This is pretty damning about the vaxxes. Yet still ordinary life goes on and the sheep live as usual. I wonder when they are going to turn on their masters?
Emily Burns has what I nominate for the best essay of October on her Substack as a response to Oster. Nobody else seems to have linked to it here. Simply excellent:
At a family gathering not long ago, celebrating the life of our recently passed mother (yes, not Covid but all the signs of the jab side effects, I’ve bit my tongue because I was against her getting it) we were discussing estate planning and moms wishes. My college age nephew, bless his heart, said, “since me and “uncles” family are the only ones not jabbed, do the rest of you want anything specific done with your money should the vaxx take you out prematurely?” Ah what irrelevant young minds can get away with, bless his heart.
It is impossible to just “move on.” The world has changed forever because of the release of the man made virus. Even if one wanted to just forget the whole thing, the current state of the world has been changed forever. The world will now be stuck living, or dying, with the consequences of this reckless act for quite some time, if not forever.
Forgiveness isn't just doled out like free samples at the supermarket counter. It comes at the end of a long process. First, the guilty party has to admit their guilt. Then they must be judged and punished. Finally, they must make genuine atonement. Then they can apply for forgiveness. I may forgive these Nazis after they have completed their life sentences and/or been hanged. Not before then. P.s. where's that scumbag Fauci hiding these days?
Emily...0kay Booster. Maybe we can talk about it after you, your kids, your husband and your nanny all get boosted to high heaven. I wanna see you masked up nice and snug,too. And 12 feet of separation.
This is pretty damning about the vaxxes. Yet still ordinary life goes on and the sheep live as usual. I wonder when they are going to turn on their masters? a frightening, well researched article about the risk for vaxxed women to get cancer
Covid Censorship was/is worse than I thought it was:
Emily Burns has what I nominate for the best essay of October on her Substack as a response to Oster. Nobody else seems to have linked to it here. Simply excellent:
At a family gathering not long ago, celebrating the life of our recently passed mother (yes, not Covid but all the signs of the jab side effects, I’ve bit my tongue because I was against her getting it) we were discussing estate planning and moms wishes. My college age nephew, bless his heart, said, “since me and “uncles” family are the only ones not jabbed, do the rest of you want anything specific done with your money should the vaxx take you out prematurely?” Ah what irrelevant young minds can get away with, bless his heart.
Auto correct got me, my nephew is irreverent from from irrelevant
It is impossible to just “move on.” The world has changed forever because of the release of the man made virus. Even if one wanted to just forget the whole thing, the current state of the world has been changed forever. The world will now be stuck living, or dying, with the consequences of this reckless act for quite some time, if not forever.
I think we should move on - to the Nuremberg style trials.
Forgiveness isn't just doled out like free samples at the supermarket counter. It comes at the end of a long process. First, the guilty party has to admit their guilt. Then they must be judged and punished. Finally, they must make genuine atonement. Then they can apply for forgiveness. I may forgive these Nazis after they have completed their life sentences and/or been hanged. Not before then. P.s. where's that scumbag Fauci hiding these days?
To Emily:
I am of the same frame of mind as KD on this subject:
BTW Denninger's work steered me away from any thoughts of allowing myself to be injected with any of the mislabled, so called, alleged vaccines.
The Covid bs is still ongoing…
A bit early to be talking of an amnesty.
I'm not even willing to consider amnesty then. These fascists can rot in hell.
Emily...0kay Booster. Maybe we can talk about it after you, your kids, your husband and your nanny all get boosted to high heaven. I wanna see you masked up nice and snug,too. And 12 feet of separation.
You are onto something. Okay, Booster.
Use it! Tell all your friends. Potent message. Mock the hard core Covidians and humor the deceived that can be reached.
My visceral reaction is that cop needed to be kicked in the teeth. Nazi cop!
that video enrages me. Screw the woman who wrote that piece.
Surviving, did you know that you can go back and edit a posted comment? Just click on the ... on the right and select EDIT.
My mistake!! I thought you wanted to change "apology" to "ATONEMENT". I realize now that was not your intent. Mea culpa.