The NATO rhetoric seems designed mostly, imho, to prolong the war and to kick the can of financial reckoning down the road a few weeks at a time. (Rather than to influence RF responses.)

It has the intended secondary effect of terrifying comfortable middle-class Europeans (for the avoidance of doubt I include the UK in this). Pres. Bribe'em's posture is pathetic more than threatening but his acolytes do a good job of keeping up the tension. (In a way his manipulation and exploitation of his vulnerability are a lesson to us all, the wholesale approval of the extermination going on in Gaza is another.)

Western leadership are fully aware that the ongoing economic and social collapse can, at best, be managed while (1) ramping up the debt-driven slaughter in Ukraine and (2) putting into place the technocratic surveillance jigsaw with (3) the accompanying oppressive rules suppressing dissent. A majority of the terror-deranged keep their mouths shut, abide by the rules, and hope for another paycheck.

It's important we debate where and when this ends because the elite aim is to _never_ exit crisis-management mode, ('state of exception' as Agamben has called it). Not so much a new normal as never-normal.

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Can you imagine somehow before the November election Putin capitulates. NATO, Neocons, and Zhou are the victors. Do you foresee Republicans, Speaker Johnson congratulating Zhou and the administration? What if it's not capitulation but some rather significant victory of some sort for Ukraine and the Uniparty?

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Guessing soon we'll see ISR assets become disabled. Escalation for escalation's purposes. War of attrition it is. Who'll blink first. Believe Zelensky is beginning to lay low since the Swiss conf debacle. He's not in charge anymore and the US will soon play this card.

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The Afu drone strikes were for the narrative Ukraine is hurting Russia.

My guess is Putin is waiting for something legal before the Russians advance into oblasts beyond the 4 they already claimed legally (in their view).

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Haven't heard anything as to their success rate. Assuming something or somethings got hit but seems pretty quiet per usual Russia.

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War as performative (Ukraine-US) vs war as existential (Russia). Tragically for Ukraine, the curtain is coming down on what is the last proxy war fought for the bloodthirsty psychopaths in London, DC and the bitter clingers in Brussels.

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Yep. They' re running out of proxies. Only Sweden and the Balts are still playing.

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No doubt :-) Evidently Medvedev now has an English language Telegram Channel. This will be worth checking out!

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I’m in London on vacation and I just saw a Green Party parade. Very long parade.

It had the most Ukraine flags I had seen so far. Participants were at least 99% White. Totally different than demographics of area they were marching through.

Witty political signs.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

They are totally insignificant as a political party in the UK, up North they have been totally infiltrated by the Islamists who are shouting Allan snackbar for Hamas.

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I’m you assuming you live in the UK. Can you explain why the London police force was cut?

Comments seem to blame Blair, Cameron, Johnson, May, etc.


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Q: has anyone talked about/considered that Putin is very smart and knows, along with Xi and others, that there is zero chance the US or NATO will get into a serious direct war, or use nukes? Does anyone actually believe that Americans will allow their children to get into direct conflict with Russia or China, as in they knew their children were fighting in Iraq/Syria, etc? Zero chance. And whoever thinks they are running things, knows this.

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Putin is very smart and formidably intelligent. He can run rings around any of the US govt officials, Congress critters and it appears most of the military upper echelon brass.

Putin and Xi may have at one time thought that US/NATO would not get to the point to which we are now at. Not now. Personally I think there are people in positions of power who think tactical nukes are fine and we can out bluff Putin. Nope. Putin does not bluff. He has seen what US /NATO have done since 2014 and since. The West is in way over their heads and very close to the Abyss

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It’s all bluff/psycho war…against Americans/West. Putin and Xi know this. Zero chance US/NATO uses nukes. Putin’s interviews and Xi’s governments interactions with the US indicates they know it’s a bluff, all the while preparing for possible war years down the road. Going nuclear or direct war means whoever thinks they are in charge lose their positions and reputations, and they are not prepared for that. They think they can hold on for a while longer. Nukes or direct conflict won’t happen, if it does, until after ‘28. The focus in the short term is domestic, as in psych war against us. It will not work out the way they think it will, but they will do it anyway.

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In other words, Beltway, quit while you’re behind. Spin it, and you might even score Zhou some points, errr…votes! Homer had something to say about the endless pontificating (Euros, listen up): empty words are evil.

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