Earlier this week I received an email that I’ll be reproducing, below. The writer reminded me that, with all the talk of the mRNA injections and the dangers associated with them, we still need to keep Covid origins in mind. I believe the writer is a relatively new reader—he seemed to think that I haven’t paid attention to Covid origins. Long time readers will recall that from the get go we were all over that issue. My view back then—at the start—was that this virus was a lab product, bio-engineered based on the earlier Covid virus. I was open at the time to the idea that this was a bioweapon on the loose, and that the US Deep State was, well, deeply involved in its development—we were all over those stories. In fact, I’m still open to all those ideas, but I now realize that the issue is more complicated than previously imagined. Covid may, indeed, be a bioweapon, but we need to refine our idea of the type of weapon it represents, our idea of its purpose, etc. Not every bioweapon needs to be the bio equivalent of a nuke. The fact is that Fauci was for decades totally plugged into Deep State bio-engineering of diseases that we have to presume were intended for the development of bioweapons of one sort or another. How far it was all intended to go is still an open question, but a very scary one. It’s not over, by a long shot, and only a few courageous people are demanding answers.
For all these reasons we can’t afford to give anyone—including Trump—a free pass. On the other hand, while RFK Jr. has been good on the Covid issue, we can’t afford the rest of his agenda. Everything is complicated. As for the issue of Injection v. Virus, my view is that the evidence is clear: the two go together. The virus and the mRNA injections were a package deal, always intended as part of the same overall plan. Many of the aspects of the Covid “outbreak” that my correspondent raises can also be seen as prep for Operation Warp Speed—ginned up mass hysteria to prepare for mass injection of the world population. The virus was a necessary prelude to the main event, but it also fed into the political control aspects independently of the injections.
So, that said, here’s the email, in major part:
I suspect the covid vax controversy is a distraction from covid itself. My case is primarily circumstantial.
- US developed covid (Baric, et al) and shipped it over to China with Eco Health Alliance funding when, it seems, Obama didnt want his legacy tainted by it. Funding was NIAH and DOD sourced, with the usual shady subjects involved.
- Just prior to the outbreak, Event 201 simulated the release and exercised censorship controls.
- Massive media hype, baloney pandemic simulations, over-testing using non-scientific PCR test standards, rigged hospitalizations, and highly exaggerated deaths, shocked and frightened the world no different than War of Worlds in days gone by.
- As planned, dissenting views were suppressed and censored. I think there were other disinfo ops used to discredit skeptics also... eg magnetic arms, graphene, self-assembling graphene spiders... Stu Peters spread a lot of this crap.
- It quickly became obvious that the aged were the vast majority of the victims, and yet the terrorized young were easily convinced they were at high risk too.
I believe this was part of the plan. However, even so, the vast majority of deaths were of people with serious co-morbidities. In other words, the virus wasn’t nearly as deadly as government disseminated propaganda would have had us believe. Withholding effective treatment became a key component of the “pandemic.” Many even of those with serious co-morbidities would have survived with basic treatment.
- The statistics were utterly hashed. Deaths from ARDS werent counted, though the primary way elderly died. Deaths before/after administration of remdesavir were not counted. Nobody died at home or in the streets.
- The elderly were separated from their families, and the hospitalized were cruelly isolated. This made treatment intervention on behalf of elders far more difficult if not impossible.
- Governors, who have still not justified their actions, forced covid infected into elder care facilities, almost ensuring spread to the entire facility.
- The so-called standard of care" was zero treatment, with all potentially useful therapeutics banned and the ban enforced, for the first time in history, by pharmacies.
- Hospitals were *required* to administer deadly remdesavir and hospitals richly compensated for failure at every stage, but especially for death.
- The entire response was oddly uniform across the globe. How does that happen? Every stinking public healther official except Sweden really thinks the same or defers to Fauci? Come on.
Also the populous state Uttar Pradesh in India.
- Afterwards, Congress had little interest, no demands, no investigations, just silence. Contrast with 9/11.
The dog that barked! Woops …
- WEF openly promoted it as the Great Reset. They were drooling for an economic collapse and mass death.
The vax and the mask controversies were both ridiculous and a-scientific and served to deflect attention from the reality that this thing has all the hallmarks of being a deliberate attack on the elderly and the economy to advance the globalist cause.
One suspects that the trigger on the "project" was pulled before the virus was perfected, probably because of Trump. The timing of it as a get trump op was perfect and meshed perfectly with Marc Elias efforts to liberalize voting procedures.
It’s an interesting theory, but I can see counter arguments. If Hillary had won in 2016 would there have been a “pandemic”, basically timed as it actually transpired? I can see that, too. It was always going to be necessary to advance the globalist agenda. As it worked out, it was used to help take down Trump, in part, but it could also have been used to present Hillary and the Progs as saviors—as we see from the St. Tony narrative.
Maybe Im just seeing dragons in the clouds, but there's just waaay too much coincidence in all the above to think it was all just a big public health policy screwup.
If their intent was to murder a bunch of us, which I think it was, we should at least be calling them murderers and forcing them to defend themselves.
There was never a bigger need for a real truth commission.
We simply can’t afford to ignore these issues, because there has never been an accounting. Who is to say that there won’t be a next time? A more deadly next time?
OK, now in total fairness to RFK Jr ... you need to follow the link and listen to the video for the full effect:
The Vigilant Fox
CENSORED RFK JR CLIP: Big Pharma Profits Not From Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries
"They're making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines," declared @RobertKennedyJr
"This is a really great business plan for these [pharmaceutical] companies. You make people sick, and then you sell them the lifetime cure."
This interview, which aired on September 17, 2020, was removed by YouTube.
Hepatitis B Vaccination | CDC
Mar 30, 2022The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all infants, ...
Never forget that high level people in our very own government, theoretically acting at the behest of the American public in our name, attempted to kill some of us and succeeded at killing others. What that says about the state of our supposed representative form of government is astounding to me. The whole episode really transformed my understanding of the relationship between we the people and our government. We’re on our own to navigate the best we can this brave new world.