The CDC has reportedly endorsed the use of ivermectin not for horses but for Afghan refugees.

There are several articles online about this and links directly to the CDC website that confirm embedded within the following:

"...2019, the CDC issued guidance for refugees form Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East to be given ivermectin pre-emptively for potential infections."

Here's the link: https://dutytoamericanews.com/2021/09/03/horowitz-cdc-endorsed-use-of-ivermectin-for-afghan-refugees/

For the CDC to now scandalize the use of ivermectin as horse paste is sinister. According to reports published at Nature's Journal of Antibiotics, ivermectin serves a wide-range of medicinal properties to include anti-bacterial, viral, and.....anti-CANCER agents.

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My third attempt to post a comment. Definitely not a user friendly system. Oh well... makes for brevity. Simple point: we are heading into flu season with 100 million Americans who took the jab and have seriously weakened their immune system. If Israel is any indication, we could be looking at the kind of mass deaths that the Crime Syndicate dreamed about in 2020.

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As vaccination rates rise so does the Delta variant. Here is the link to an excellent, well-researched article that expands upon your point, that the jabbed have weakened and compromised their natural immunity.


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In your first two attempts you clicked the "Like" button. Just click "Reply" if you want to reply.

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There is a purposeful smear going on about ivermectin. Just follow the money. It costs about .25 cents a dose vs who knows what for the “vaccine”. They spread lies and as Churchill said “ a lie goes around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”.

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A representative of supplement manufacturer Jarrow recently advised me that they had discontinued their N-A-C Sustained because it was contemplated to be used in a Pharma company’s Covid medication. N. Acetyl-cystine.

"N-Acetylcysteine, a Forgotten Immune-Modulating Agent

N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor of the antioxidant glutathione, has been used to loosen thick mucus in the lungs and treat acetaminophen overdose for decades. However, NAC can also boost the immune system, suppress viral replication, and reduce inflammation. Despite these valuable features, NAC has been mostly overlooked throughout SARS-Cov and MERS-Cov epidemics, as well as the current COVID-19 pandemic."

More here:


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Would you mind sharing where you ordered it and whether you need a prescription.

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Thanks so much Dave. How wrong can you go having these as an option at that price. Hope neither of us ever need to use it.

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If Pfizer tomorrow came up with a pill that contains Ivermectin, but with a different name, all these parrots would support it. They would simply say, "it was harmful but Pfizer removed harmful chemicals and made it available for the humanity".

There is no way to reach these people. They are like the crazy gangs in The West Side Story.

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Funny you say that, there was a recent US patent filed for a HCQ and Ivermectin combo drug!!! Imagine that!

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It is funny. I also think this patent business is bastardized and being abused by technoligarchy.

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Jason McElyea, DO, is a family medicine doctor, not an ER specialist. He is “employed” by a company that provides ER staffing to hospitals. Most hospitals do not have their own ER staffs, but contract with these companies. They bill separately from the hospital. I recall being billed $30 for an ordinary narrow ACE bandage that then sold for $3. retail. Their explanatiion for the excessive cost? I had insurance. They had to do that for all the uninsureds who were treated in ERs.

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I checked my usual legal people on Twitter to see whether any of them had some theories for lawsuits against this jerk or possible prosecution. Nobody had anything to say, but I'm positive that some form of nuisance or disturbing the peace type prosecution would be available--and should be used.

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Drs. McCullough and Malone, among others (all experts in epidemiology, virology, etc.) have been “cancelled” for what some social media morons and media types have tagged as “misinformation” while fools like McElyea and Rolling Stone get away with this? It is pretty subjective… Agenda-driven...

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Correction: They had to do that (overbill insured patients) to cover the costs incurred by all the uninsureds who were treated in the ER, where they must be treated. Now we’ll have to fight our way through Afghans?

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Thanks for posting and for the link.

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Right. This is why Malone says he and fellow scientists are slack jawed at what they see going on--it flies in the face of every cautionary study they've seen over the years.

Re searching, there is a search function but my experimentation with it suggests that you can't search comments, just the posts. Which is a bummer.

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