It’s razor thin.
I wouldn’t ordinarily do this, but since the election in France is so important for the New World Order—whatever that turns out to be—here’s some exit polling, via a Polish Twitter feed:

Exit Poll La Libre Belgique:
Emmanuel Macron: 24%
Marine Le Pen: 24%
Mélenchon: 19%
Pécresse: 8%
Zemmour: 8%

Other Twitter commenters are calling BS, that it’s too early, gada, gada, gada (as they say in Russian, but also in Polish).
Meanwhile, back in the US, back in the US, back in the USSA—our Intel Community is hard at work trying to make sure our elections work right, er, Left:

Translation: US intelligence officials have authorized a new interference campaign in American politics.

The Associated Press @AP
Today McConnell said that if he becomes Senate leader and Kevin McCarthy Speaker they'll make sure Zhou will be "moderate". Do you feel reassured?
Re those intel officials, the Left has spent close to a generation staffing our intel agencies with their ideological soul mates. Think about it--practically every agency has an intel component and DHS has become huge. We need a purge, not moderation.
France, Presidential election (first round) today:
Macron (EC-RE): 28.5% (+5)
Le Pen (RN-ID): 24.2% (+3)
Mélenchon (LFI-LEFT): 20.2% (+1)
Zemmour (REC-NI): 7.1% (new)
+/- vs. 2017 election