JW - agree not to abandon God, but is abandoning the Church the same? did Jesus abandon his faith when he opposed the priests of His day? asking honestly - He was a consistent and proactive thorn in their side to the point of death, it was indeed His very choice and determined outcome to do so in order to fulfill God's plan and Jesus' own destiny; why isn't it the same for us, to oppose in the same manner the Church's failure, hypocrisy and corruption? shouldn't you and I do more to alert the fellow Catholics who may be blinded by the Church (or like the seed spread out, are among the many side tracked by life or not formed in the Word of God to start seeking out the answers to the early whispers of their conscience) - what is the venue for us to challenge directly the bishops/priests, to demand answers to the failures recently outed (the backing of the covid fraud, the smuggling of immigrants (and taking of millions to do it), and the USAID/coop w the CIA state-craft here and abroad) - don't we have the right to know about these decisions and to have a public accounting, why are we (the few who were victims under their very schemes) left to the corners of the church and to whisper our protests?
Hello Brevette, the perspective I gave is my opinion of USAID motivations for giving monies for cause, such as your reference to the Bangaladeshi transgender dance performances. The CIA mission is, originally, the external intelligence gathering outfit; and USAID is the public "social" arm of CIA spy activities. Both the IRI and the Democratic Party's institute (I forgot the title) together form the National Endowment for Democracy---itself a juggernaut NGO receiving big dollars on a continuum from USAID. Therefore, the fact that via inter-locking channels (Gov't. agencies, NGOs, gov't. contractors), the CIA manipulates segments of populations to become "agitated with anger" about political issues in their individual countries, so that CIA spies can corral the dissidents to do something specific, that will attain a specific outcome on behalf of the CIA's "designated issue". By definition, fringe personal identities, fringe viewpoints, fringe beliefs are anti-establishment/counter cultural subsets of the majority of people's perspective in any given society.
Excellent reportage Mark..*is it possible that there is far worse big brother government poorly hidden spending programs as often and again mentioned on bitchute..odyssey..rumble. ?... Is this just the very begining of revelations reproving the fact that this current government..so horridly worsening for. 80 years in fallen scorched earth collapsing america..is simply massive bait and switch divide and conquer total wef-blackrock. servicing..total Zionist fraudsterism?
Good Day to Everyone! Perfect tone of sarcasm in the analytical part on Catholic Corporate Global, Inc. I've been calling out my religion's Church on this sinful catastrophe for years, only without the better terms that are politically accurate and reality based truth that are being used in reporting, nowadays. The priest who gave this morning's sermon at a Parish (not my own, and definitely not a Latin Liturgy Holy Mass) addressed the need of his Parish to open their wallets and support the Catholic Relief Services' mission, which the new Government Administration has ceased to fund. The whole sermon was about the monies needed to do the work-----without any irony for twisted meaning as to whose benefit + what kind of work exactly....And it's not for me to judge; God will.
On a very positive note, the new Mike Benz "explanation/definition of What Is A Knot, aka "all things U.S. Government", interview by Tucker Carlson, is satisfying in substance. And truth. It has been helpful for me to remember that USAID actually means United States Agency for International Development---and nothing about it ever was charitable. Really, Machiavellian opposite.
Controlling, manipulative and thoroughly amoral people do things ordinary people would not expect. When hard right wingers fund and promote LGBTQ related art and political associations, they have their own "unique" reasons, social justice is not among them.
Exactly, US Gov't. spending billions not for faith in new ways of living pretense, but actually because the Intelligence Communityf (USAID is the public face of CIA program objectives)
has research supporting the type of persons who can be easily manipulated to carry out CIA actions that bring about CIA objectives. The type of person is weak, narcissistic, delusional, impressionable, amoral, anti-establishment....Mike Benz explains why USAID funds wokeness
True. Unfortunately this also says something in general about people who are drawn to politics. Not always, but too often. This is the world we live in, this is imperfect human nature. Constant vigilance.
Catholic churches in my city have been busy the last couple of years driving up rental rates by hundreds of dollars a month, blatantly advertising how much more over market they will pay for each size of apartment (which also mostly seem too small to be legal housing for the large families that I have seen), to house illegal immigrants in the only housing that low income citizens can afford.
They are advertising to landlords, which means rentals might not even be advertised on the open market, taking away from citizens even the chance of competing for housing.
Their activities also undoubtedly undermined the very weak rental condition protections that this city has: illegal immigrants have no hope of understanding what the law says housing conditions are supposed to be, while landlords in this area already make a game out of not performing even the basic upkeep or nonabusive management that the law requires on paper, and evicting tenants who complain.
Throughout the years, I have never heard of one instance of these churches providing housing to the underclass that lives here legally, and certainly not as a widespread practice as they have been doing for these "new neighbors". As far as I'm concerned, they should be left hanging for their reimbursements. They have made life more difficult and tenuous for the people who live here, with their activities displacing life long residents in collaboration with corrupt landlords, all in pursuit of their grift.
Thank you for the kind words. I think that it's through specific examples that the general practice is illuminated. This isn't just theory to be debated in the abstract. And something I learned a while back is that specific harms must sometimes be shown, to establish standing. It's also the policies of the state that allow or even encourage these harms: my state now forbids checking legal status for housing, which can only encourage racial profiling by landlords. I guess that's a bit in the direction of theorizing, but it's easily assessed: we just have to wait for the harms to accumulate, which is no way to run society.
Please continue to name the harms to your community compatriots and to those authorities who have responsibility to ensure lawful behavior by all parties. Your mention of one harmful effect upon the lawful citizenry of the city is that the Catholic Church provoked + provided "relief services" do not teach unlawful migrant recipients to obey the laws of our country---not on a municipal, county, state, or national level. So all of these newcomers learn from the "social equity providers" is that everything is free that they need in order to stay alive comfortably. Other people take care of them, better than their own families have done. Where does the dependency upon state welfare originate??? And why do the landlords who make deals with the Catholic Church, to cut off the rightful citizenry from having leasing opportunities on their properties, then, slough off on the maintenance and proper management enforcement of the residential rules of their properties. That consequence devalues all of the surrounding properties in a given community.
You put your finger on multiple parts of the problem.
The city I'm in only vaguely honors the rule of law. The code here is an older, more primitive code. Capos, Clintons, and stuff like that.
There are tenant associations but it's already very hard to get the full effect of the law enforced. One has to be very literate to figure out how to do it, for one thing. There is a disjointed system of volunteer or passionate attorneys who can't do much, a court that is extremely corrupt (it only enforces half the law, you have to have two court cases to get the full law enforced).
In general, people here assume that things are negotiated away, or negotiated into their pockets, depending on who they are, before one even begins. I have checked this with people who were born here. There are top dogs and underdogs here, and it may be hereditary but in any case the spoils go to the biggest bullies. It's certainly treated as though it's a permanent feature, by the people who are in either position. This is part of the weakness in the American character which allows those in power to do what they do. It is in stark contrast to the mindset on the west coast, as I guess America's getting a taste of ("break things fast"). But beyond that, the workday is a lot longer on the west coast and rule of law is ... well, if it's broken, it's not in the same way.
As for the Catholic church, yes they're absolutely teaching these recipients to be permanently dependent, and/or permanently grateful.
I wonder if these immigrants are also Catholic, and so it's a power play to bring in literal church members, if you see what I mean. What would you think about that?
Letter Writer, you have surpassed my comprehension level; I don't know what "Capos" are; I don't know what you mean by "...contrast to the mindset on the west coast...break things fast". Nor do I grasp the innuendo about west coast work days. As for the Church collecting existing believers of Catholic teaching to fill the pews and coffers of America's Parishes---well, that's the entire point of Mark's article---opening analysis on the new Administration's questioning of the meaning of Catholic Charity in the business mode.
I have a personal note to add. Wikipedia says USAID was established in November of 1961. I came to the US from Cuba in 1962 as part of Operation Pedro Pan. I was placed with a foster family in New Jersey, that became my "forever" family (I know, sounds like pet adoptions) because my father was never able to leave Cuba. My mother had passed away in 1958. I had to wait until I was 18 to become an American citizen because I was only 8 years old in 1962. I went through high school, college, and grad school in the states and worked, mostly in the tech sector, until retiring recently.
Anyway, I mention this because I'm wondering if Catholic Charities received any USAID funding that early on. There seems to be a pretty stark difference between that program and the current ones. I quote from the Institute for Immigration Studies at Barry University https://instituteforimmigrationstudies.org/pedro-pan:
"Operation Pedro Pan was the largest recorded exodus of unaccompanied minors in the Western Hemisphere. Between December 1960 and October 1962, some 14,000 unaccompanied Cuban minors entered the United States as refugees under the sponsoring of the Catholic Welfare Bureau of the Diocese of Miami, Florida. Monsignor Bryan O. Walsh developed and headed the Cuban Children’s Program in December 1960, which provided foster care to almost 7,000 Cuban minors. The program continued until the early 1980s."
Although Operation Pedro Pan and Cuban Children’s Program developed at the same time, distinctions can be made about the two programs. Operation Pedro Pan was developed to help Cuban parents send their children unaccompanied to the United States to avoid Communist indoctrination. And the Cuban Children’s Program was inaugurated to provide foster care for Cuban refugee children who found themselves in the United States without the care and protection of their parents. The former terminated when the Cuban Missile Crisis halted commercial flights between Cuba and the United States in October of 1962."
Do you think that the President or his team know about Mary McCord's network leading role among DOJ, Congressional Committees, FBI, and Biden's White House Team operators?
And what if it's found that those invoices are for services that are . . . ILLEGAL? Do you think accounts payble is going to be jumping to take care of you?
rendition is more comprehensive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_hegemony. I recall Gramsci being a meme during the Clinton/Obama years, and before that reading that Grover Norquist had a poster of Lenin on his wall, all of which stupified me at the time, as if unearthed anew by that improbable storefront in Arcata, CA., the domestic face of a longstanding hybrid warfare.
I am a devout Roman Catholic, but the Christian churches, other religious groups, and progressive left have repeatedly broken our laws regarding immigration. Like any other US citizen or organization breaking our laws; the USCCB, Christian churches, and their NGO minions warrant legal action. These self-righteous Christians and NGOs must stop professing their "holy than thou" concern for the poor, yet simultaneously disguise their progressive political bias overlooking missing illegal immigrant children, sex trafficking and fentanyl deaths. Their actions are the height of hypocrisy that loudly speaks for prosecution.
Yes, I agree with you 100%; the Catholic Church is grievously wrong because it seeks to deceive, and adeptly practices manipulation of the conscience of the person, by false preaching of The Lord's Word throughout both Old and New Testaments. Jesus Christ was not ever revolutionary; but I believe that Corporate Catholic Global, Inc. is actively promoting revolution in U.S. society by advocating the embrace of alien migrants to reside in this country and participate in its governance as non-citizen voters. On a fundamental level, I believe that modernizing the language of Catholic Liturgy, Church writings, dumbed don versions of the Holy Bible, and the substance of priestly sermons is an abomination of the truth of things. I read Douay Rheims version of the Bible, and that version is used in my Latin Missal. There is a monumental depth of substance that leads to understanding to be had in the old, grammatically rich writings.
St Jude is an awful organization. They experiment on vulnerable children. Also, they lie about paying for everything. Only one parent can stay over night. The other parent has to stay in the parking lot. I used to donate to them yearly. Made me feel good helping the kids.
Then I found out the real story.
So, go figure they are using these poor children right out in the open. People need to wake up.
The Dems lobby in front of USAID, Dept of Education, and other institutions made as all heck at Musk when instead they should be mad about the wasted dollars.
This USAID stuff could be depressing - until you realise that they failed utterly and completely. Trump got back in, the colour revolutions failed and people around the world are turning against Woke.
For some, albeit slight, light relief, here is footage from the USAID funded Irish DEI Musical:
JW - agree not to abandon God, but is abandoning the Church the same? did Jesus abandon his faith when he opposed the priests of His day? asking honestly - He was a consistent and proactive thorn in their side to the point of death, it was indeed His very choice and determined outcome to do so in order to fulfill God's plan and Jesus' own destiny; why isn't it the same for us, to oppose in the same manner the Church's failure, hypocrisy and corruption? shouldn't you and I do more to alert the fellow Catholics who may be blinded by the Church (or like the seed spread out, are among the many side tracked by life or not formed in the Word of God to start seeking out the answers to the early whispers of their conscience) - what is the venue for us to challenge directly the bishops/priests, to demand answers to the failures recently outed (the backing of the covid fraud, the smuggling of immigrants (and taking of millions to do it), and the USAID/coop w the CIA state-craft here and abroad) - don't we have the right to know about these decisions and to have a public accounting, why are we (the few who were victims under their very schemes) left to the corners of the church and to whisper our protests?
Hello Brevette, the perspective I gave is my opinion of USAID motivations for giving monies for cause, such as your reference to the Bangaladeshi transgender dance performances. The CIA mission is, originally, the external intelligence gathering outfit; and USAID is the public "social" arm of CIA spy activities. Both the IRI and the Democratic Party's institute (I forgot the title) together form the National Endowment for Democracy---itself a juggernaut NGO receiving big dollars on a continuum from USAID. Therefore, the fact that via inter-locking channels (Gov't. agencies, NGOs, gov't. contractors), the CIA manipulates segments of populations to become "agitated with anger" about political issues in their individual countries, so that CIA spies can corral the dissidents to do something specific, that will attain a specific outcome on behalf of the CIA's "designated issue". By definition, fringe personal identities, fringe viewpoints, fringe beliefs are anti-establishment/counter cultural subsets of the majority of people's perspective in any given society.
Excellent reportage Mark..*is it possible that there is far worse big brother government poorly hidden spending programs as often and again mentioned on bitchute..odyssey..rumble. ?... Is this just the very begining of revelations reproving the fact that this current government..so horridly worsening for. 80 years in fallen scorched earth collapsing america..is simply massive bait and switch divide and conquer total wef-blackrock. servicing..total Zionist fraudsterism?
Long answer: Yes.
Good Day to Everyone! Perfect tone of sarcasm in the analytical part on Catholic Corporate Global, Inc. I've been calling out my religion's Church on this sinful catastrophe for years, only without the better terms that are politically accurate and reality based truth that are being used in reporting, nowadays. The priest who gave this morning's sermon at a Parish (not my own, and definitely not a Latin Liturgy Holy Mass) addressed the need of his Parish to open their wallets and support the Catholic Relief Services' mission, which the new Government Administration has ceased to fund. The whole sermon was about the monies needed to do the work-----without any irony for twisted meaning as to whose benefit + what kind of work exactly....And it's not for me to judge; God will.
On a very positive note, the new Mike Benz "explanation/definition of What Is A Knot, aka "all things U.S. Government", interview by Tucker Carlson, is satisfying in substance. And truth. It has been helpful for me to remember that USAID actually means United States Agency for International Development---and nothing about it ever was charitable. Really, Machiavellian opposite.
The Catholic Church is hardly the starving peasant it makes itself out to be.
I know I know---your out loud observation made me laugh this afternoon. Thank you!
Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal
Samantha Power, Biden’s ex-USAID chief, saw her wealth explode while earning just $180K per year.
Where did the extra $23.3M come from? And all of this in just 3 years! USAID oversees billions in global funding—was she cashing in?
The public deserves answers. Follow the money.
If I were one of those assholes, I'd want bullets and fertilizer to be impossible to get, too.
Controlling, manipulative and thoroughly amoral people do things ordinary people would not expect. When hard right wingers fund and promote LGBTQ related art and political associations, they have their own "unique" reasons, social justice is not among them.
Exactly, US Gov't. spending billions not for faith in new ways of living pretense, but actually because the Intelligence Communityf (USAID is the public face of CIA program objectives)
has research supporting the type of persons who can be easily manipulated to carry out CIA actions that bring about CIA objectives. The type of person is weak, narcissistic, delusional, impressionable, amoral, anti-establishment....Mike Benz explains why USAID funds wokeness
@Joanne C. Wasserman
Well, dang. I am most of those things, where is my CIA grant?!
BTW, could you explain your handle, specifically the "brevette"?
It is a character name from an obscure science fiction story.
Brevette: alternate (mis?)spelling of "brevet", see US Army usage.
True. Unfortunately this also says something in general about people who are drawn to politics. Not always, but too often. This is the world we live in, this is imperfect human nature. Constant vigilance.
Memes are fashionable cliches. Cliches are popular because they are true. Here is some patter about the cliche, "all pols are psychos'
Catholic churches in my city have been busy the last couple of years driving up rental rates by hundreds of dollars a month, blatantly advertising how much more over market they will pay for each size of apartment (which also mostly seem too small to be legal housing for the large families that I have seen), to house illegal immigrants in the only housing that low income citizens can afford.
They are advertising to landlords, which means rentals might not even be advertised on the open market, taking away from citizens even the chance of competing for housing.
Their activities also undoubtedly undermined the very weak rental condition protections that this city has: illegal immigrants have no hope of understanding what the law says housing conditions are supposed to be, while landlords in this area already make a game out of not performing even the basic upkeep or nonabusive management that the law requires on paper, and evicting tenants who complain.
Throughout the years, I have never heard of one instance of these churches providing housing to the underclass that lives here legally, and certainly not as a widespread practice as they have been doing for these "new neighbors". As far as I'm concerned, they should be left hanging for their reimbursements. They have made life more difficult and tenuous for the people who live here, with their activities displacing life long residents in collaboration with corrupt landlords, all in pursuit of their grift.
Thank you for writing so very thoughtful and particular an example of sinful and illegal U.S. Catholic Church behavior.
Thank you for the kind words. I think that it's through specific examples that the general practice is illuminated. This isn't just theory to be debated in the abstract. And something I learned a while back is that specific harms must sometimes be shown, to establish standing. It's also the policies of the state that allow or even encourage these harms: my state now forbids checking legal status for housing, which can only encourage racial profiling by landlords. I guess that's a bit in the direction of theorizing, but it's easily assessed: we just have to wait for the harms to accumulate, which is no way to run society.
Please continue to name the harms to your community compatriots and to those authorities who have responsibility to ensure lawful behavior by all parties. Your mention of one harmful effect upon the lawful citizenry of the city is that the Catholic Church provoked + provided "relief services" do not teach unlawful migrant recipients to obey the laws of our country---not on a municipal, county, state, or national level. So all of these newcomers learn from the "social equity providers" is that everything is free that they need in order to stay alive comfortably. Other people take care of them, better than their own families have done. Where does the dependency upon state welfare originate??? And why do the landlords who make deals with the Catholic Church, to cut off the rightful citizenry from having leasing opportunities on their properties, then, slough off on the maintenance and proper management enforcement of the residential rules of their properties. That consequence devalues all of the surrounding properties in a given community.
You put your finger on multiple parts of the problem.
The city I'm in only vaguely honors the rule of law. The code here is an older, more primitive code. Capos, Clintons, and stuff like that.
There are tenant associations but it's already very hard to get the full effect of the law enforced. One has to be very literate to figure out how to do it, for one thing. There is a disjointed system of volunteer or passionate attorneys who can't do much, a court that is extremely corrupt (it only enforces half the law, you have to have two court cases to get the full law enforced).
In general, people here assume that things are negotiated away, or negotiated into their pockets, depending on who they are, before one even begins. I have checked this with people who were born here. There are top dogs and underdogs here, and it may be hereditary but in any case the spoils go to the biggest bullies. It's certainly treated as though it's a permanent feature, by the people who are in either position. This is part of the weakness in the American character which allows those in power to do what they do. It is in stark contrast to the mindset on the west coast, as I guess America's getting a taste of ("break things fast"). But beyond that, the workday is a lot longer on the west coast and rule of law is ... well, if it's broken, it's not in the same way.
As for the Catholic church, yes they're absolutely teaching these recipients to be permanently dependent, and/or permanently grateful.
I wonder if these immigrants are also Catholic, and so it's a power play to bring in literal church members, if you see what I mean. What would you think about that?
Letter Writer, you have surpassed my comprehension level; I don't know what "Capos" are; I don't know what you mean by "...contrast to the mindset on the west coast...break things fast". Nor do I grasp the innuendo about west coast work days. As for the Church collecting existing believers of Catholic teaching to fill the pews and coffers of America's Parishes---well, that's the entire point of Mark's article---opening analysis on the new Administration's questioning of the meaning of Catholic Charity in the business mode.
I have a personal note to add. Wikipedia says USAID was established in November of 1961. I came to the US from Cuba in 1962 as part of Operation Pedro Pan. I was placed with a foster family in New Jersey, that became my "forever" family (I know, sounds like pet adoptions) because my father was never able to leave Cuba. My mother had passed away in 1958. I had to wait until I was 18 to become an American citizen because I was only 8 years old in 1962. I went through high school, college, and grad school in the states and worked, mostly in the tech sector, until retiring recently.
Anyway, I mention this because I'm wondering if Catholic Charities received any USAID funding that early on. There seems to be a pretty stark difference between that program and the current ones. I quote from the Institute for Immigration Studies at Barry University https://instituteforimmigrationstudies.org/pedro-pan:
"Operation Pedro Pan was the largest recorded exodus of unaccompanied minors in the Western Hemisphere. Between December 1960 and October 1962, some 14,000 unaccompanied Cuban minors entered the United States as refugees under the sponsoring of the Catholic Welfare Bureau of the Diocese of Miami, Florida. Monsignor Bryan O. Walsh developed and headed the Cuban Children’s Program in December 1960, which provided foster care to almost 7,000 Cuban minors. The program continued until the early 1980s."
Although Operation Pedro Pan and Cuban Children’s Program developed at the same time, distinctions can be made about the two programs. Operation Pedro Pan was developed to help Cuban parents send their children unaccompanied to the United States to avoid Communist indoctrination. And the Cuban Children’s Program was inaugurated to provide foster care for Cuban refugee children who found themselves in the United States without the care and protection of their parents. The former terminated when the Cuban Missile Crisis halted commercial flights between Cuba and the United States in October of 1962."
Compare this with the modern version of the unaccompanied minors program, https://www.catholiccharitiesaz.org/phoenix/unaccompanied-minor-program. How did these kids get here? Curious if any substackers have any information on this.
Trump stripping the security clearances of numerous antagonists
Letitia James
Alvin Bragg
Anthony Blinken
Jake Sullivan
Lisa Monaco
Andrew Weissman
Mark Zaid
Norm Eisen
This could have a significant impact on the lawyers on the list--at least 6 of the 8--because they wouldn't be able to enter federal buildings.
Do you think that the President or his team know about Mary McCord's network leading role among DOJ, Congressional Committees, FBI, and Biden's White House Team operators?
Yes. Beyond doubt.
And what if it's found that those invoices are for services that are . . . ILLEGAL? Do you think accounts payble is going to be jumping to take care of you?
Mmmm. This reminds me of finally getting off my duff awhile back and looking up; "cultural hegemony." The Oxford definition launches straight into DEI; https://oxford-review.com/the-oxford-review-dei-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-dictionary/cultural-hegemony-definition-and-explanation/, while wikipedia's
rendition is more comprehensive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_hegemony. I recall Gramsci being a meme during the Clinton/Obama years, and before that reading that Grover Norquist had a poster of Lenin on his wall, all of which stupified me at the time, as if unearthed anew by that improbable storefront in Arcata, CA., the domestic face of a longstanding hybrid warfare.
I am a devout Roman Catholic, but the Christian churches, other religious groups, and progressive left have repeatedly broken our laws regarding immigration. Like any other US citizen or organization breaking our laws; the USCCB, Christian churches, and their NGO minions warrant legal action. These self-righteous Christians and NGOs must stop professing their "holy than thou" concern for the poor, yet simultaneously disguise their progressive political bias overlooking missing illegal immigrant children, sex trafficking and fentanyl deaths. Their actions are the height of hypocrisy that loudly speaks for prosecution.
Yes, I agree with you 100%; the Catholic Church is grievously wrong because it seeks to deceive, and adeptly practices manipulation of the conscience of the person, by false preaching of The Lord's Word throughout both Old and New Testaments. Jesus Christ was not ever revolutionary; but I believe that Corporate Catholic Global, Inc. is actively promoting revolution in U.S. society by advocating the embrace of alien migrants to reside in this country and participate in its governance as non-citizen voters. On a fundamental level, I believe that modernizing the language of Catholic Liturgy, Church writings, dumbed don versions of the Holy Bible, and the substance of priestly sermons is an abomination of the truth of things. I read Douay Rheims version of the Bible, and that version is used in my Latin Missal. There is a monumental depth of substance that leads to understanding to be had in the old, grammatically rich writings.
Yeah not so sure that is accurate
Perhaps most if not every Charity can be faulted but
I think I'd be hard put to find a better charity to donate to then Catholic Relief Services
perhaps st jude but that's a bit of a different area / specialty
I cannot think of Any (I welcome suggestions)
that said - light on finances of every charity is always a good thing
St Jude is an awful organization. They experiment on vulnerable children. Also, they lie about paying for everything. Only one parent can stay over night. The other parent has to stay in the parking lot. I used to donate to them yearly. Made me feel good helping the kids.
Then I found out the real story.
So, go figure they are using these poor children right out in the open. People need to wake up.
The Dems lobby in front of USAID, Dept of Education, and other institutions made as all heck at Musk when instead they should be mad about the wasted dollars.
Now we have an Obama judge shutting down Treasury access today.
The Treasury access ruling is ridiculous.
I am certain Trump and his team are working on a response. They better be. Where is AG?
Supposedly access is only denied for a week but that allows for alot of shenanigans.
But those "Dems" are receiving kick backs from the programming slush funds for which we now know that are paid by U.S. Treasury, no questions asked.
This USAID stuff could be depressing - until you realise that they failed utterly and completely. Trump got back in, the colour revolutions failed and people around the world are turning against Woke.