair by chair. That was the first hmmmm??? Second time back for the timed booster, the place was empty. Huh? Started listening to free press to censored doctors with protocols that worked they declared plus a remarkable doc from the UK. When Biden and MSM started pushing multiple boosters - something did not compute. But I know communism and the Big Lie...It was just hard to accept at first and I do emphasize at first...then discovered the new version of communism called the Great Reset. Trump interrupted the HRC led Great Reset plan to replace the Constitution. He had to go.
As a numbers kinda nerd, I looked up the CDC numbers (in early 2020) for the previous three years: Flu deaths per 100K in the US were 20; only 10 in FL where I live [Sunshine = vitamin D]. Oddly, the CDC's flu death numbers afterwards went missing. A healthy skepticism and critical thinking has kept me alive. That, and God looks out for drunks and yacht brokers.
OK, now in total fairness to RFK Jr ... you need to follow the link and listen to the video for the full effect:
The Vigilant Fox
CENSORED RFK JR CLIP: Big Pharma Profits Not From Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries
"They're making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines," declared @RobertKennedyJr
"This is a really great business plan for these [pharmaceutical] companies. You make people sick, and then you sell them the lifetime cure."
This interview, which aired on September 17, 2020, was removed by YouTube.
Hepatitis B Vaccination | CDC
Mar 30, 2022The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all infants, ...
While trying to understand the whole COVID-19 and vaccines mess, I ran across this DARPA website describing the Pandemic Prevention Platform (https://www.darpa.mil/program/pandemic-prevention-platform).
"The Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) program aims to support military readiness and global stability through pursuit of novel methods to dramatically accelerate discovery, integration, pre-clinical testing, and manufacturing of medical countermeasures against infectious diseases."
"P3 focuses on rapid discovery, characterization, production, testing, and delivery of efficacious DNA- and RNA-encoded medical countermeasures".
The overall goal of the P3 is described as: "DARPA's intent [is] to safely deliver transient immunity, halting the spread of disease by creating a firewall, and buying time for longer-term medical responses to be developed and deployed."
The stated goal of producing a temporary countermeasure to a pandemic was surprising since everybody speaks of the current COVID-19 vaccines as if they were the same as regular vaccines, which offer permanent immunity. We heard a little about some potential "longer-term medical responses" from Trump, but they were quickly ridiculed and dismissed. So the mRNA vaccines became the only solution rather than a temporary stop-gap.
When Trump talked about "Operation Warp Speed" was he talking about offering these temporary vaccines to buy time to develop other effective medical responses to the virus? Was that effort thwarted by Big Pharma and the Cabal enablers? As I recall from hearing about mRNA vaccine side effects, it seems that the second and subsequent doses are associated with the most negative side effects. Is that because they were never intended to be given multiple times?
Killing off recipients is a great way to delay Social Security’s inevitable bankruptcy.
‘Afterwards, Congress had little interest, no demands, no investigations, just silence. Contrast with 9/11’.
Silence of the Liable. Just as sick.
It can be confusing to figure out the rationale for Covid and the vaccines because there were multiple parties involved with different but overlapping agendas. My view: yes Covid was manufactured as a bioweapon and deliberately released, and yes the ‘vaccines’ and all the terrible restrictions and murdering of people in hospitals through lack of treatment were preplanned by certain people. But once it commenced, the ‘pandemic’ served big pharma’s interests, big tech’s interests and big corporate interests (crushing small business). It became a new 9/11 moment for governments around the world to impose totalitarian control measures on their populations in the name of ‘safety’. In the US, it helped the Dems set up the infrastructure for better stealing elections. Covid furthered the globalist agenda of total control, and helped the climate change fanatics by turning ‘climate change’ into a public health issue so making the onerous and oppressive Covid solutions like lockdowns also a solution for ‘saving the planet’. Everybody wins! Except the people.
The gain of function bioengineered virus narrative is a psyop in itself. There are no viruses. Covid symptoms are the same as other respiratory infections and they are your body’s natural healing response. Now it is possible that in the initial wave in Wuhan and Milan a poison was used but that’s another can of worms...
I can see some point to what your correspondent is saying. But at a certain level, I think he is making the same mistake that our elites--in WEF, DC, EU, and other areas, especially academia, are making: he overestimates their competence, and so did they! I am inclined to the lab leak theory, because from what I have seen, that Wuhan lab has a record--and it's not a good one. Sometimes it takes a while, but truth does come out. We are still only in the starting stages of that.
If it was just an accidental leak, Bill Gates holding Event 201 in October 2019 which laid out the whole pandemic and global response would just have to be a massive coincidence don’t you think?
Me think that Trump’s Operation Warp speed caused them to do things faster then what was planned. History will tell I will wait.
I agree. He relied on the government funded medical agencies. No one knew how corrupted Fauci et al were back then. No one new Fauci’s ties to the production of the virus either.
But here's the thing. The injections were never tested before they were rolled out. The testing on animals for other corona viruses (SARS?) had been disastrous. They *needed* an Op Warp Speed because they didn't want to put this engineered virus through rigorous testing--that would have given the whole game away . So maybe the whole plan all along was to gin up a pandemic hysteria to get the injections into most of the population.
Brilliant comment!
Breath mint and floor wax. 🥂
As a bioweapon, engineered COVID was something of a dud, since the most susceptible were the elderly or people with various morbidities or compromised immune systems, and not healthy people of military age.
The death occurred mostly from harmful hospital protocols established by government $$$$ incentives. And hospitals kept double downing on them despite the overwhelming results.
so do you think the intent of Covid was to address / compromise healthy military age people and not elderly, mature, sophisticated, informed, and educated voters?
In a very recent video Dowd maintains that we're approaching the point at which public consciousness of injection harm leads to insurrection. Something like that.
Interesting article from Unacceptable Jessica: https://jessicar.substack.com/cp/137028467
Japanese investigators studying Omicron strains... "for all but one mutation in the omicron sub-variant BA1, a strain exists in which that mutation - alone - is absent"
In other words, we seem to be participants in a living, population-wide experiment.
As you say, the purpose is not entirely clear, but probably only because we assume the purpose of a bio-weapon is to kill lots of people. But the way COVID worked out wasn't so much about mass death - they had to massively inflate the death stats - but more like people-herding.
I do think there was a get-Trump angle in the timing. Though what you lay out in regard to a Hillary scenario is plausible, I think she could have accomplished much of their agenda without needing to resort to the weapon.
It's all about control and submissiveness.
Right. We need to think a bit outside the original box. It's there, but it's bigger than that.
Yes birthrates are, apparently, crashing in the West, no injection required. Just mess with people's minds, and get them to fear their own carbon footprint. But future injections, or self-spreading vaccines, can be used to reduce fertility without consent.
"There was simply too much coercion and too much coordination."
So do you see George Soros and Klaus Schwab and Tony Fauci and Bill Gates and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden...and Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzock and Lisa Page...and Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele and Nellie Ohr and Marc Elias...and Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and Andrew Weissmann and Bob Mueller and Alexander Vindman and Eric Ciaramella...and John Brennan and James Clapper...and god knows how many others...all secretly conspiring to kill and/or subjugate the people and destroy the people's only great hope, Donald Trump?
I may sound a tad snarky but I'm asking a serious question...
As Donald Trump has said: "In the end, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way."
Never let a good crisis go to waste... "Rahm father".
Nobody needs to live more than 75 years ~ Rahm's brother.
So you think the Globalists would really actually try to kill us and subjugate us to achieve their political goals?
How far-fetched is that?!?
When I ponder multiple genocides in the last century or so perpetrated by Nazi (Germany), Pol Pot (Cambodia) or Armenia (Turkey), the group think & censorship that occurs...
They are not trying to kill us and subjugate us per se. They want to thin the herd and improve its genetics. We're livestock, and the earth is our CAFO, and some animals are more equal than others.
Did anybody else here notice that during his video interview with Tucker Carlson, a gay man named Larry Sinclair not only claimed to have had a physical encounter with Barack Obama, but that another gay man named Donald Young who Sinclair alleged had also had a relationship with Obama was mysteriously killed on Christmas Day 2007. The killer has never been identified. Sinclair suggested that Young died because the disclosure of his relationship would have harmed Obama's electoral chances.
How far-fetched is that?!?
That's crazier than the idea that Vince Foster didn't kill himself!
More than just "political goals".
Never forget that high level people in our very own government, theoretically acting at the behest of the American public in our name, attempted to kill some of us and succeeded at killing others. What that says about the state of our supposed representative form of government is astounding to me. The whole episode really transformed my understanding of the relationship between we the people and our government. We’re on our own to navigate the best we can this brave new world.
Our government, as a channel for the global elites, has all but declared war on its citizens. Covid and the clot shots are the latest attack on us. Our enemy is hiding in plain sight. It grieves me to say this, and I’m open to other explanations, but I don’t see any. Denial will not make this go away.
I have always thought it more than strange that Zhou has never ordered a commission, nor Congress an investigation (formal public hearings) into the origin of the SARS-Covid virus…Zhou was mute, and yet he and Xi must know very well what happened…or, as Captain von Trapp replied to Her Zeller, “we both must be suffering from a deplorable lack of curiosity.”
Yes, we are on our own. We can’t afford to give anyone—including Trump—a free pass. So maybe its a good thing that future elections will be 'fortified,' and we don't have to take responsibiity for what the government does. As things stand, with the border and the economy the way they are, we won't be mush of a country in 2024. Survive in spite of the government.
This Coof business is reminiscent of the vampire who will not be vanquished; the garlic bulbs aren't sufficient, so perhaps the silver dagger or cross will have to suffice. In the early days (Feb 2020) of this hot mess, some wags on ZH were fond of "It's the flu, bro." They may have been right. I talked to a lot of people in my orbit and asked if anyone they knew had this new disease. The result: Nobody.
I had to go to a hospital for a knee job in September 2020...and the place (a large hospital) was empty.
By the same token, I know of no one in my circle who were jabbed and who suffered for it.
Psyops on both sides? Idk. We live in strange times.
If you remember, the jab was a two parter. The set up in my area was at a mall in a defunct store. Hubby and I got funneled into a room with at least a thousand seated chair by chair. That was the first hmmmm??? Second time back for the timed booster, the place was empty. Huh? Started listening to free press to censored doctors with protocols that worked they declared plus a remarkable doc from the UK. When Biden and MSM started pushing multiple boosters - something did not compute. But I know communism and the Big Lie...It was just hard to accept at first and I do emphasize at first...then discovered the new version of communism called the Great Reset. Trump interrupted the HRC led Great Reset plan to replace the Constitution. He had to go.
Not what was presented by the propogandistas, dba MSM, in 2020/2021.
Everything's in short supply except FEARPORN: Hospital rooms, respirators, drugs, masks.
No solutions until the "vaccine" was presented as the savior of the human species, supplied by our savior, the government.
From the start, the ACTUAL death rate was similar to annual influenza - coincidence?
As a numbers kinda nerd, I looked up the CDC numbers (in early 2020) for the previous three years: Flu deaths per 100K in the US were 20; only 10 in FL where I live [Sunshine = vitamin D]. Oddly, the CDC's flu death numbers afterwards went missing. A healthy skepticism and critical thinking has kept me alive. That, and God looks out for drunks and yacht brokers.
OK, now in total fairness to RFK Jr ... you need to follow the link and listen to the video for the full effect:
The Vigilant Fox
CENSORED RFK JR CLIP: Big Pharma Profits Not From Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries
"They're making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines," declared @RobertKennedyJr
"This is a really great business plan for these [pharmaceutical] companies. You make people sick, and then you sell them the lifetime cure."
This interview, which aired on September 17, 2020, was removed by YouTube.
Hepatitis B Vaccination | CDC
Mar 30, 2022The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all infants, ...
Why - Big Pharma is a major campaign, sponsor, hires lots of top former gov employees, and advertiser with huge influence.
”Congress had little interest, no demands, no investigations,
Nice little pipeline they have.
... and LSD and STDs.