Here's a theory for everyone to chew on:

The Criminal Cartel aka the PTB aka Gangster government is currently at loggerheads over the next move. The Cartel members-- a kind of criminal enterprise w many members who generally cooperate for mutual profit but nonetheless have distinct and often conflicting interests-- are in disarray of sorts. Some members have decided that the Scamdemic con game has played itself out and a pivot is needed to maintain control and perpetuate the mass formation. Thus we are seeing Fauci being set up for classic scapegoating by, it seems, the intel agencies who fed the damaging docs to Project Veritas. Other Cartel members are fighting this effort for whatever reason. We'll soon see who wins based on whether Fauci and his accomplices are burned at the metaphorical stake or not. Maybe Sock Puppets pivot is evidence of a new Cartel consensus forming?

What happens after that is a mass distraction of shocked and surprised propaganda media while the Uniparty pols pose as our saviors uncovering the deceit of these Faucistas and allowing the Hypnotized to vent their rage against the approved targets. Meanwhile the Cartel continues quietly installing more controls and "safeguards" for our protection natch. The Cartel may well attempt a return to "Normal" where we all pretend that elections matter, that there is an actual difference between political parties, and that everything will be juuuuust fine w more stimulus and free money.

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It's as if the Dems are going out of their way to recap all the reasons why we shouldn't vote for them in an election year. It's pure, irrational madness.

Will Biden pivot when the Dems get wiped out in the midterms? The progressive/socialist wing of the Dems won't really matter much then. Only problem for a Biden pivot is he is spending all his capital trashing the moderate Republicans he'd need to work with to strike any deals.

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Maybe not so stupid. Maybe votes don't count anymore, only the counters. As a wrecking ball Biden has been remarkably successful, and maybe those running the show are pushing this. There must be some reason a senile candidate with zero charisma and an equally unpalatable running mate were propelled into power.

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"It’s all poison for Zhou’s insane “pivot” to “police reform”. Doubling down on the get out of jail free cards that are being issued willy nilly in so many major metro areas, while the citizenry boils with rage. That’s how dumb stupid is. Sadly, there really is no easy out, no happy ending."

News now circulates on the web that concrete barriers are now being installed surrounding the White House. Here is an article from American Military News which includes a video taken January 10, 2022. AP factcheckers dismiss the barriers as "White House maintenance" and therefore, bogus which may indicate otherwise. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/01/pics-videos-white-house-is-building-mysterious-concrete-barriers/

Scheduled for January 23, 2022 is the Defeat The Mandate march to be held on the National Mall, hopefully not fodder for another of Madame Speaker's stunts. https://defeatthemandatesdc.com/

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Where is the line between stupidity and malevolence? I would call people like the Minneapolis City Council stupid but the Soros DAs intentionally malevolent. I guess in the end the result is the same. As for the prosecutors leaving, why stay when there is nothing to prosecute? No reason for anyone to work for them except new grads to get that first job on the resume. And why would police stay when they aren't allowed to police? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

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Michael Goodwin, in fine form, describes how dumb stupid is:


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I have always thought Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid is forever.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 17, 2022

It only makes sense if this move is part of the larger plan. Martial law anyone, in an election year?

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Then there is Virginia's newly elected Attorney General Jason Miyares. This from RedState yesterday: "But it’s his announcement that the state itself will prosecute crimes local DAs won’t that represents the largest shift in Virginia. That includes Democrat bastions like Richmond and Alexandria. Every single Republican AG across the nation should be doing the same thing; it’s the only way to fight back against the push to “reform” the criminal justice system, not in ways that make sense, but by simply not policing crime and hurting communities."

I don't think Brandon will be making that short trip across the Potomac to show how well his new

'police reforms' are working...

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