I thought this essay was great. The Democrats, technocrats generally, are victims of hubris. They think that the world must conform to their Great Ideas because it is their great ideas. Not bothering to work with the Congressional Black Caucus? I would say that it is stunning but . . . I mean, it is stunning. But it it is typical.

I work in clean energy. The same technocratic hubris is how they operate there with their net zero goals. How will energy be provided when they do away with coal plants and half of all natural gas plants? From a light switch, the same way that electricity is provided today.

It is that same technocratic hubris that killed tens of millions during the regimes of Stalin and Mao. They thought that their technocratic central planners could allocate farming resources better than anyone previously? Tens of millions died because of their hubris. We are trying to do the same thing in the US with electricity.

And the root cause is the same as their not understanding the importance of black congressional representatives in the democratic nominee. They are too clever by half and too powerful by four.

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Biden doubles down on WWIII, whoops I mean Ukraine, to assembled vassals today:

"Putin wants nothing less, nothing less, than Ukraine's total subjugation ... and to wipe Ukraine off the map...Ukraine can and will stop Putin."

He said that Ukraine will be given dozens more US anti-air defense systems, and that Kiev will be priority number one in terms of advanced arms transfers to countries abroad.

He told the audience that “NATO is more powerful than ever...This moment in history calls for our collective strength..."


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Sadly, Michael Tracey is right. Trump is a politician.

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The mistake everyone who thinks Biden will resign is making is expecting Biden to play by the rules that Republicans play by, that is compliance with, and respect, for norms.

If Biden doesn't want to resign, and if Hunter and Dr. Jill back him, who's going to make him? He's the president of the United States. The Dems will have to invest a lot of political capital if they want to remove him. Of course stupid Republicans would be all too happy to play the obliging chumps and help the Dems out of this pickle they find themselves in. If the shoe were on the other foot, the Dems would be rushing to stick a firehose in the Rep's mouths.

Like Rush used to say, the Reps want to be loved (and praised) by the Dems. The Dems would thank them and then promptly forget that they owe any favor or decency to the Reps. They'll be all too happy to stick a knife in the Reps if and when the time comes. Maybe for once the Reps could keep their mouths shut and let this play out.

The only time the Reps show a spine is when it comes to caving in and disappointing their own voters, whom they hate. As a former Rep myself, we're supposed to be happy for any little bone they throw us, such as a tax cut.

One party is evil and the other is stupid.

I'm rather enjoying this power struggle between Biden and the Dems. They used him, he used them and neither one cared; they were getting their share, as Bob Seger sang in Night Moves.

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P.S. As much as I loathe Biden and want him out of office, I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch in terms of his reelection. Between voter fraud and the stupidity of my countrymen, I've lowered my expectations.

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For what it’s worth, a house cleaner to a member of the ‘lobby’ was told to prepare for a September surprise and to stockpile stores. Oddly he made an emphasis on water…..shrugs?

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Sounds like a false flag to be blamed on faux terrorists.

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JUST IN: The House Democratic Caucus meeting about Biden's future as the candidate was a disaster according to @JakeSherman who reported it “felt like a funeral.”

The group of Democrats were not able to come to a consensus.

While leaving the event, a somber Rep. Steve Cohen said Democrats were not only not on the same page, but they’re not even in the same book.


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Speaking of funerals, is Jimmy Carter still alive?

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

I think Biden can get bumped off by the Deep State, very plausibly at his age (all those falls -- off a bicycle, off a stage, down the steps of Air Force One, up the steps of Air Force One) so that we'll all be so relieved we won't ask any questions. It's kind of sick, really. They just need to figure out the timing.

And, I think the Democrats, i.e. government and all its pomps and all its works, do not hate Kamala. She is awkward, but she can get all the helps given to Joe to perform. And she can walk just fine, no falls. She can smile for the camera. She can stick with the group of World Leaders when they gather for meetings, rather than wandering off.

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O/T - but on the theme of 'bumping off' - I heard recently that Massie's wife died just a couple weeks after his interview with Tucker in which he revealed the presence of minders for a certain foreign influence group...

Has anyone heard whether she had been sick? I did a very short search and it seemed like it might have been unexpected, but I didn't dig very deep...

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I just finished reading Jeffries' take, https://open.substack.com/pub/donaldjeffries/p/the-body-count-of-the-state

Personally, two people in my extended family have had anaphylactic reactions, as adults, to unknown allergens -- one a food allergen and the other an insect allergen. So yes, it happens. One carries an epipen.

Yet, assassinations are a feature of human society down through the ages, so.

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The Jeffries post is fascinating. I had not remembered the career of Cynthia McKinney. Also most interesting given recent developments.


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FWIW, when I was in law school I clerked for a guy who died suddenly of an allergic reaction. Also FWIW, in comparing the photos of Massie's wife on the fatal vacation trip to prior photos, I thought she looked extremely thin.

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hafta admit, it made me angry when they compared #42 and #44 to #1.

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I had followed a link last week that led me to a substack by Jay Valentine (Developer of Ebay fraud detection and occasional poster on American Thinker) that put forth the case that Trump would lose since he is at risk in MN, WS, MI, and PA due to all the illegal immigrants being registered to vote. I was pretty depressed after reading it. https://omega4america.substack.com/p/trump-cannot-win-4-swing-states-gaslight If you take that they dems are confident in their abilities to magnify the cheating over 2020, then it makes sense on why some think they can pull it off again. Couple that with the article from TheHill that I posted the other day claiming Kamal-a is only 2 points behind Trump, I can see how they think they may have "hope". https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4752020-vice-president-harris-trump-biden-poll/

Given all of that, you do want to read Jay's post on how they are using tech to ID lots of fraudulent voters such as addresses which have hundreds of the voters living there or folks whose address is a local Walmart or 7-11. It's definitely worth the read.


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In past elections I would have been totally convinced--based on the same factors we're seeing now--that there was no possible way for the Dems to win. No longer.

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thanks for the link - his articles on RedState have been fantastic

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When I hear someone like Mike Tracey sounding like Rachel Madcow, with the same anti-Trump point that he runs a cult, I know that I am hearing a Progressive cult member. Yeah, Mike is so smart that he is a Bernie bro and probably a Biden voter. He is too "intelligent" to get why so many people back Trump. Trump is our collective middle finger to Washington, DC. When you are 'informed and hip" like Mark Tracey, you dump condescension on what you cannot mentally grasp.

In 2016, I thought Trump was a joke. There was no way that a Texas veteran, redneck, farmer, hillbilly like me would ever vote for a smart a**, loud mouth, jerk from New York. Then I saw the first debate. I witnessed someone talking to these crappy politicians and "journalists" the exact way they deserved to be talked down to.

Yeah Trump is not perfect. Yeah he is a politician now, but unlike any politician I have witnessed in my 60 years. Yeah he makes mistakes, makes some bad choices, and takes the wrong advice sometimes (just like everyone I know). But He seems to understand that our national, cultural, crime, inflation, deficits, and international problems all flow out of the cesspool known as DC. That boat needs to be rocked. I see no other politician or Fred Flintstone willing to point this out or try and really do something about it.

I see Trump as the current tip of our angry spear. Now, if Melania wants to start a cult, I am all in.

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"When you are 'informed and hip' like Mike Tracey, you dump condescension on what you cannot mentally grasp."

Utterly brilliant observation! Thank you.

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I have always regarded Trump as an imperfect vessel of necessary change. Not perfect - who is - and who in politics doesn’t have to play the game in order to win. And a win is what we need. And who better to win than a guy who clearly has the unbelieveable stamina, resolve and drive to win this, despite odds and immense obstacles that would have sent an ordinary person packing long ago.

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So many of Trump's personality traits drive half the country into conniptions. But those same traits are exactly what makes Trump able to do what he has done. Attacks that would easily have taken out another candidate flow like water off a duck's back off of Trump. Trump is far from perfect. I'd much rather see him have some core ideology that drives him rather than the transactional mindset that he is actually driven by. But beggars can't be choosers. Trump is the best shot we have at this time. There is nobody else. I think RFK has a lot to add and I hope he'll accept a post in the Trump administration, but RFK can't win the Presidency this time. Not unless the Democrats put him on their ticket. But we all know that isn't happening.

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Michael Tracey Is a true leftist, so his view has to be filtered with that fact.

Watching the Black Political Machines influence in this debacle is fascinating.

For all their support, I’m don’t know what they have gotten in return over the past 4 years. My guess is lots of kickbacks / funding for their non profit organizations.

Chicago convention should be explosive.

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Yeah Tracey is bitter there isn't a better Dem alternative than Biden.

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they get to go on asserting that they're black ... isn't that what he said back in '20?

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It’s just a big TELEVISION show at this point. Last gasp of “news” before they make massive $ cuts starting in ‘25. Fun and $ while it lasted…;)

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FortunateKY for us, gaslighting runs on fossil fuels that the Dims banned.

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I’m going to disagree with some of the stuff. The make or break deal is going to be Biden’s press conference on Thursday or Friday. This is a set up for absolute failure for Biden. There’s no way he is going to be able to handle press conference, even if it’s orchestrated in his favor without him making gaffes and mistakes. The best thing Trump has done for the last 10 days or so is to keep his mouth shut and let this whole fiasco play out on the Democrat side it’s to his advantage to do so and he will be the beneficiary of all the chaos that’s going on in the Democrat party right now. I don’t believe for a minute. Biden is regaining control of the Democrat apparatus. He is now in a bunker mentality with his wife and his son trying to run things. This is not going to end well. If he somehow stays on the ticket, he takes the entire party down with him in November. There are no real options for the Democrats. No lesser of two evils either. They stick with Joe Biden or then they end up with Kamala Harris. Either is a disaster. All the pie in the sky scenarios. I have been reading in the last week or so will not work and cannot work. The time factor plays against all of them, including trying to invoke the 25th amendment which is more time-consuming than people realize. It would be easier to impeach Joe Biden, and removing from office, which is not going to happen. Regardless of what speculation is going on I suspect that behind the scenes the pressure is really building. I’d say the next 4 or five days he’s going to tell the tale.

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I have been thinking (and writing) that Joe is finished (as a candidate) when the blob decides he's finished. I've also been saying that the blob's decision depends upon its being able to coalesce around a candidate deemed -both - to be superior to Biden - and - able to beat Trump. If they can't find such a candidate, why absorb the friction and risk of making the change?

I have also been thinking that when the blob tells Joe its over, he'll have to step aside, because even he will have to acknowledge that he can't win without the financial support of the blob. What I have to admit is that I have insufficiently considered the next move in the chess game.

Which is, what does the blob do if it informs Joe that he's out and there will be no more money...and Joe says, literally or figuratively, " F*ck You, I'm staying in and you can't stop me. I've got the delegates and I'll be the nominee." Does the blob hold strong on its threat, because to hold strong would result in Joe running with insufficient money and then to devastating losses up and down the Dem ticket, or does the blob cave and make for the best and go with Joe?

In addition, its likely even this scenario analysis is incomplete, because there is undoubtedly additional leverage (kompromat, etc) which both sides can and will bring to the party to 'help' with the decision-making.

We used to call what's coming 'nut-cutting time' on Wall Street back in the day.

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Joe has become a "runaway train." When someone isn't cognizant of hazard how do you reason with them and throw on the breaks?

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I broadly agree with almost all of the above. However, I'm no longer sure that Zhou will be ousted. The party may have looked into the abyss and decided that Kama Sutra is a bridge too far for the party's future and that the only alternative is stay with Zhou and hope that some way out of this opens up down the road.

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Yeah. They don't want him but they can't figure out how to get rid of him given the time constraints. The clue to that is the mealy-mouthed support for Biden shown by the "leadership." They have to keep options open at this point. Given any latitude at all Zhou and his team will self-destruct and the DNC then will be forced to choose alternative options.

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We all know that the incumbent has a huge advantage in the Presidential race. This race is unique because ousting Biden doesn't just lose the incumbency advantage, it hands it to Trump. People tend to vote for what they know. Since Trump was already President, he becomes the known quantity while a new candidate becomes the wild card. It is huge advantage to hand to Trump.

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It's difficult to see how they can walk away from this stuff--we shall see. Popcorn time:

The Vigilant Fox @VigilantFox

I can’t believe this is real.

CNN is now airing humiliating Biden clips they once dismissed as “cheap fakes.”

Imagine being a CNN viewer when your favorite host calls Biden “not coherent.”

JOE BIDEN: “I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first Black woman, to serve with a Black president.”

JAKE TAPPER: “He’s proud to be the first Black woman? Not coherent.”

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