No one will see this so late, I know, but I'm posting this great clip off a recent Joe Rogan show, anyway. Very much worth the few seconds needed to watch, imho.

"@ComicDaveSmith on @joerogan simply and concisely explaining why trust has been lost in institutions.

That is the solution to the problem of corporate press/government lies. We’re on the right path."


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I think the dissonance between us and them (Elites/Progs/Deep State) will turn out to be like the increasing dissonance in a deteriorating marriage where one spouse is honest and the other isn't. You disagree and you argue, but nothing changes. There is no concession and no resolution. You disagree and you argue more and more, but absolutely nothing changes. You just stay married. Because, well, you're 'married'. Until one day you can't stay married and then its over.

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Regarding the cranking up of the gaslight around COVID is this gem: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2808358

The comments on the Instapundit link ( https://instapundit.com/602430/#disqus_thread ) are excellent, in that they recognize a deliberate attempt to revisit and twist the COVID experience in light of doctors who 'spread misinformation on social media' by questioning the efficacy of mRNA vaccines, lockdowns, masking mandates because said doctors caused hundreds of thousands of excess deaths by not embracing the vaccine-regime. Totalitarian gaslighting, or as one commenter put it, a 'dumpster fire of a study'. The six authors are all sited at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The article argues basically for censure and censorship of doctors that question any aspect of the worst and now evidence-revealed features of the civil rights abuses of covid-gate. Uuuugly stuff

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Wow! This is an extraordinary 'study'! We live in a very strange time...

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But if you still believe in the Wisdom of the Elites, there is a new variant coming and a new booster to protect you. And many more boosters to come. In the meantime, better mask up: https://archive.is/7txYJ

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I am not buying what Ron Johnson is selling, though he seems like a pretty good guy in a pretty bad system.

I don't think the US covid response was a miserable failure. I think it worked as intended, as gamed out. The planners, US or transnational, performed an experiment on the world, and took data, and the data on how the man on the street responded to various stimuli will be helpful in planning future wholly undemocratic programs to get people to respond in ways that make people easy to govern and less trouble for the governors, so... moo.

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I don't think the idea a repeatable behavioral experiment models well what was done to all of us, re covid-gate. The design lacks a control, and the target subjects ... adapt. A repeat will have responses that will not follow the pattern from the first treatment

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Good morning! As I am not very articulate as to why the experiment need not be repeatable to have been very useful (it's a "qualitative" or "observational" experiment, as drives desired changes in educational practice, desired for philosophical or political reasons long before the change), consider this recent post, https://open.substack.com/pub/merylnass/p/how-the-usg-pulled-off-the-coup-to?r=65hwx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web which has a nice list of excerpts from the Tablet essay itself, https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/guide-understanding-hoax-century-thirteen-ways-looking-disinformation which made the rounds this spring.

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Not so sure, Tamsin. I think Gates et al are disappointed that so many held out.

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Maybe he lost a bet with Klaus on uptake percent, and now he has to buy the next round at Davos? 😎

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Aug 26, 2023
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Maybe. The sheep will always be easy to scare. But people who resisted first time are even more aware of what's going on. They won't fall for it.

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Yes, but. People fell for the carrots (return to normalcy: eating out, going to the sportsball game, travel to europe) and the sticks (return to normalcy: going to work and receiving a paycheck and not having to look for a new job that is not with a federal contractor or any business that takes federal money or has to comply with federal, state, and local health laws). Who knew before December 2021, that everyone was a "federal contractor"? But we are. They ran the experiment, they took the data to find their reach, and now we all know the truth. They'll be happy to talk about lockdown harms and lab leaks and deadly gain of function research if they can keep the conversation away from mRNA vaccine harms.

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Simplicus mentioned in his latest post the 17 deaths at tinker Air Force base May be related to the Patriot Missiles being destroyed in Ukraine.


Interesting coincidence:

Picture c17 moving a Patriot missile from Tinker:


Could also be people out of cyber command division or air control wing.

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Suicide by hypersonic missile?

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The only recent person I know that got / has Covid works for Kaiser Healthcare, single mom with 2 kids.

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My husband is traveling this week, through airports; we'll see what he picks up and brings home. There is bound to be a lot of transmission of respiratory bugs with Labor Day travel and the start of school everywhere.

Is this mom vaccinated and boosted? Did she get off the booster train? Hope so. I was talking to a grandmother of a newborn yesterday and the grandma was telling me about this fabulous new oral vaccine that prevents ear infections. She was thrilled. I am skeptical, and concerned about any new vaccine, and about the old vaccines too. Yet it was impossible to rain on her parade. She and her daughter are thrilled they might avoid the pain and trauma of an infant battling through successive ear infections. An easy up-sell for pediatricians in the moment, in their office.

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Aug 26, 2023
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I had no trouble declining the flu shot last year and will avoid again this year. The pharmaceutical companies have lost trust as have many physicians. My primary doctor admonished me in 2021 for refusing the clot shot and hinted my refusal would have a negative affect on our doctor-patient relationship. I took that as a threat and dropped him immediately. He did not appreciate my comment suggesting I believe in science, but not political science when it comes to my health.

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I have a personal COVID vaccine story to share that makes it clear to me that more nonsense is coming our way. I was recently approached by a very large state-run university in Pennsylvania and asked to teach a class in one of their graduate school programs. Though I have a demanding full-time day job, I agreed to teach a class for the upcoming fall semester. An offer letter, that I was required to sign and accept, was sent to me. In addition to the usual things one would expect to see in such a letter, it contained several paragraphs explaining that, before I stepped foot in a classroom, I must be “up to date” with my COVID vaccines. I reached out to the university and reported to them that their adjunct faculty offer letter erroneously included a vaccine requirement. Honestly, I assumed this was some vestige of the 2021 vaccine hysteria that some administrative person forgot to remove from their template. I was wrong. I explained that I am not vaccinated, will not get vaccinated and that the data from the last two and a half years clearly indicates that the “vaccines” did not work. In response, I received an email telling me that there was no “work around” to the vaccine requirement. No proof of vaccine, no job at Pennsylvania’s second largest public university.

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Good on you for turning it down and pointing out the obvious.

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Universities are the point organisations for Woke and PC madness. No surprise there.

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I'm not sure which bout of cognitive dissonance is worse: that concerning the death shots, or that relating to Ukraine. The comments from the buffoons at National Interest reveal the full hubris and delusion of the Deep State: they still believe that they are in charge of events, and that the US has an awe-inspiring reputation abroad. As for the Covid hysteria 2.0, the usual suspects will go for it, while the rest of us carry on as usual. I intend to ignore it completely. Finally, anyone who watched the GOP debates and still thinks that there are any solutions to our problems at the DC level deserves everything they get. Trump is going to prison, and no-one on Team B has any idea or intention of changing things. The Dems are drunk on power and will push people to the point where they have no choice but to rebel and build something better from the ruins. Have a nice day, folks!

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Looking at the disarming array of gutless wonders currently inhabiting our political arena, the “sooner” will more than likely turn out to be “later”. I said the other day in the comments that I was convinced that the push to revive Covid hysteria was the opening salvo in an attempt to steal another election and cement absolute control of the American public. If they pull it off again, it’s over. Those of us who decide to resist will be demonized and vilified by the large number of “good Nazis” who will be only too happy to turn us in so we can be shuffled off to a reeducation camp or a holding area to keep us away from the happily compliant.

This go around is for all the marbles and will see the country forever changed. Lukewarm and halfhearted “patriot” politicians will not stop a force of this magnitude, it will require real men to stand in the breach and “pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor” in order to stop this great calamity, but where are such men to be found?

These are truly perilous times.

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Totally, SMH. It will come down to the line. However, I am confident that there are still enough good people left to carve out something better. The silent majority hasn't spoken yet. Most MAGA folks are on the right track, but they will need to lose their illusions about Donald "Warp Speed" Trump being their saviour.

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Agree completely. I think you have a clear-eyed grasp of our situation.

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Will there actually be an election for the Presidency next November? Abraham Lincoln did away with Habeas Corpus in the 1860s, so it's not a stretch for the war in UA, the spread of same to EU, the Syria conflict, the upcoming PRC adventure practically advertised by the Pentagram....take your pick....to foment such additional totalitarianism. The ravings of a loon you might say? The flying monkeys in DC (h/t Scott Adams) will no longer surprise me in their doubling/tripling down on stupid.

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What is clear is that the Dems are going, as SMH said above, for all the marbles. This isn't foreplay or the usual Tammany Hall malarkey; they are going for total and permanent power. They have several plays left before they think of cancelling the election, but they will certainly do that if those moves fail.

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I don’t expect there to be one. Perhaps an old Soviet style make believe one at best.

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Hard to imagine a more disastrous 24 months for US foreign policy and resulting decline in international standing than what the Biden clown show has delivered. From the Afghan debacle to spinning up the Ukraine disaster, this series of unforced errors has positioned Russia to extract a significant pound of US power and influence for Ukraine peace. Hard to see NATO surviving, and combined with BRICS developments, I anticipate a significant retrenchment to focus on our shores.

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Me thinks not unforced, rather quite deliberate

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Let's hope it drags down the awful EU with it.

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OTOH, we've been building up to this point for a long time, OTOH, our exit from world hegemon status didn't have to be this disastrous.

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Systems dynamics demonstrate that systems strive to bring themselves into a state of balance. When this adjustment is hindered or restricted (as the neocon actions and agenda are presently doing) the adjustment , when finally unleashed, is much more severe and drastic. (Think earthquake) This is the case now. Russia/Putin know we're bluffing with a shitty hand and they're perfectly willing to watch the kitty increase before they decide to call the bet and scoop up the big pot. The outcome, for the US, EU & NATO, worsens with each delay/escalation.

Crazy Joe and his merry band of neocon idiots are trying to ignore basic physics and gravity by pretending we have special powers, and we're about to have Toto pull back the curtain on the grand and glorious Wizard of Oz. https://youtu.be/YWyCCJ6B2WE?si=WIR9hWdIi1AA_x3e

The Saudi's just took a pass on getting nukes and signed onto BRICS instead. Now there's a vote of confidence in US Hegemony, power & influence.

Meanwhile, keeping Hunter disclosures and the true Ukraine disaster at bay have Crazy Joe and the neocon clown show keeping busy putting fingers in the dike.


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My head tells me this is so.

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True, but the Afghan and Ukraine moves needed a special kind of stupid to carry them out.

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As his mentor famously said: “don’t underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fck things up”. Our words to that effect.

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Takes one to know one.

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I agree with you that the most important matters are not getting enough attention in the USA. But is it not always that way, the American way?

Tucker used Trump for the sake of popularity, not for truth. The interview was an advertorial for both of them. For our health, it was a waste.

Ramaswamy has given attention to the Ukraine war but the way Fox treated the Republican Debate, like a reality show, tends to make politicians into fictional celebrities rather than activists/representatives for the People.

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Trumps interview seems a mixed bag from a content view point, but from a reach viewpoint, huge win. And a huge contrast to the Fox Debate.

Lots of stuff covered that the msm avoids.

But unfortunately Tucker and Trump also avoided some areas, ie Covid.

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"Trumps interview seems a mixed bag from a content view point, but from a reach viewpoint, huge win. And a huge contrast to the Fox Debate."

I'm thinking that Trump doesn't have to commit big time on content/specific policies/action items. His base certainly understands that he is a/the symbol of resistance to the Elites/Progs/Deep State. He is the only guy around who is In Their Face. Who they are Desperately Afraid Of. The challenge will be in persuading enough additional voters to back him to counterbalance the election fraud he will undoubtedly confront.

Is Trump's content-lite Karma enough? We shall see.

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Aug 26, 2023
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Trump is already buried by the media, and it’s so easy to show how the media went full Fascist Covid Support and lied.

My guess is Trump is staying hyper focused / disciplined messaging on election cheating and prosecutional misconduct.

I wish Trump would open up full force on Covid, so many lies. A huge Overton window in vaccine injuries, forced mandates, etc. he could shatter. There is an huge amount of untapped anger / emotion on this issue. Unfortunately it would require him admitting his mistakes, and that’s not Trump.

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Aug 26, 2023
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Louisiana Man Arrested for Making a Joke About COVID-19 and Zombies Wins Appeal

5th Circuit overrules grant of qualified immunity for officers who made warrantless arrest


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One of many reasons not waste time watching.

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I'll have to repent for that mistake.

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Aug 26, 2023Edited
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Wheee! Another 'looks good on the outside, not so hot under the hood' rino

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There's more coming out.

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Aug 26, 2023
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How does the response by Ramaswamy that he was just a poor struggling student square with being worth millions? He either took what ought to have gone to someone really pinched for funds, or he understood the deal - it was Soros money meant for elite climbers and possible future sycophants (in which case being loaded and ready to be part of an ethically questionable award were merit points).

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post-script: my kids are in that '24 yr' range and all of them would absolutely know better

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Aug 26, 2023
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I wasn’t planning to watch but did catch a good portion of it because my husband had it on the tv. Irrelevant, for the most part. If I recall correctly, the audience heartily booed Vivek’s statement that climate change was a hoax. That was weird.

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