Biden (or whoever his puppeteers are) is living on a different planet than the Germans and their handmaidens, the French. That alone is extremely scary - and I would be even more scared if was a resident of Eastern Europe. Another scary thing is that after all these years and given its past history virtually all of Europe still has purposely put its fate in the hands of the Germans - good engineers but lousy governors. It looks like NATO is going to be gone soon; that may not be bad. Who will then provide for and pay for Europe's defense? And who will there be to defend against anyway, when Russia now entirely controls them via energy and they have long ago thrown their borders open to Islamic radicalism from the middle eastern countries and North Africa?

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If only we had a news service that would tell of these things rather than having to get FACTS in a plain brown wrapper when nobody is looking. Our greater problem arises out of acceptance of everybody's Truth, facts be damned! Such a sad state we are in, following Europe right down the hole.

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Ukrainian Money has a big voice in congress, and may be guiding some political decisions.

Russian seems to have wised up on the money issue, as seen by the the contributions to Schumer by a Russian Lobbyist.

Germany is just being Germany, and does not care about the US. They see themselves as morally superior and smarter than the US hicks.

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Our representatives. I need to put a question mark after those two words. Our representatives?

This morning on television news I watched a few seconds of one of the members of the House of Representatives from our state declare in a strong voice, 'We've got to defend Ukraine and its borders,' and I wondered 'why?' ... of course I know why, he 'belongs' to someone or some group that Eisenhower warned us against.

A week ago I received one of our state senator's information letters (sent because I've been banging on him to do something about the invasion at our southern border since it began) and he wrote glowingly of his trip to the border and what he'd seen. And, incredibly, he listed numbers and activity about the entire outrageous mess that he'd been busily viewing. As if I couldn't see it on my television and my laptop myself.

You won't believe the two sentences the feckless man had the ignorance and gall to close his 'constituent's informative message' with -- I copied them out of his letter so I could remember them exactly, because I intend to call his office instead of emailing him so that I won't be too angry when I make that call. Those two sentences sent by a US Senator about the invasion at our southern border were: "When does this end? Who's going to stand up and help us, just enforce the laws of our country?"

We are doomed.

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