I believe Dissonant mentioned Simplicius’ recent sitrep, in particular how the neocon elves in the workshop are readying Poland to take over in the War in Europe once the US dumps Ukraine…another loss to be spun as a “victory?” Simplicius’ thoughts on the Polish army buildup come towards the end of his piece:
“The fact is, the deep state masterminds who sit atop the pyramid I referenced earlier are most definitely designing a ‘long term package’ for Russia, which will include the contingencies of tying off one conflict into the next as part of the RAND-style strategy of unrelenting pressure like a boot on the neck, to stifle Russia’s potential growth. They will take the current Ukraine conflict to its limits and when Ukraine is wrung out like a used washcloth they will initiate the provocations from the countries which are planned to be the next vectors of war against Russia.“ Ghastly. I would add “to stifle Russia - and Europe’s - potential growth.”
You are unusually perceptive for someone non-Polish, non-neocon, and even non Polish-neocon (e.g. the Sikorski/Applebaum couple). Indeed, Poland is pursuing a self-made harakiri but the tragedy is not just Poland's but Europe's and indeed Western Civilizations. I can't summarize here the 400 pages and 1000 footnotes of my 2020 book, but the title itself will give you a clue: "The Camp of the Sane and The Camp of the Saints; Poland and the Erosion of Western Sanity, 2015-2020" [one of the reviews here: https://gatesofvienna.net/2021/03/the-camp-of-the-sane-and-the-camp-of-the-saints-a-book-review/]. To get an idea what, after Jean Raspail, I call The Camp of the Saints, turn on your samizdat video feed & watch news from France (or Sweden, Germany, Belgium, etc.). Poland was the largest and indispensable fulcrum of The Camp of the Sane -- the eastern 1/4 of Europe saved by the quarantine of the Iron Curtain from the virus that ate the brains of the West's ruling elites. It's in the Camp of the Sane where the basic tradition, ethos and common sense of our civilization still resides, and from which it could have led to a reversal of the otherwise foredoomed future of Europe. Alas, with only Hungary resisting the hate-Russia madness and the rest of the key Visegrad-4 group totally inured to it, with Poland the most, that phoenix function of Central Europe has been forfeited. What a painful loss.
This is totally sane. They saw us just spend this much arming Ukraine. They have every reasonable expectation of receiving the same largesse from the neo cons themselves. What won’t Lindsay Graham, Anne Applebaum, Bill Kristol, Robert Kagan and company spend to kill Russians?
Arming Polish cannon fodder on the US Treasury’s inflation depleted tab, where today’s dollar is always worth yesterdays’s dime is fast dime, is in this light simply the next logical sublimely reasonable and obvious step.
"In light of such rumors, the decision to deploy Wagner to Belarus begins to look increasingly strategic. The fact is, the deep state masterminds who sit atop the pyramid I referenced earlier are most definitely designing a ‘long term package’ for Russia, which will include the contingencies of tying off one conflict into the next as part of the RAND-style strategy of unrelenting pressure."
This military buildup certainly seems unrealistic if Poland is seen as the one attempting this. Substitute the "U.S." for "Poland" (Poland as a proxy) and it seems slightly more doable if not less crazy. Are we looking at a Lend-Lease Act of 2023? Wouldn't surprise me at all. "The Lend-Lease Act of 1941 authorized the President to sell, lease, or lend military hardware to any country deemed vital to American national security." We need to keep a close eye on the Neocons in D.C.
It could work with Lend Lease as was done in Ukraine. My understanding is that the Ukrainian loans are due to be paid in 2025 or thereabouts, are expected to default, and the favored investors are to be paid with credit default swaps. The deal seemingly offers a nice return since the Ukrainian debt can be bought for $0.25 on the dollar. Not sure who is taking the opposite side of the CDS.
The Polish politician's hatred for Russia seems to mirror USA's democrats' and news media's hatred for Trump. Both are doing everything within their power, no matter how questionable these machinations and tactics appear, to stop what seem to be immutable objects.
Not wanting to appear overly provocative or contrarian, but it seems that Poland’s delusions of military grandeur are in the same vein as the Neocons “shock and awe” Ukraine fantasy. Seems like the principle of the “6 Ps” has claimed another victim. Where a reasoned, realistic analysis of all available facts would seem to indicate that neither Poland nor the Neocons plans will ever come to fruition, both continue on their stated courses assuming that “thinking so” will “make it so”. Guess we could call this the “Jiminy Cricket” theory of reality.
There seems to be a total madness in the air right now. Is it something in the drinking water? The Poles have been laughing at France over the riots, and sending smug tweets. Perhaps they should be more circumspect and think more about how their future will play out if they continue with the "Russia must be destroyed" stuff.
Could someone fly to Poland and take a bus to the border with Ukraine and peek in and see if there is a war going on? I'm starting to think it is all green screen. European commerce continues uninterrupted; family vacations, soccer matches, Eurovision. Whatever.
“purchases” in quotes. I guess we will be supplying, and all this will come to an end when our economy crashes and we experience the greatest Depression ever. Everybody stay safe and take care of yourselves.
I don't live in poland, but from everything I've seen, the people of Poland have answered in surveys that they want no part of war that the West is waging via its Ukraine proxy. The Polish people agree to an extent to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, but they don't even want to accept any supposed "refugees" from Ukraine. It is only the leftist marxist globalist "elite" politicians in the West who pressured politicians in Poland to help the Ukro-nazi regime in Ukraine.
That is, indeed, what current polling shows. The question remains, how will it play out in the elections. It has made little difference in government policy so far.
Will there be a debate in Congress about selling all of this to Poland? What do the gun control enthusiasts say about this? If guns cause violence by merely existing what about tanks? And finally a very good and famously asked question: Do we get to debate World War?
I was just thinking, how many poles does it take to screw up their country? Apparently under 575. Hopefully the 550 in their Parliament bring the others to heel.
Poland is getting on the Ukraine train. If they can get them as giveaways, why not Poland too? And since money can be printed out of thin air, everyone gets a piece and is happy.
"Much of the Polish government has ties back to Galacia, the part of Poland that was partitioned into Austria and half of which is the hardcore Ukrainian nationalist region today."
I can't put percentages to it, but my impression is also that the current regime is driven by the roots of many of its officials in Galicia.
"But the reason for doing the military build up and hostility to Russia is designed to secure domestic power."
The demographic political division appears to be basically similar to that in America--a divide between urban and rural/small town culture, with Law and Justice getting it's support from the latter areas.
Ha! And beware the Germans too: they might be interested in retaking Danzig. In all seriousness though, I hope we’re not watching a rerun of 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany. I hope the “reckoning” comes soon and the Poles can shake off their poodle status…
I believe Dissonant mentioned Simplicius’ recent sitrep, in particular how the neocon elves in the workshop are readying Poland to take over in the War in Europe once the US dumps Ukraine…another loss to be spun as a “victory?” Simplicius’ thoughts on the Polish army buildup come towards the end of his piece:
“The fact is, the deep state masterminds who sit atop the pyramid I referenced earlier are most definitely designing a ‘long term package’ for Russia, which will include the contingencies of tying off one conflict into the next as part of the RAND-style strategy of unrelenting pressure like a boot on the neck, to stifle Russia’s potential growth. They will take the current Ukraine conflict to its limits and when Ukraine is wrung out like a used washcloth they will initiate the provocations from the countries which are planned to be the next vectors of war against Russia.“ Ghastly. I would add “to stifle Russia - and Europe’s - potential growth.”
You are unusually perceptive for someone non-Polish, non-neocon, and even non Polish-neocon (e.g. the Sikorski/Applebaum couple). Indeed, Poland is pursuing a self-made harakiri but the tragedy is not just Poland's but Europe's and indeed Western Civilizations. I can't summarize here the 400 pages and 1000 footnotes of my 2020 book, but the title itself will give you a clue: "The Camp of the Sane and The Camp of the Saints; Poland and the Erosion of Western Sanity, 2015-2020" [one of the reviews here: https://gatesofvienna.net/2021/03/the-camp-of-the-sane-and-the-camp-of-the-saints-a-book-review/]. To get an idea what, after Jean Raspail, I call The Camp of the Saints, turn on your samizdat video feed & watch news from France (or Sweden, Germany, Belgium, etc.). Poland was the largest and indispensable fulcrum of The Camp of the Sane -- the eastern 1/4 of Europe saved by the quarantine of the Iron Curtain from the virus that ate the brains of the West's ruling elites. It's in the Camp of the Sane where the basic tradition, ethos and common sense of our civilization still resides, and from which it could have led to a reversal of the otherwise foredoomed future of Europe. Alas, with only Hungary resisting the hate-Russia madness and the rest of the key Visegrad-4 group totally inured to it, with Poland the most, that phoenix function of Central Europe has been forfeited. What a painful loss.
Thanks. Yes, a painful loss. Poland had a lot to offer and instead went down a Neocon rabbit hole.
This is totally sane. They saw us just spend this much arming Ukraine. They have every reasonable expectation of receiving the same largesse from the neo cons themselves. What won’t Lindsay Graham, Anne Applebaum, Bill Kristol, Robert Kagan and company spend to kill Russians?
Arming Polish cannon fodder on the US Treasury’s inflation depleted tab, where today’s dollar is always worth yesterdays’s dime is fast dime, is in this light simply the next logical sublimely reasonable and obvious step.
Simplicius actually noted the Polish military procurement/buildup in his latest:
He says:
"In light of such rumors, the decision to deploy Wagner to Belarus begins to look increasingly strategic. The fact is, the deep state masterminds who sit atop the pyramid I referenced earlier are most definitely designing a ‘long term package’ for Russia, which will include the contingencies of tying off one conflict into the next as part of the RAND-style strategy of unrelenting pressure."
This military buildup certainly seems unrealistic if Poland is seen as the one attempting this. Substitute the "U.S." for "Poland" (Poland as a proxy) and it seems slightly more doable if not less crazy. Are we looking at a Lend-Lease Act of 2023? Wouldn't surprise me at all. "The Lend-Lease Act of 1941 authorized the President to sell, lease, or lend military hardware to any country deemed vital to American national security." We need to keep a close eye on the Neocons in D.C.
The US seems very keen on fighting Russia down to the last European. The Project For A New American Century (plan) was just the appetizer.
It could work with Lend Lease as was done in Ukraine. My understanding is that the Ukrainian loans are due to be paid in 2025 or thereabouts, are expected to default, and the favored investors are to be paid with credit default swaps. The deal seemingly offers a nice return since the Ukrainian debt can be bought for $0.25 on the dollar. Not sure who is taking the opposite side of the CDS.
The Polish politician's hatred for Russia seems to mirror USA's democrats' and news media's hatred for Trump. Both are doing everything within their power, no matter how questionable these machinations and tactics appear, to stop what seem to be immutable objects.
Not wanting to appear overly provocative or contrarian, but it seems that Poland’s delusions of military grandeur are in the same vein as the Neocons “shock and awe” Ukraine fantasy. Seems like the principle of the “6 Ps” has claimed another victim. Where a reasoned, realistic analysis of all available facts would seem to indicate that neither Poland nor the Neocons plans will ever come to fruition, both continue on their stated courses assuming that “thinking so” will “make it so”. Guess we could call this the “Jiminy Cricket” theory of reality.
There seems to be a total madness in the air right now. Is it something in the drinking water? The Poles have been laughing at France over the riots, and sending smug tweets. Perhaps they should be more circumspect and think more about how their future will play out if they continue with the "Russia must be destroyed" stuff.
Could someone fly to Poland and take a bus to the border with Ukraine and peek in and see if there is a war going on? I'm starting to think it is all green screen. European commerce continues uninterrupted; family vacations, soccer matches, Eurovision. Whatever.
“purchases” in quotes. I guess we will be supplying, and all this will come to an end when our economy crashes and we experience the greatest Depression ever. Everybody stay safe and take care of yourselves.
I don't live in poland, but from everything I've seen, the people of Poland have answered in surveys that they want no part of war that the West is waging via its Ukraine proxy. The Polish people agree to an extent to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, but they don't even want to accept any supposed "refugees" from Ukraine. It is only the leftist marxist globalist "elite" politicians in the West who pressured politicians in Poland to help the Ukro-nazi regime in Ukraine.
That is, indeed, what current polling shows. The question remains, how will it play out in the elections. It has made little difference in government policy so far.
Let us hope that the US has not kindly offered to help fortify the Polish elections to ensure that "democracy" prevails.
Will there be a debate in Congress about selling all of this to Poland? What do the gun control enthusiasts say about this? If guns cause violence by merely existing what about tanks? And finally a very good and famously asked question: Do we get to debate World War?
Polish jokes, taking on a whole new 21st century meaning.
I was just thinking, how many poles does it take to screw up their country? Apparently under 575. Hopefully the 550 in their Parliament bring the others to heel.
Poland is getting on the Ukraine train. If they can get them as giveaways, why not Poland too? And since money can be printed out of thin air, everyone gets a piece and is happy.
This is sadly true.
"Much of the Polish government has ties back to Galacia, the part of Poland that was partitioned into Austria and half of which is the hardcore Ukrainian nationalist region today."
I can't put percentages to it, but my impression is also that the current regime is driven by the roots of many of its officials in Galicia.
"But the reason for doing the military build up and hostility to Russia is designed to secure domestic power."
The demographic political division appears to be basically similar to that in America--a divide between urban and rural/small town culture, with Law and Justice getting it's support from the latter areas.
The “leaders” of Poland will take the weapons (for the graft 💰) and their people will die using them.
They can always invade Lithuania. The capital, Vilnius, used to be the Polish city of Vilna. No love lost there.
Ha! And beware the Germans too: they might be interested in retaking Danzig. In all seriousness though, I hope we’re not watching a rerun of 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany. I hope the “reckoning” comes soon and the Poles can shake off their poodle status…
I think the Neocon leaders will be satisfied bleeding Germany to death and skip the whole declaration of war.