History has shown that there are good Popes and not so good Popes. Unfortunately, we are inflicted with a not so good Pope who rather play politics by advocating the current trendy leftist social drivel, and aligning with Marxist thought and liberation theology, than humbly shepherding the Roman Catholic faithful. I pay no attention to anything theological or social this guy says. There are plenty of encyclicals, teachings, and writings from previous Popes as well as current faithful Bishops, Priests, and Theologians that warrant continued study and fidelity to the Faith.

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The Pope and the Phanar are both going down the same route, unity with modern values.

It seems the formula adopted will be the early church synodal system.

The issue the Pope has is how to remove the vestiges of universal claims, hence the issue with the Latin mass.

The Catholics are wrestling with the synod on synodalism while the Phanar is trying to enforce primacy.

The obstacles of this process are traditional Catholics and the Moscow Orthodox sphere.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 12, 2023
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Know them by their fruits ...

I like that.

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I agree with Hilary (with one “l”):

“How, at this late stage, is everybody STILL so dumb?”

I mean, the guy showed his true colors from day one.

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One more aspect of current affairs lining up with prophecy in the scriptures.

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It’s true but still sad that the Catholic Church is supposedly led by that Gaia worshipping apostate!

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