We need to get rid of the machines here….they lie! And their manufacturers lie. Have you checked out any of the forensic reports from Maricopa? Jovan Hutton Pulitzer has been putting out detailed precinct level reports from his forensic studies. The dead shouldn’t be voting. In many precincts inactive voters (lists provided by ERIC) were reactivated, votes cast for them, then deleted immediately after. 2000Mules, coming documentary from .dinesh DSousa will demonstrate the problem of stuffing ballot boxes for money… the printer printed almost a million extra ballots for Maricopa and there’s no accounting for what happened to those extras. The USPS stopped keeping images of mail for the election period, and then started again after…..very fishy stuff! France used ONLY paper ballots, and voting was ONLY on Election Day. Machines can always use algorithms to change numbers, like happened in Michigan. I hope we get our elections fixed, or we are doomed.

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Often the British are the most astute observers of the French. Here follows a deeper dive into the dismal election results (1st round), cast more as a struggle between the haves (formerly of May 68 and very content to surrender liberty here and there to maintain their lifestyles) and the have-nots (of all ages, some still working, some known as gilets jaunes or “yellow vests.”) Ça promet, as the French say…


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Pepe Escobar


The death of Left/Right - revisited.

How they vote: Ipsos poll 3 days before the 1st round.

Macron: the wealthy, the elderly, pensioners, white collars.

Le Pen: blue collar workers, salaried petit bourgeoisie.

Melenchon: the young, and a little bit of everything.

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Pepe is exactly right

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My headline: France votes for self immolation.

A patriotic France would have Zemmour & Le Pen in round 2.

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Today McConnell said that if he becomes Senate leader and Kevin McCarthy Speaker they'll make sure Zhou will be "moderate". Do you feel reassured?

Re those intel officials, the Left has spent close to a generation staffing our intel agencies with their ideological soul mates. Think about it--practically every agency has an intel component and DHS has become huge. We need a purge, not moderation.

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McConnell is a sellout. They’ve been trying to get rid of him for ages. The bureaucracy was heavily involved in screwing with us, ordering lockdowns for Covid, and other things to steal the election. The bureaucracy is unelected, and a leviathan, out of control. We do need a purge, in the worst way! “to secure these rights” were the words used in the Dec of Indep to describe the sold purpose of “governments instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Yet who among us still consents???? And they don’t care.

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Re French election Le Pen roughly 5% points behind but worse - all but one of the other main candidates called for a vote against her in 2nd round.

Re U.S elections - yes it seems they ate setting up the narrstive but no one will fall for that again. Tin hat time - what a perfect time for Schwab's cyber attack that he's so furiously promoting.

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Nobody mentions they have a huge Muslim problem, with 'zones' nobody goes into, and Le Pen and Zemmour are the only ones to address it. Having lived in France after my Army service, I can say going way back there is a liberal bent to French politics that prevents them from addressing the issues. Is America becoming Frenchified?

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France, Presidential election (first round) today:

Macron (EC-RE): 28.5% (+5)

Le Pen (RN-ID): 24.2% (+3)

Mélenchon (LFI-LEFT): 20.2% (+1)

Zemmour (REC-NI): 7.1% (new)

+/- vs. 2017 election

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Re the French elections: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/04/10/candidate-for-establishment-right-french-republicans-urges-voters-to-back-macron-over-le-pen/

So looks like a rematch of 2017…a total collapse of the center-right with a horrible, unserious candidate, Pécresse, and around 20 pct for the far left “Insoumis” party with Mélanchon. The losers are jumping on the anti-Le Pen bandwagon which will help Macron…

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So they’re starting to set the stage for an excuse to dismiss and invalidate the results of the 2022 mid-terms. Those pesky Russian’s: inflation, rising gas prices, supply chain problems and almost causing 81million people’s vote for Biden to be mid-attributed! Damn, those guys are almost as troublesome as DJT.

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Apr 11, 2022
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In Polish it means something like talk, talk, talk as opposed to speaking purposefully. But I had the Russian word wrong.

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Apr 10, 2022
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YOU BETTER VOTE ANYWAY, or we will be totally screwed!!!

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We have to dissolve the Uniparty, start with dismantling the Republican party (underway), and let the progs destroy the democrat party. The long populist battle against the unelected state starts there. I am as cynical as anyone about the election system but the political parties do control a lot of it and can have an effect on the administration of elections. A MAGA surge at the midterms could lead to Desantis and similar committing to an anti-establishment populist platform that would give the movement more heft. I'm not saying it's even in the realm of possibility but a Desantis -Trump Administration, with Trump as VP given responsibility for reforming the executive branch, would be very effective. Along with assuming Trump's acquiescence, this would assume some form of populist political cover if not support in both houses of Congress. Send pompeo back to state with a scorched earth mandate. (Assuming Pompeo is not a swamp creature). The big one would be AG. Need a black gay conservative to dismantle the civil rights division and scale back the DOJs surveillance powers. This is all half tongue-in-cheek because the alternatives are we all get great resetted or there's a violent popular revolt stemming from the depredations on the economy by the central bankers...

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Desantis -Trump is not possible, because Trump's strength is he runs the show, and keeps his cards close to his vest. A prevailing narrative is that Trump needs or Trump relies, and without the proper advise or informants he is lost. He is very open to information and advise, but as President he ran things. I understand you and many others don't want him back, and I even more understand why he has no personal interest in coming back, but without him I fear we have no hope.

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You misunderstand if you understand I don't want Trump back. "But as President he ran things..". I don't think you are understanding me and many others' concerns regarding the nature of the opposition to Trump, namely that he needs to garner more capable support in his fight against them than he had last time and there may be better ways of garnering that support than "running things" by himself.

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His term as President was unique in American history as all Washington was against him and all Washington joined in the cover-up to make sure there were no challenges to the 2020 election. It was essential that he work surreptitiously to get anything enacted. It was also unique in American history that so many questionable and illegal means were employed against him. In any comeback legal steps will be taken so that those who used those means will not be in positions of power, and we can expect a more traditional approach to governing. Not the least of my reasons for wishing him back is his promise in a December 2020 speech to restore integrity to the voting process, and a subsequent statement that 'we got 'em. We got 'em all.'

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Apr 11, 2022
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Mike in FL? Please enlighten Dave about Desantis.

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We have no hope with or without him, in federal elections. DC cannot be changed by Constitutional means. It's a literal criminal syndicate that will either have to tear itself apart or be torn apart. Not a chance that the criminals will yield power to anyone peacefully.

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The midterm election presents a unique opportunity to win a majority of 500 local elections where with proper vigilance rigging can be prevented, and we can vote in a Congress that will address these issues and prosecute crimes.

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Respectfully perle, no. It won't matter significantly if 535 Republicans are elected in November. Because the problem is a Fourth Branch of government that is unelected and answers to no one and overrules the other three. DC isn't a swamp, it's a criminal thugocracy and it will never yield to elected anyone. We don't live in a republic perle. We are ruled by a regime.

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You have the cynical corner staked out ginned, that is for sure. What I see in the fraud of the last election is some constraint on the fraudsters' ability/control. I don't think they can very easily defraud isolated precincts / local races. With a limited number of votes to keep track of. I don't think they can succeed anywhere without two complicit political parties, and I think getting compliance from both political parties to their fraud across all precincts and every county and state is a tall tall order. Because Trump as an excuse /rallying cry works once I think, much harder the second time especially if Trump is not on the ballot. Lawsuits and challenges that are prepared and filed in advance of the election will be harder and harder to dismiss. A true two-party system would bring competition back into play, where there are two competing parties, the system stands a better chance of working. Colorado for example seems to indicate some variation in complicity in the Republican party between state and federal level repubs.

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I wish that were true HH but if it were then we wouldn't see the uniform corruption everywhere. Yes, in one sense you're right. They don't have control of elections *everywhere *. Those are called deep red states. But isnt it strange how there are fewer and fewer deep red states? They all seem to go purple then blue. Why? It's not demographics and it's not wokesters moving to red states and overwhelming w numbers. It's election fraud. The Criminals of the Uniparty have a vested interest in undermining honest elections everywhere and you'd better believe they are doing it in every state, every precinct they can. It's their playbook and it's worked perfectly for 20 or 30 years now.

But it gets worse. They dont *need* to steal every office everywhere because they have a corrupt system that ensures that anyone who gets to DC will shut up and do as they're told. It's not a mystery why Republicans in Congress ALWAYS sell us out and always fail to stop the corruption. They're part of it. They benefit from it. They DONT REPRESENT US. Elections are not the answer. We're too far gone. That's not cynicism. That's cold hard reality bashing us over the head but still most of us want to smoke the hopium and calculate electoral prospects and coo over how many seats we can win. We deserve our chains.

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I was typing my comment on the coming election while you were entering yours, and you said it better.

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