Well put - "It's Trump's War Now." There's nothing in this ceasefire deal that the Russians can agree to. Simplicius has a good review of why the Russians won't bite - https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/us-and-ukraine-hatch-ceasefire-travesty

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How do you interpret trying? He has bowed to his donor masters and is now the war president. Your ad hominem attack on other readers and those who offer opinions here appear to be much more informed than you was ignorant. Blind allegiance by uninformed people like you is why this country is floundering. DOGE revelations were no surprise, but welcome exposure of the truth for the uninformed like you. But it’s not enough to make public noise we need leaders who will walk the walk not just self aggrandize with bull shite and then cave. We’ve seen this foreign policy before and it’s just more of the same except a different side is walking away with a bigger slices of the pie while the folks see their wealth melt away. Address the concerns and dig deeper for some critical thinking and self awareness.

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I'm sure the kremlin was well aware that this would be the outcome, the shocking fact that Trump is full of shit just like he was 8 years ago. Regardless of what the western elites and media say, the global majority fully back Russia and that's all that matters.

The Ukraine will collapse along with the EU and the US economy will too, it won't happen overnight, but it will and that's what the global majority want.

Once again the delusional optimistic citizens of the west have voted in another nutcase and fallen for the same trick.

When the food starts running out and the lights stop working, then and maybe only then, will the western world's people wake up and rise up.

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I read an account once by a Afghan who fought both Americans and Russians. He gives it up to Russians and says Americans were cowards. Basically went down like this. 5 Russians in an outpost vs like 1000 Mujahedeen over a week they finally took the hilltop when Russians were out of ammo. Russians didnt cry whine plead or anything just look at each other knowing their fate as swords came out of the sheaths. The head Muj

who wrote the story let them go even though they killed like 50 of his men citing bravery no fear.

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Well Trump's admin is all downhill from here. Smart move woulda be tell Ukraine screw y'all, not our problem and let Europeans handle it we got our own problems. Instead, He stepped into the Ukraine briar patch which will consume him and we'll get.. No wall No Epstein list No jfk files. No budget cuts (attacking Massie a real G) biggest yearly deficits in history Crashing markets etc. I'll be shocked if he even gets his war against the Administrative State sorted. USAID is burning all documents why is FBI not there stopping them? Trump is too distracted.

Our only hope is Putin wins quickly but he seems content to slow roll this until all Ukrainians are dead. 3-5 more years whatever. Added to the fact Ukrainians are as hard headed as Russians they will never surrender. Could be even longer than that with supports which Trump is surely to continue now after Putin spurns him.

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I am a compulsive contrarian so here goes. When Trump says something outrageous, it is generally a magic trick. "May i direct your attention over here." Often, it is to get a reaction of, "that's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. He needs to do such and such." And presto, alakazam, the heretofore impossible appears (like magic).

A guy can hope, right?

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We can certainly hope, Jeff, and I get it that there is often a big difference between what Trump says and what he actually does. However, this time he's backed up his rhetoric with the concrete acts of restoring arms supplies and intel.

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Trump knows Russia would say no.

So what political purpose does Trumps actions over Ukraine have, over the past month?

And what has Trump achieved so far?

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He's achieved the goal of convincing Putin (if he ever needed to be) that this will be settled on the battlefield, not at the negotiating table.

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I don’t believe that Putin believes otherwise.

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‘The unstoppable courage of the Russian soldier’ occurred during godless communist totalitarianism. Now Russia is again on God’s side, opposing godless nazi/banderite and nato/western corruptocracies, and I doubt they are going to be any less unstoppable. Great to see the bankers overreach!

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I knew we couldn't count on him in Palestine, but I had hopes regarding Ukraine; apparently not.

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If you would like to learn about the Russian Tu-160 strategic bomber, here is a good description that includes color photos:


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It's a beast.


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The B-1A had similar capabilities, not as large or heavy, of course that project was killed, during the Jimmy era.

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Awesome video of "The White Swan,", Mark!

Everyone--do take a look.

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Nothing Can Stop Russia.

Trump is seeding a narrative that from our vantage we can only guess.

Let's see what happens.

Enjoy the show.

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Total madness !!!

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And stupidity, too !!!

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What a blow! The rug has been pulled out from under the American people by a man who has ripped off the peace mask he put on.

Trump played Putin and set him up. BIG mistake.

Trump is going to keep the billions of American dollars flowing into Project Ukraine, and into madman Netanyahu's Israel. Shipments of bombs will be sent to keep the killing going.

How long before our soldiers will be sent to Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iran?

Will Americans take to the streets in protest, as the Romanians are doing because their votes have been stolen from them?

Oh wait, we best not exercise our right to free speech, because we could get arrested. College students in the US cannot speak out in protest against the genocide Israel is doing.

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I don't think Trump wants to escalate. His priority is to save the United States.

So far, I think he's doing a good job. I've long been unhappy with the direction of our country and if he disappoints, we keep going forward, looking for a new standard bearer. A lot of times Trump employs bombast to keep his opponents guessing. Who knows? Maybe he and Putin have a plan to leave Ukraine and Europe holding the bag.

Trump has a very narrow path to follow. Our debt is the number one challenge we face. Our depleted military capacity is another. He does have a limited amount of cards to play and I'm sure he knows it.

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You're delusional my friend. That what you think is how they want you to think.

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At home, Trump is doing a great job, IJM. However, his foreign policy is a disaster. And there seems little point in Doge saving the odd billion here and there if Trump is pouring even more billions into Ukraine. Maybe he and Putin do have something going behind the scenes and Trump is just playing to the crowd. Unfortunately, I think it's more likely that it's Trump doing his usual thing: talking himself into a corner.

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IJM, I agree with everything you say. I absolutely love everything PDJT is doing domestically. Unfortunately, it isn't helpful for him to proclaim that he wants peace and yet to keep arming Ukraine and giving it intelligence info to bomb and drone Russian territory. That will prolong the war. It also isn't helpful for him to continue sending bombs to Israel and to threaten the citizens of Gaza with "hell." It also isn't helpful for the promotion of peace for him to greenlight Israeli troop incursions into Lebanon and Syria, and to threaten Iran with military force.

Like many people, I just wish he would get us out of all of these places as quickly as possible. I know that is fraught with danger politically and I don't expect that to be easy or fast. At the same time, the last thing I want is to see him take actions that will actually escalate war or the timelines needed to withdraw. I don't think he wants to escalate either. But some of the things he is doing seem at cross purposes to his stated goals. I do appreciate everything he has gone through and his good intentions.

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PDJT does like to keep people off balance so it’s a mistake to make assessments too quickly. Did he not approve Javelin missiles to Ukr during his 1st tenure? The Russians won’t forget that either.

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“ . . . when it comes to Russia

5:06 they also know that Donald Trump can't be trusted at all I mean this is I don't know who Donald Trump thinks he's

5:12 fooling but the Russians don't have short memories uh the Russians are fully cognizant of the fact that Donald Trump

5:18 when he was president last time promised that he was pursuing friendship and end up being a president that was horrible

5:24 for Russia um imposing sanctions but not just that I mean Donald Trump this this notion that uh that you know Donald

5:33 Trump wouldn't have allowed this war to take place is a lie this war is Donald Trump's War he created the conditions

5:39 never forget that the Russian maneuvering that took place in uh 2021 um is you know the the maneuvering

5:47 of troops is because of policies put in place by Donald Trump to rebuild the Ukrainian Army to position Ukrainian

5:53 Army so they can pose an offensive military threat to the Russians of the dombas straight up Donald Trump did that

6:01 Donald Trump armed them Donald Trump's the one that went along with the facade of Minsk um you know leading the

6:08 Russians down a a path believing that there was going to be um you

6:14 know peace all along knowing that it wasn't it just to buy time to build up the army that Donald Trump built up

6:21 Donald Trump put the NATO train facility in the western Ukraine in 2017 Donald

6:26 Trump built a battalion of Ukrainian forces every 55 days designed to fight the NATO standards to recapture the doas

6:34 Donald Trump did that and he wants maybe in the west we'll forget it the Russians

6:40 aren't going to forget that they know damn well who he is and what he has done this is Donald Trump's war and now he's

6:47 trying to pretend that it isn't it . . .

remember those 20 bases the CIA bases that went in there who was the president when they went in

11:02 Donald Trump what was the policy of the United States When Donald Trump was President the Strategic defeat of

11:07 Russia“?


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The part about Trump setting the conditions that made war inevitable is what I've been maintaining.

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Thanks for that nice reply.

Remember that 1970s by Stealers Wheel, 'Stuck in the middle with you'? "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...."

Donald Trump could sing that song. He's taking on collectively, Europe, China, the Middle East, media, the Deep State, Democrats and Republicans.

I'm going on my gut here. He's got to appear tough, but not too, tough. Putin won't respect a weakling. And, yes, I have concerns about being too much in Israel's pocket.

I remember the maxim, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

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Yeah, I remember and I take your point. Perfect! He's a uniquely tough man in a uniquely tough position. He can use our prayers both for his protection and for his judgment. Thanks!

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Amen to prayer.

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Seems like sand pit diplomacy, “Its his fault.”

I wonder if the Euro conflict was an under the table ruse to garner public opinion and get Europe into a war economy. Seems like it worked.

Also temporarily pulling Intel/Com from Ukraine may have been a threat to ramp up mobilisation.

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Frankly, this is the best possible outcome for Russia. Their best course of action has always been to stay the course and finish the job. Trump's rhetoric and bluster now gives Putin ample cover to ignore these bombastic threats and press ahead with military action. Very likely this stunt will result in Russia now taking everything east of the Dnieper River, and if Trump doubles down, they will take Odessa too.

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Absolutely correct. The Russians saw this 'peace proposal' a mile away. Low IQ is destroying the west.

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Even if there had been negotiations and positive exchanges between the two sides, I think the Putin would still have pushed on to those targets. Without them, any deal is a Pyrrhic victory for Russia.

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Right! If PDJT can encourage israel to finish ‘the job’, then turnabout for Russia is fair play.

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They need to take Odessa regardless

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