Mark, if you want to learn to cut clips down to just the section you want, the best I have found is Vlogger by Videoproc. It's free and quite capable. They also have good free tutorials on how to do it. My wife uses it to edit and post our Pastor's sermons to YouTube and link them to our church's web site and Facebook page, and she's not a techie.
"We are now fully immersed in an end of empire epoch, with all its attendant uncertainties and unforeseen calamities. Ends of empire assume a malleable logic that defies precise prediction. And although this iteration, like those before it, will undoubtedly call forth a few great leaders and statesmen, it will be an era that will exalt many charlatans and fools into positions of great power where they will do predictably stupid and ultimately catastrophic things." Will Schryver
I was thinking of doing a Claudine Gay and passing it off as my own thoughts, but my conscience forbade me! Happy New Year to you and your family, Mark, and thanks for all your wonderful work!
Mark, I hope that you are going to write about ISIS' claiming responsibility for the horrible terrorist attack in Iran. It is an important topic, and one that I think that you would address well.
For ISIS to claim responsibility for this puts them on the US/Israeli side. Talk about the mask dropping and the gloves coming off. I mean, yikes: ISIS is formally our proxy force?
I did a thought experiment this morning and said to myself, "let's say that Hamas is a proxy of Iran and ISIS is a proxy of US/Israel. How do they compare?" I know that Hamas has a very solid constitution, of a quality comparable to the US', in my opinion (but from a different starting point, of course).
What stands behind ISIS? There is a published book called "The ISIS Reader: Milestone Tests of the Islamic State Movement." ISIS is all about establishing an Islamic State. In 2014, it declared itself a worldwide caliphate. So we are trying to fight Muslim efforts to eliminate the state of Israel with an organization that is working to establish a worldwide Muslim caliphate. As my mom would say, "ei yi yi."
And looking up the etymology of that phrase, you get quickly to it being a Simple Linear Regression. It's a Simple Linear Regression, alright, back to the 1200s.
A member of Tom Luongo's Slack community (I am a member) posted this yesterday in the context of ISIS' attack on Iran. It is a statement from Iran from 2014 about ISIS.
Hojjat al-Islam Heydar Moslehi, former Minister of Intelligence, in an interview with the political correspondent of Fars News Agency, referring to the atrocities of ISIS in Kobani and the lack of response from the coalition known as the anti-ISIS coalition formed by the United States and its allies, stated: The coalition formed today in the world against ISIS is a puppet. They themselves are aware that the ISIS group has documents, and this issue and documents are not something that they can deny.
Emphasizing that the triad of Mossad, CIA, and MI6 created ISIS, he added: One should ask whether they can now create a coalition under the name of anti-ISIS to eliminate ISIS?
The former Minister of Intelligence continued: ISIS was created by the three entities Mossad, CIA, and MI6, funded also by Arab dollars and some countries in the Persian Gulf.
He stressed: Today, the countries that created ISIS are frightened, although they have witnessed such experiences many times throughout history, but they don't become human; they armed Saddam against Iran, provided all the equipment and armaments to Saddam, but when Resolution 598 was accepted by Iran, he launched the first attack against them.
On the same basis, the former Minister of Intelligence stated: The same thing has happened now regarding ISIS, but they don't see it, until they themselves feel threatened. However, their sense of threat is a threat they want to eliminate regarding themselves, otherwise, they are by no means interested in gathering strength and destroying the terrorist group ISIS in the region.
Moslehi reminded: Certainly, this coalition does not want to destroy ISIS because they need the terrorist group ISIS for many of their devilish purposes.
He further elaborated on the structure of ISIS and said: The terrorist group ISIS is composed of three parts. One part, which is the central and main body, is formed by Mossad, CIA, and MI6. The next part is the riffraff of these countries; England and MI6 have used riffraff for every movement they have made in the world, such as the coup of August 19, 1953, or the sedition of 2009, and many other cases.
The former Minister of Intelligence also recalled that one of the actions of MI6 in different countries is related to their affiliation with riffraff: The third group present in the terrorist group ISIS is a deceived group who thought ISIS pursued good and pure goals because they gave slogans like caliphate. These individuals were deceived, and now they are causing problems for ISIS, raising issues that are worth
Incredible! I chuckled when I saw this headline. As more information about the formation of ISIS is known a story like this is surely another lie from the MSM in service to the penthouse Bolshevik class.
I recall back when we were talking about events surrounding Armenia I included something I had found about the Israeli present in Azerbaijan--important because next door to Iran and because of the interflow of ethnic Azerbaijanis between the two countries. In fact, Israel has been a major intel player in the Caucasus for decades--think Georgia, as well--in conjunction with US/UK.
Let's see if the Iranian leadership is going to show the same restraint as Putin did against US provocation. Somehow, I doubt it. Will their response be direct or indirect?
I am inclined to think the Iranians, despite the Islamic penchant for angry outburst of opprobrium towards the great and little Satan's when they are attacked, will be cautious and restrained. I think the stakes are now so high they do not want to be the ones who start a world-wide conflagration even though they have a history of inciting terrorism in the region. The many talks occurring between Russia and their BRICS associates and the realignment underway they will want to be seen as the, wait for it, "the adults in the room" of geopolitical gamesmanship. I think this is the advice they are getting from Putin. JMHO
I agree. However, it also depends on how disciplined Hezbollah are. They seem to be a very tightly-knit outfit, but all it takes is one individual. My main fear is that the US and Israel will keep pushing till Iran has no choice but to respond. They must have their war!
Re: Bertelic, the idea that a 2009 paper should be a basis/blueprint for provoking Iran into war ever since is truly insane. Not only insane but sickening, to think that our tax dollars have been used to fund the people writing these papers and to fund the actual wars they promote. This is a total abrogation of the founding principles of the U.S. and contrary to the ideals and morals underlying our country's founding.
The Deep State isn't even going to bother with a false flag to get an attack on the US. Get your 2024 bingo cards ready. 200+ civilians demands a response. Incoming.
Double-edged sword. Sure, he could use a war to close down the country again and cancel elections. However, I don't think that it would work. People are too angry.
At this point, I can't conceive of a scenario where Biden gets re-elected - even given election fraud. There is a better chance of the election being cancelled than of him being elected.
Election fraud would be enough to "re-elect" Biden. The problem is that I doubt if the conservative half of America would accept the result. I suspect that these first 4 days of January are going to be the seen as the quiet part of 2024.
Yep. They probably realise that even imprisoning/bumping off Trump won't calm the half of America that hates Team Biden. They might want to go for a bigger option like war.
Mark, if you want to learn to cut clips down to just the section you want, the best I have found is Vlogger by Videoproc. It's free and quite capable. They also have good free tutorials on how to do it. My wife uses it to edit and post our Pastor's sermons to YouTube and link them to our church's web site and Facebook page, and she's not a techie.
I think you'll find it helpful, that is, if you still have any time available to learn something new with all your research and postings. 😀
Thanks, Chuck. I'll try to check that out--if I can find time. :-)
You're welcome, Mark. I hope you can find the time, it is very good.
"We are now fully immersed in an end of empire epoch, with all its attendant uncertainties and unforeseen calamities. Ends of empire assume a malleable logic that defies precise prediction. And although this iteration, like those before it, will undoubtedly call forth a few great leaders and statesmen, it will be an era that will exalt many charlatans and fools into positions of great power where they will do predictably stupid and ultimately catastrophic things." Will Schryver
Yeah, I like that.
I was thinking of doing a Claudine Gay and passing it off as my own thoughts, but my conscience forbade me! Happy New Year to you and your family, Mark, and thanks for all your wonderful work!
Same to you!
I just read that John Pilger, back in '84, broke the story that the British SAS was training Pol Pot's guys.
Craig Murray @CraigMurrayOrg
There is nobody except the most brainwashed consumer of billionaire and state media, who does not know that every major Sunni terrorist organisation
- Al Qaeda, al-Nusra, Isis etc etc -
has been a creature of the US, Israel and the Gulf states.
We know who bombed Iran.
Mark, I hope that you are going to write about ISIS' claiming responsibility for the horrible terrorist attack in Iran. It is an important topic, and one that I think that you would address well.
For ISIS to claim responsibility for this puts them on the US/Israeli side. Talk about the mask dropping and the gloves coming off. I mean, yikes: ISIS is formally our proxy force?
I did a thought experiment this morning and said to myself, "let's say that Hamas is a proxy of Iran and ISIS is a proxy of US/Israel. How do they compare?" I know that Hamas has a very solid constitution, of a quality comparable to the US', in my opinion (but from a different starting point, of course).
What stands behind ISIS? There is a published book called "The ISIS Reader: Milestone Tests of the Islamic State Movement." ISIS is all about establishing an Islamic State. In 2014, it declared itself a worldwide caliphate. So we are trying to fight Muslim efforts to eliminate the state of Israel with an organization that is working to establish a worldwide Muslim caliphate. As my mom would say, "ei yi yi."
And looking up the etymology of that phrase, you get quickly to it being a Simple Linear Regression. It's a Simple Linear Regression, alright, back to the 1200s.
I did refer to that earlier, and you're absolutely right in your characterization--the mask dropping.
A member of Tom Luongo's Slack community (I am a member) posted this yesterday in the context of ISIS' attack on Iran. It is a statement from Iran from 2014 about ISIS.
The original is in Farsi. I do not know how she translated it, nor can I vouch for the translation. But what it purports to say is interesting.
Hojjat al-Islam Heydar Moslehi, former Minister of Intelligence, in an interview with the political correspondent of Fars News Agency, referring to the atrocities of ISIS in Kobani and the lack of response from the coalition known as the anti-ISIS coalition formed by the United States and its allies, stated: The coalition formed today in the world against ISIS is a puppet. They themselves are aware that the ISIS group has documents, and this issue and documents are not something that they can deny.
Emphasizing that the triad of Mossad, CIA, and MI6 created ISIS, he added: One should ask whether they can now create a coalition under the name of anti-ISIS to eliminate ISIS?
The former Minister of Intelligence continued: ISIS was created by the three entities Mossad, CIA, and MI6, funded also by Arab dollars and some countries in the Persian Gulf.
He stressed: Today, the countries that created ISIS are frightened, although they have witnessed such experiences many times throughout history, but they don't become human; they armed Saddam against Iran, provided all the equipment and armaments to Saddam, but when Resolution 598 was accepted by Iran, he launched the first attack against them.
On the same basis, the former Minister of Intelligence stated: The same thing has happened now regarding ISIS, but they don't see it, until they themselves feel threatened. However, their sense of threat is a threat they want to eliminate regarding themselves, otherwise, they are by no means interested in gathering strength and destroying the terrorist group ISIS in the region.
Moslehi reminded: Certainly, this coalition does not want to destroy ISIS because they need the terrorist group ISIS for many of their devilish purposes.
He further elaborated on the structure of ISIS and said: The terrorist group ISIS is composed of three parts. One part, which is the central and main body, is formed by Mossad, CIA, and MI6. The next part is the riffraff of these countries; England and MI6 have used riffraff for every movement they have made in the world, such as the coup of August 19, 1953, or the sedition of 2009, and many other cases.
The former Minister of Intelligence also recalled that one of the actions of MI6 in different countries is related to their affiliation with riffraff: The third group present in the terrorist group ISIS is a deceived group who thought ISIS pursued good and pure goals because they gave slogans like caliphate. These individuals were deceived, and now they are causing problems for ISIS, raising issues that are worth
Thanks for sharing that. Btw, I just got done doing a podcast with Tom that he says should come out over the weekend, hopefully.
Re that triad, that's the Epstein triad, too. Blackmail, terrorism, ...
It's pretty bad that we have to count the countries opposing us to be smarter than us and more disciplined than us.
AP and Reuters seems to know.
"ISIS Claims Responsibility For Mass Casualty Suicide Bombings In Iran"
Incredible! I chuckled when I saw this headline. As more information about the formation of ISIS is known a story like this is surely another lie from the MSM in service to the penthouse Bolshevik class.
This might have something to do with it.
“Iran hanged four individuals in West Azerbaijan province over alleged ties to the Israeli Mossad on December 29.”
I recall back when we were talking about events surrounding Armenia I included something I had found about the Israeli present in Azerbaijan--important because next door to Iran and because of the interflow of ethnic Azerbaijanis between the two countries. In fact, Israel has been a major intel player in the Caucasus for decades--think Georgia, as well--in conjunction with US/UK.
Let's see if the Iranian leadership is going to show the same restraint as Putin did against US provocation. Somehow, I doubt it. Will their response be direct or indirect?
I am inclined to think the Iranians, despite the Islamic penchant for angry outburst of opprobrium towards the great and little Satan's when they are attacked, will be cautious and restrained. I think the stakes are now so high they do not want to be the ones who start a world-wide conflagration even though they have a history of inciting terrorism in the region. The many talks occurring between Russia and their BRICS associates and the realignment underway they will want to be seen as the, wait for it, "the adults in the room" of geopolitical gamesmanship. I think this is the advice they are getting from Putin. JMHO
I agree. However, it also depends on how disciplined Hezbollah are. They seem to be a very tightly-knit outfit, but all it takes is one individual. My main fear is that the US and Israel will keep pushing till Iran has no choice but to respond. They must have their war!
Hard to give that a "like" but I agree with you 100%.
Re: Bertelic, the idea that a 2009 paper should be a basis/blueprint for provoking Iran into war ever since is truly insane. Not only insane but sickening, to think that our tax dollars have been used to fund the people writing these papers and to fund the actual wars they promote. This is a total abrogation of the founding principles of the U.S. and contrary to the ideals and morals underlying our country's founding.
Wait, so this is the same IDF/Mossad/Israeli intel ops doing these targeted actions while lackadaisical on Oct 7th? Something seems amiss.
The Deep State isn't even going to bother with a false flag to get an attack on the US. Get your 2024 bingo cards ready. 200+ civilians demands a response. Incoming.
Part of Zhou Biden’s re-election efforts I’m convinced.
Double-edged sword. Sure, he could use a war to close down the country again and cancel elections. However, I don't think that it would work. People are too angry.
At this point, I can't conceive of a scenario where Biden gets re-elected - even given election fraud. There is a better chance of the election being cancelled than of him being elected.
Election fraud would be enough to "re-elect" Biden. The problem is that I doubt if the conservative half of America would accept the result. I suspect that these first 4 days of January are going to be the seen as the quiet part of 2024.
They needed the Fog of (Covid) War to get Biden installed the first time.
Yep. They probably realise that even imprisoning/bumping off Trump won't calm the half of America that hates Team Biden. They might want to go for a bigger option like war.
That is their story.