Turkstream and the Anatolian pipe line means Turkey has a vested interested in keeping the UAE gas pipe lines out of Syria. Not to mention Turkey’s claims over the Mediterranean fields.

Russian and Iranian presence gives Turkey plausible deniability with its ‘allies’.

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It seems like the squeeze is in preparation. I guess the polite way between nato countries is to thank the US for looking after the oilfields and request that they now set aside so a new government can be rebuilt. The USA is likely to reply in a negative manner by suggesting “loan agreements” which will require interest repayment and a whole lot of other stuff. This will never be a “good deal” and so the proxies will get going.

In the meantime, the USA will have to keep swallowing the continuing losses of territory, money, material and personnel in Ukraine at an accelerating rate. Escalation of atrocities on civilian targets by scarface’s regime will take place until some more Mach 10 obliteration (with prejudice on the targeting) forces an outright white flag waving event. Alternatively, continuing escalation will now drag the USA into two direct conflicts with the pretence over. Given the dire straits of US deficit and global borrowing requirements, their Achilles heel (bond market) will give way and the calamities grow.

This is the potential rat-trap that Biden Crime Family LLP have left behind for Trump. As positive and strong as he wants to sound in the run up to (first: proclamation as head of the Empire) his negotiations re trade and foreign policy, he has been dealt a generally lousy, lousy hand.

What is an intelligent property developer to do? (“Oh look..did you see that bridge collapsing! The ground needs reinforcing, the deal is off.” <shareholders sigh in relief, hedge fund shorts start bithchig>

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I think the basic issue is Syria needs money HTS needs money

they have to pay military they have to pay reconstruction

they have to pay government officials so a lot of money

which is what Assad did not have and what led to his downfall

The need the oil they need the industry both taken from Assad

they need Russia ports to pay and employ

they need US to keep funding them - but perhaps they won't

It's going to be a balancing act For Israel and US at end of the day

now that the damage is done does not want them strong

wants chaos to reign

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