To discourage these incidents the consequences must be made as disagreeable as possible. Now that the Democrats have created our Washington gulag for political prisoners, why not have this guy be put there and disappear from public view, no trial, no habeas corpus, just lock him up in solitary in a vermin-infested cell with bad food, no…
To discourage these incidents the consequences must be made as disagreeable as possible. Now that the Democrats have created our Washington gulag for political prisoners, why not have this guy be put there and disappear from public view, no trial, no habeas corpus, just lock him up in solitary in a vermin-infested cell with bad food, no medicine, legal counsel or possibility of communicating with the outside world.
To discourage these incidents the consequences must be made as disagreeable as possible. Now that the Democrats have created our Washington gulag for political prisoners, why not have this guy be put there and disappear from public view, no trial, no habeas corpus, just lock him up in solitary in a vermin-infested cell with bad food, no medicine, legal counsel or possibility of communicating with the outside world.