What seems very strange, if not downright perverse, is the Zhou-Zelensky relationship. Neither can stand up to the other and say, “I’m washing my hands of you. This war is over.” They can’t separate and call it off because each needs the other to keep the hideous anti-Russian sharade going, the $$ flowing into the overseas coffers, and lives of the citizenry be da—ed. What a vile and macabre duo - as Hersh comments, Zhou exists in his own ghoulish Neocon bubble, and it’s next to impossible for others, including Burns, to impress reality upon him. So Zelensky uses Zhou’s senility to prolong the agony of impending defeat, and Zhou uses Z as a poster boy for “democracy,” to cover his venality. When the break comes…well, as Mercouris would say, “we’ll just have to see.”

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I think there was more driving the Serbia War, than the Social Justice angle.

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I do think a major part of it was to show Muslims that the US would take their side against Christians.

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You are correct, Mark. In addition, by bombing the Serbs they pissed off the Russians who are a Slavic brethren. My wife’s cousin was Greece’s diplomat to the Ukraine in those years and he told me that Clinton’s action on behalf of the Muslim factions was a leading reason for Russian mistrust of US policies. The NEOCons & NeoLiberals hate Christianity and use Islam as a cudgel in an attempt to marginalize Christianity in the USA.

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The war on Christianity in America is out in the open now. Hopefully they have overreached.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

“Hopefully they have overreached.“

We’ll see how many ordinary people (esp ordinary Catholics!) in LA stop supporting their pro ball team now that the Dodgers have declared themselves co-belligerents in the war on Christianity. The Bud Lite episode notwithstanding, I have my doubts. Fact is, the war is now out in the open because Christians and Christianity in this country are shockingly weak.

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I wonder…

Biden was a big proponent of bombing Serbia. How much Gulf Money lobbied for the bombing in us politics?

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Ok, my question is if the Neocons are all batcrap crazy and equally committed to it’s their way or the highway, how can we be certain that they are not batcrap crazy enough to start a nuclear war and barbecue themselves and the rest of us deplorables just to prove a point?

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

We arent...unfortunately

At that point just hope some one in the Pentagon has guts and sense

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I wouldn't count on the Pentagon, but Putin most likely sees his interests best served by continuing this type of war forever.

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Still wonder who is really going to be flying these F16. The numbers of Ukr pilots supposedlybeing trained seem very high.🤔

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I hope the Ukie airforce is diverse and has enough pregnant pilot suits.

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I would correct Macgregor’s other important point that the US is finding itself unable to adequately support its war effort for the long term and suggest that the US may find itself unable to adequately support anything in the short term. As for the culture wars I ain't fighting and I ain't buying. Having been by the Trevi fountain in Rome many times the new 'culture' is to vandalize it? These people are sick, and I hope my fellow Americans are immune to this stupidity.

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McGregor: "Conventional wisdom is frequently high on convention and low on wisdom". Could be the motto of the US Deep State. My only beef with the good Colonel is that his timing predictions about the Russian offensives have been off. I'm sure they will happen, but when, only God and Stavka know.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

I agree that the same "Americans" who want to erase Russian culture also want to erase US culture and are well on their way to doing so. The explicit aim to gradually or quickly kill off a culture is defined as genocide by the term's creator, Raphael Lemkin. Genocide, Inc. considers ordinary Americans who don't preemptively surrender to it to be subhuman garbage. US "bombing" of us on 9/11/2001 allowed them to speed up our disappearance.

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Readers will recall that during the height of the Covid Hoax I regularly cited the views of Sucharit Bhakdi--a real hero:


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It was a complete witch hunt but the covid narrative in Germany has collapsed to such an extent that even their crazy health minister is admitting there are vaccine harmed. This worked in the good Dr's favour.

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That John Batchelor guy is a hoot. Low key informative podcasts. Love ‘em. Stumbled upon him years ago working nights and he was syndicated on late night radio.

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RemovedMay 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023
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Maybe military objectives are beside the point. Alternatively, this could simply be a way for the MIC to make money. Let the Russians destroy a bunch of ancient F16s, and voila, orders for F35s go through the roof!

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Since reading that there are no longer usable runways for these F16’s inside Ukraine, maybe xioe could send them some big catapults and nets for takeoff and landing. You know - from Acme.

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