

Israel now admits: "many" Oct 7 casualties were killed in "multiple" friendly fire incidents of "our forces firing on our forces" & due to "decisions made in real time - which turned out to be wrong."

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sarah @sahouraxo·


The truth is out.

“The Israeli army is one of the most criminal armies in the world.”

—Chris Sidoti, UN human rights expert

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The number of disabled Israeli army soldiers has exceeded 70,000 for the first time, including 8,663 who had been wounded after the start of the war on Gaza on 7 October.

Israeli Channel 7 confirmed that these numbers are receiving treatment in the Defence Ministry’s rehabilitation departments, noting that 35 per cent of them are dealing with mental issues while 21 per cent of them deal with physical injuries.

The Channel said the Ministry’s rehabilitation departments are preparing to receive about 20,000 new injuries by the end of 2024."


"Six Israeli soldiers were injured in clashes in the last 24 hours, including three in the Gaza Strip, military figures showed on Thursday, Anadolu Agency reports.

The army, however, did not provide any further details about how the soldiers were wounded.

According to Israeli military figures, at least 662 soldiers have been killed and 3,866 others injured since the outbreak of the conflict in the Gaza Strip on 7 October, 2023."


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The approaching 500 number I cited was from a few days/weeks ago. The fact that that number of KIA has now reached 662 is a sign that multiple KIAs are occurring on a daily basis. I haven't seen a breakdown for Gaza v. northern Israel, but I'm guessing that a pretty high proportion are occurring in the north. These are astronomical numbers for Israel and you can bet that combat fatigue is also taking a heavy toll. The military command knows that.

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70k Israeli soldiers dead? Oh its a f'ing genocide!

34ķ Palestinian civilians dead? That can't be a f'ing genocide!

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70,000 Israeli dead and 'permanently injured'? Wow! Is there reliable documentation for that number? It seems unbelievable!

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My source--I believe it was Scott Ritter talking to Judge Nap--misquoted. But the casualties are very high:


The number of disabled Israeli soldiers has surpassed 70,000 for the first time, according to an Israeli television report on Tuesday. This includes 8,663 soldiers injured since the start of the latest conflict in Gaza on October 7th.

Official Israeli sources are admitting to close to 500 military killed after Oct 7 (hundreds of military were killed on Oct 7). But there is skepticism about those stats, because Israeli media sources are reporting daily death tolls.

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Thanks, Mark - yes, 500 killed and 8,600 injured since Oct 7th sounds more realistic. The 70,000 must be over years of quiet conflict in Gaza and West Bank. Pretty amazing numbers, especially considering that the number of Palestinian injuries and deaths must be way, way higher. What an absurd way to live (and die)!

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They are adding the dead with the injured without providing the breakdown of dead vs injured. They are hoping noone would notice that.

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It certainly seems astronomically high, sharp intake of breath from this reader.

More generally, the absolute blizzard of bs from US spokespersons is completely undermining their scant credibility. Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, Kirby - especially - seem to contradict one another time after time. The most egregious example lately (highlighted on a couple of Judge Nap's podcasts) has been the insistence that a peace proposal issued by the US, or was it, was actually an Israeli proposal, which they hotly deny, has been rejected by Hamas, with no mention of Israel's disowning the proposal. Lies to cover up lies to conceal lies. How stupid are we supposed to be.

Kirby was quoted by ABC news thus: "It is an Israeli proposal, one that they arrived at after intense diplomacy with their own national security team and over at the State Department," Kirby told "This Week" anchor George Stephanopoulos on Sunday. "Where we are right now is that proposal, an Israeli proposal, has been given to Hamas. It was done on Thursday night our time. We're waiting for an official response from Hamas. We would note that publicly, Hamas officials came out and welcomed this proposal."

"We have every expectation that if Hamas agrees to the proposal, as was transmitted to them an Israeli proposal, that Israel would say yes," Kirby said.

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It's an indication of how badly the US wants to avoid an expanded ME war. Desperation.

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Wouldn't it be interesting if the Biden "Government" is not recognised by the US Military? By virtue of said "Government" not being legitimate? They simply cannot put boots on the ground in any of the conflicts currently in play, because the Military ain't playing in this game, they(the Military) know who's really C in C, and it ain't Brandon. How much more interesting will this become when Xi moves in on Taiwan? This is the definition of what the Q drops refer to as "PAIN" for the Deep State. Just speculating, you understand.

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A most intriguing speculation.

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So, the US "cannot afford to be seen bending its knee to Netanyahu on the world stage", yet their chief strategist is an Israeli citizen who served in the IDF. That pretty much sums up the insanity of Team Biden's foreign policy. As for Israel in general: all this because one man is a psychopath who wants to cling to power and avoid going to jail. And the GOP has shot itself in the foot by inviting him. Let's see how Trumpie reacts to that event.

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…as long as Trump avoids being at the Capitol the day of Net’s speech! Wouldn’t it be a coup (pardon) if our illustrious body of representatives disinvited him as the Swiss did the Russians to their peace pow-wow?

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How Trump reacts to Netanyahu's visit will tell us a lot about how he has evolved - or not.

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Given there is speculation that tactical nukes have been used in the past I wonder if the media would dismiss it as MOABs.

The more militarily astute can chime in if modern tactical nukes give off tell tale signs of radiation or are so low yield they can dismissed as conventional.

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MOABs are dropped from C-130s. Those should be trackable.

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Not sure were you get that info. I have 22 years in the Corps and tactical nukes are used to make terrain unusable. I do not believe anyone has ever used one. The radiation doesn’t just go away. It’s easy to prove.

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I wonder which way the prevailing winds blow in Lebanon.

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Probably not from Vichy.

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