Trudeau is destroying Canada's relationship with India without any evidence. Everything CSIS et al came up with is in the "public realm" - i.e., they Googled it.


I think Trudeau was told to provoke Modi, but I'm sure he was happy to do it, because he's humiliated from the richly-deserved, and very public, dressing down he recently got from Modi.

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Oct 2, 2023
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Trudeau and Singh are both WEF puppets, with the latter propping the former up until 2025. Neither cares about actual Canadians.

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Good news all around. I'm hearing rumblings--just rumblings, mind you--that along the lines of Miss Vickie's "Eff the EU", the U.S. was helping to nudge France out of the region. RF and PRC were/are early players and it seems that Uncle Sugar wants in on the action. The neocons may have realized that their excellent adventure in UA while attempting to pillage RF was too tough a nut to crack, and that Africa looks like easier pickings.

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Why is it good news that the US is replacing France in Africa? Africans want neither. At least the Chinese build them power stations and infrastructure.

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The mere fact that FR is being shown the door after decades of essentially plundering the Sahel is the good news; the U.S. has not been exactly welcome in Africa, so they won't exactly 'replace' the French "stick" due to the tastier "carrots" offered by RF & PRC.

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Agreed. I don't see either where the Americans can dredge up the manpower for such ventures, unless they empty out their other bases.

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“Globalism” appears to have a brand new definition today. What a shock to our best and brightest “experts.” It appears the other players of the globe get a say, and what they are saying is no to the West’s “rules based order.”

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I've worked a lot in international schools, which are basically the training centres for tomorrow's globalist leaders. It's funny how my perception of them has changed. 20 years back I - grudgingly - had to admit that they were the wave of the future. Whether we plebs liked it or not, we were going to be ruled by rootless, internationally-minded beta men and karens. However, my perception today is different. It's hard to describe how completely out of touch with reality all these places and their occupants appear. I almost feel sorry for them. The students are going to graduate, expecting to take the world by storm, yet 90% of the planet despises them and all their values. Ah, good times!

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Yes I’ve noticed the woke clock being set back - anecdotally, has anyone seen the recent Bud Light commercials during NFL games? Woww. Back to the basics of marketing, know-the-customer approach. In contrast, Ford is “all in on America,” except I guess when it comes to the salaries of its own work force…weren’t the Dems once the party of workers?

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So if the US becomes persona non grata in the Middle East, I’m wondering where the neocons think the energy requirements for the country to function will come from? The Biden administration has done absolutely everything to destroy and discourage energy production in the US, so I guess they figure they’ll just pay $3-400.00 a barrel for oil from the Middle East and business will go on as usual. I mean $30-40.00 a gallon gas should be no problem. $2,000.00 a month electric bills, not a problem. But the military will have gone full EV by then, so no problem there either. Of course, the reach of the neocon’s rules based order won’t be able to project much beyond Enid, Oklahoma.

Reminds me of the Colonel in the interview you posted the other day; these clowns just don’t have a keen grasp of the frickin

obvious! On the bright side, if Zhou packs it in, or, as Rush used to say, assumes room temperature, Kammy will be President, so we got that goin for us. (Forehead slap!)

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I'm sure they can weld solar panels onto those M1A2 Abrams.

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Good luck with solar power in the months ahead

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Maybe the unraveling is a good thing for us here at home and the rest of the world. It doesn’t seem to have done anyone much good except the top 1/10 of 1% of oligarchs.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Doubling down on stupid.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Double ditto!!

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Sep 30, 2023
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