Their never-failing failure, is *always* over-playing their hand...Wonder where, oh where, will will the mighty world merchant lay their heads down next? I'm betting heavily on Patagonia...count on it. I just hate to be in the burned and plundered ashes of the northern Hemisphere at this time to come (for now, at least). Before the end of this week, gonna get very hot. The QSA/JSA, has about , what, 700 mini-Stalingrads around the world, ripe for the annihilating? That's kind of stupid "force projection". (while they damn should sure be at home, protecting their "homeland"!) But then again, ruled by insane people who do not care, except for vengeance on Amalek and tikun-alom! (they can escape and wait it out, of course, without a scratch on their holy hides!)...And so, history repeats itself...Let's begin teaching our kids the art of cave-wall painting....(AGAIN!).

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You come here with a Baphomet sigil? Really?

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"Their never-failing failure, is *always* over-playing their hand."

Admittedly, this is a stereotype about 'them', and we thoughtful, 'educated' folks have all been conditioned to question stereotypes, if not outright disbelieve them. Its not an exagerration to say that in some quarters stereotypes are presumed not only to be untrue, but to be the opposite of the truth. Thus, in the stereotype quoted above 'they' not only don't always over-play their hand, they *never* over-play their hand. The truth, therefore, in this calculation is the exact opposite of the stereotype.

My musings about stereotypes this morning have led me to do a little 'internet' research on current thinking about stereotypes. I think we can all agree that this is generally a dangerous thing to do.

Nevertheless, I offer a recent article about stereotypes that disagrees with the conventional wisdom that stereotypes are unfair and untrue. It's lengthy and dense and you may not have the time or inclination to read through all of it, so...here's the author's summary conclusions:


• Academics, experts, and laypeople often assume stereotypes about groups are inaccurate. This assumption is used to justify policies meant to reduce or eliminate such beliefs.

• Most stereotypes that have been studied have been shown to be approximately correct. Usually, stereotype accuracy correlations exceed .50, making them some of the largest relationships ever found in social psychology.

• Even when people hold true stereotypes, they have little effect on how people judge or treat individuals about whom they have other, individualized information.

• Unlike most findings in social psychology that are small and flimsy, the results noted above are clear, large, reliable, and untouched by the replication crisis.

• The field of stereotype accuracy casts doubt on the usefulness of programs meant to reduce stereotypes in education, government, and business as a way to achieve equality."


The upshot is that I'm inclined to believe that the stereotype that "Their never-failing failure, is *always* over-playing their hand" is largely true. This conclusion accords with my personal experience practicing law in New York City for over 40 years that the dominant business class in New York, while undoubtedly capable, ambitious and successful, will often, when presented with a likely loss, double down, similar to a poker bluff, in order to win. I have characterized this approach as "They don't know when to quit" and, in my experience it often leads to a worse loss than it otherwise could or should have.

I think this what we are facing here. The result of over-playing our hand in our foreign policy is likely to lead to a more consequential loss than it otherwise xhould or could have.

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Thanks for that. It's nice to see things analysed from a different and fresh angle. There is so much sameness in Internet comments.

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The Onion, back when it was funny (so, 20+ years ago), had a t-shirt that read "Stereotypes" in big, bold letters, captioned by "are such time-savers!"

Having had a merchandise coupon while also a NYC corporate attorney back then, I opted for the "I [heart] Corporations" one. ;-)

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Stereotypes are nothing more than generalizations drawn from observation of reality. It's how humans interact with the real world--rational interaction with reality is impossible without general concepts. Action based on generalizations may be warranted or unwarranted, but only open discussion can validly determine whether the actions are warranted or not. Suppression of discussion about generalizations is almost certain to be unproductive because it, in effect, attempts to suppress human nature. Such attempts are usually pursued in the service of extreme ideologies.

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Of course, I didn't mean to imply that stereotypes can't be true. But, as you suggest, analysis and open discussion is always crucial. And in our political moment, generally forbidden. And, yes, very dangerous.

In the case at hand, the war in Israel, the consequences of our inability to rationally analyze and discuss (except here) look increasingly catastrophic.

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Nor did I take your comment to imply that.

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Concur. The US is "pushing" the Russians. Bullying, as you say. And you are right , the fools have got themselves into several potential conflicts all at once.

Does anyone see this combined situation ending well? And the way everything is unfolding makes the "critical eye" ask. Are they who are orchestrating this.... just fools.... OR.... maybe they do not want it end well.

hard to say

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Great news whatever the timing. I wonder when they're going to release the editors of the NYT and UK Daily Telegraph who did exactly the same thing that he did. Oh, wait, they weren't jailed, were they?

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Guess that guys had the wrong profile.

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Horrifying video.

And we, the Public, don't know the half of what's been done in our name.. That's a big part of the reason they want to cancel Trump and his supporters. Heaven help us if the full truth ever gets out.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Good for MTG. Wonderful that there is a representative who actually speaks their mind (or that actually has a mind). But wow, only one out of 435? +50? Pitiful.

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Her and Thomas Massie are the only ones I can think of.

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Matt Gaetz on many issues. Lauren Boebert. Byron Donalds. Jim Comer.

Also Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar.

Anna Paulina Luna. Harriet Hageman.

Jim Jordan most of the time.

Still a small percentage of 435. And it takes enormous courage to oppose those who control us.

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Good to know, Cass! There are very few here in Europe willing to speak out: Orban, Farage, Fico...

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About time

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Outside if the obvious economy and illegal migrants/border issues I sure hope Trump on Thursday rattles Zhou with his administrations foreign policy debacles. This is an equally highly relevant topic that equates to war. In addition, the terrorism aspects as noted above will not go away for Russia. Putin knows the CIA and National Security desks will continue to pay influence with dissenters in the region. Putin will come up with alternative means to address (beyond Russian soil) IMO.

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To paraphrase the three guys in "Jaws": I think we need a bigger fan. The idea that these terrorist attacks will push Ivan and Olga Public to overthrow Putin is mind-boggling and reflects how little understanding of human nature these neocons - psychopaths to a man and woman - have in their raddled brains. Russia has so many options here and nearly all of them allow them plausible deniability. I'm sure that Putin and his team have had very good reasons for not taking out the Black Sea drones, but that has to change. And now is not a good time to be a GI on one of those illegal Syrian or Iraqi bases.

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Wow Steg, a Jaws reference after my Stripes reference yesterday. BTW it's a bigger "boat" not fan. LOL. Anyways the Duran guys also talked about Russia's need to take out ISR assets in the Black sea but they both wondered impact when these drones are replaced by manned flights.

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Perhaps the bigger fan is to handle all the shite that’s about to hit it.

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That's what my cheeky little paraphrase was aiming at. The brown stuff coming our way won't just hit the fan; it will bury it under a mudslide.

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True dat

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I agree that it's mind bogglingly clueless, and yet they really do believe something of the sort.

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Speaking of Global Hawks, look what Stephen Bryen just posted:


If its true, we're getting our drone herd thinned out....

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MenchOsint says it's not true--for now:


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Good if true. Let's wait and see.

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Timing suggests an “October surprise” type event to influence the European elections less than 10 days away for both Uk and France.

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I think the surprises are coming in every month now, Ray. Even weekly.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Let's hope to stay alive until November 5th for the US general election. And in my beloved Chinada, for the ousting of the incompetent Liberal-NDP coalition. Let's spend a moment to pray God.




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Ah, the good old Epoch Times. From another epoch.

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The Epoch Times, although it has a lot of good content, always has to be interpreted through the filter of it's association with Falun Gong. There is always going to be an anti-CCP bias. Not that the CCP is good and the Falun Gong is bad or the other way around. Just that the relationship is adversarial and therefore prone to propaganda. Personal opinion: The last thing we need is ET tailoring their journalism toward cheerleading on a war between the U.S. and China.

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Any additional comments?

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I hope Canada will one day be rid of the awful Trudeau.

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