
REPORT: Trump White House Official Confirms Knowledge of Muskegon, Michigan Voter Fraud Report in 2020 – CLAIMS THERE WAS AN ARREST – BILL BARR ALLEGEDLY KILLED IT

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Ok, nobody here is surprised by any of this, it just confirms what we already knew using common sense and logic, so the fundamental question remains, “where the hell are the Republicans??”. Nowhere to be seen. If they can ignore the travesty that passes for justice against the Jan 6ers,, they won’t have any problem ignoring this latest confirmation of malfeasance in the 2020 election. All this happy horse manure about Trump losing “fair and square” is the real conspiracy theory and yet our fearless leaders sit on their collective fat asses in DC trying to ignore the fricken obvious.

Mitch McConnell’s town hall where he was booed is a perfect example of rhino insouciance. He was being booed and heckled and just kept on talking without skipping a beat. He didn’t care what anyone had to say but himself and whatever noises the peasants were making could just be ignored. If these are not times that try men’s souls, then I guess I’m not grasping the concept.

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What do Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and Susan Collins all have in common? They were all behind in polls for their most recent races but magically pulled out victories. These election fraud revelations make one wonder that maybe these victories aren't just name recognition or campaign funding advantages or unobservant voters. Maybe, the reason many Republicans don't call this out is because they would implicate themselves. And given how financially rewarding time in Congress can be, I can't imagine they're eager to exit.

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This concerns what any reasonably sentient American already knew: the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. Martin Armstrong seems to have a very good record in predictions. He believes that 2024 will see massive social unrest. It's hard to doubt him.

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It’s about counting ballots. Not votes. Or persuading voters.

Wherever and however the cheaters can create and deposit a ballot is their game now.

Explains the lack of concern when unpopular policies are imposed and dictated now. Voters just don’t matter to them anymore.

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Until/unless voting is returned to paper ballots, in-person voting with identification, and lastly a purple finger after voting will elections be trusted ever again. We do not have a coherent election process, we have rigged elections. WRT to identification we have for too long let the left gaslight Americans into believing the poor people of color are too ignorant to get ID's. or get to the polls without massive money to fund, (often tax payer funds) activists to vote for them. so we let this happen year after year.

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It's mind boggling how many exploitable points exist in the US election process, at every level. Too obvious and numerous to list. It would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

What you're describing with Illinois is similar to Arizona. Just have to create enough space for manipulation in Maricopa County (Phoenix metro)--a tiny % renders the rest of the state negligible. (Tucson and Flagstaff are university towns.) Dems like to point out how the county is largely run by Republicans, but, come on, they are McCain Republicans whose candidates got smoked in the primaries. Look at what Cindy McCain has been up to since 2020 to understand what that means.

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Election Fraud Matters. Unaddressed election fraud matters even more. Athletes took the knee, BLM and Antifa protested, the flag was burnt and then the voters got the message that it is all rigged. Finally nobody believes the US is legit. The citizens pay their taxes and do not protest. They just assume the government is corrupt, not concerned with the welfare of the citizens and not very capable of succeeding in anything they do. Worse than a revolution, a civil war or massive protests, we have a people with no trust or allegiance to their government.

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These new discoveries won't play well in DC (think the prosecution of Trump who alleges voter fraud) or with the democrat media talking heads. Once more details of the scheme are ironed out and the proof of this fraud is indisputable, Trump will once again be on the warpath. And rightfully so. The courts had a chance to look into this in 2020 but turned back lawsuits due to their favorite dodge of lack of standing. Actual evidence of fraud does not rest on standing.

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Unfortunately, sigh.

I’m not seeing the legal risk.

I pray this changes.

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This is why EVERY STATE NEEDS AN ELECTORAL COLLEGE, County by County.......

In every State the largest CITY ends up ruling the entire State, NY, Cali, Seattle, Portland, Detroit,

"Cook County and the City of Chicago dominate Illinois politics because their population is such a large percent of the total state population."

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Chicago and Cook County had a reputation for crooked politics back in the 1960s and before. And Chicago's last Republican mayor left office in 1931. From what I have seen, if the mayor's office and council majorities switch back and forth occasionally, it's likely to keep things a little more honest--not perfectly, but better than perpetual ownership by one party.

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The Chicago way was unleashed on the rest of the country after Obama took office.

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Aug 10, 2023
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Worked in PA in 2016! Shame they didn't continue it in 2020.

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