Mission accomplished. New grandson arrived last night--a long day. 5 yr old was suggesting Fantastik ("fantastic with a K") for the name, but reason prevailed. Gramma and Grampa came through baby sitting experience in fine fettle.

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As the Duran guys gleefully intoned (referring to the Russian rapprochement with N Korea and recent stop in Hanoi), “Even a 3-year old could have predicted this!” A bit like what happens when you leave the stove unattended and the babysitter is busy clicking send: a cold war becomes hot in no time!

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It's rather incredible how much Team Biden has screwed up in the last 4 years.

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Yes this all seems to be about "shoring up" Chinese and Russian defenses in the Pacific, which actions are perfectly understandable given the U.S. saber rattling against China. Apparent agreement between Russia and China as per Ukraine with an important geographical card in North Korea thrown in for good measure. Vietnam and Malaysia are also huge.

Mark, thank you for your analysis. It just keeps getting better and better all the time. I used to think I had pretty good intuition about this stuff (absent your level of research). Now I depend on you. Few can do what you do in applying the level of intellect and experience you have to your analysis. You do all this in time that I (and many others) do not have. I REALLY appreciate it. You are a prophet for good in these dark days and I believe you are doing God's work.

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Speaking of the South China Sea, the Chinese have their dander up... https://dailycaller.com/2024/06/20/chinese-coast-guard-rams-philippino-boats-wields-blades/

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They haven't plated the Venezuela card either.

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I heard a programme a while back about the northern Arctic route for oil and other goods. Amazing stuff. A whole world is unfolding that is out of reach of US interference.

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There is the Bering Strait.

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Yes. That's an obvious choke point if the GAE wants to use it

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Another potential conflict area!

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