Obviously a Dem election lawyer would say that the courts won't get involved. However, there are tens of millions of dollars involved and the rights of the donors. It only takes one to challenge the whole thing, and we know that not all may be on board. Wait and see. From the GOP perspective, the good thing is that this is months out--not after the fact.
Obviously a Dem election lawyer would say that the courts won't get involved. However, there are tens of millions of dollars involved and the rights of the donors. It only takes one to challenge the whole thing, and we know that not all may be on board. Wait and see. From the GOP perspective, the good thing is that this is months out--not after the fact.
Obviously a Dem election lawyer would say that the courts won't get involved. However, there are tens of millions of dollars involved and the rights of the donors. It only takes one to challenge the whole thing, and we know that not all may be on board. Wait and see. From the GOP perspective, the good thing is that this is months out--not after the fact.