Igor Chudov published an excellent review of Rintrah’s piece on the antibody response of those who took the jabs. I think he does a good job explaining the situation for the common reader. Check it out if Rintrah left your head spinning:


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Yes. Clearer than either Rintrah or KD.

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Lots of Substackers are talking about this study. It certainly ties in with what people like Gert Van den Bossche was shouting about 2 and a bit years ago. I'm no statistician but if you extrapolate the handful of people with IgG4 in the study out to the total of those vaccinated then it would seem there's a fair few million who are going to be affected with all the knock on effects that entails. Jessica Rose posits the link to aggressive cancers in her post about this study.

My first thought is not for those poor souls who have potentially killed their immune system but for the next generation to come: Dr Peter McCullough and others have been talking about the mRNA shots and reverse transcription - the possibility of uptake into DNA. What if this IgG4 response is passed on invitro? I'm no scientist but I figure humankind could ride out the effects on those directly jabbed but maybe not so much if the coming generations are affected. Obviously it will be years before that question can be answered.

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Lots to worry about--you'd be a fool not to.

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This article was very technical and parts of it were hard to understand. However, the fear was always that not only would the vax reduce the effectiveness of the body's immune system that relates directly to fighting Covid, but also that it would impact the body's overall immune system. Most people who are terrified of viruses and bacteria don't realise that our bodies are already full of both. It is the secondary immune system such as killer T-cells that keep all this crap under control. If the shots - and it is still if - are undermining these, then things will get tough for millions of people.

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

Earlier today an old Twitter comment (from Twitter Covid revelations quotations) spoke of the horrendous nature of 'anti-vaxxers' (etc., it wasn't the subject but tagged along with the point being made). Useless masks and apparently life changing (for the worse) 'vaccines' were "IN" for the wanna-be righteous Karens of this country. Illnesses from retention of bugs within the useless masks and now "unknown-unknowns" coupled with "Uh, don't worry about those known-unknowns" seem that the tables should be now turned; apparently triple/quad vaxxed covid experiments (people) are much more likely to be asymptomatic Heavy Viral-Load spreaders. This is not to mention, kids who would have had little or no issues with getting covid, got vaxxed and are subject to severe impact of - not only covid - but typical, light-effecting influenza and other RSVs. Maybe for the remainder of their lifetimes (an unknown-unknown).

Perhaps the tables now need to be turned to protect humanity, or at least on a basic, common sense level, the remaining, normal Immune System possessing public?

I resented all the terrible treatment the Karens, Gov't and 'scientists' levied. I will not stoop to their level and 'turn the tables'. However, I am for such multi-vaxxed folks to be 'marked' (maybe made to wear masks?) so I can avoid them somewhat, at my discretion. Hmmm, I guess I am willing to stoop down, some...

Struggle Jennings and Caitlynne Curtis did a song "God we need You now". Seems pretty apropos just now.

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I don’t think you will need to worry about those on the booster ride for long.

I feel sorry for those forced to be on it for work requirements.

Supposedly the Los Alamo’s labs requires boosters, and has terminated a couple of hundred PhD’s over the issue.

They only stopped requiring masks Dec 1.


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Wow! Follow the science--Not!

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Ray, no one was forced to take them. This may seem cruel, but no matter how important a person's pay check is, their health is paramount.

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A friend of a friend is looking for a job in medical sales, his resume would be golden usually. Super high achieving, etc. former company has serious issues and doing massive layoffs.

He was grandfathered in with his former company on the Vax, new hires are required to be boosted,

He can’t get a new job in medical sales, because everyone is requiring boosters. He is unvaxed. And a single dad. He is feeling a lot of pressure.

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Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement is tied to company compliance with vaccine requirement. You can't work in healthcare without being vaxxed and boosted if you're born before a certain year. Yes, at present we have Religious Exemption alternatives, but there was a massive bludgeon from the feds to reach 100% compliance. If 1 person works unvaxxed (not just direct care or nurses but dietary and EVS), or without a Bonafide exemption, the feds will cause financial harm and possibly take over operations.

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Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022

I accept your point, Thomas. I am self-employed and lost a fair amount of business over my anti-vax stance, so I know what you are talking about. That was tough with a wife and 4 kids to support. However, at least I was able to keep most of my clients and use skype for meetings. The medical profession faced far worse pressure. However, that doesn't change the fact that taking the jab to keep your job is a far worse decision than losing your job with all the financial consequences involved. One choice puts you in financial peril; the other may well kill you. Before Igor Chudov/KD's revelations, you could have argued that you could risk taking the vax and either hope that you got saline or that your immune system would squeeze out the side-effects. Now we know that this wasn't an option. Also, it could be argued that medical personnel would have realised more clearly that the vax was suspect - you can't rush out a successful and safe jab in the time they did. Maybe it's easier for me to say this because we have more of a social welfare safety net here in Europe, but if I were a medic or nurse, the bottom line would be that I would never take this jab, no matter what the consequences were.

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Yesterday KD pointed this out--that the persons most likely to have been repeatedly injected are probably medical personnel.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 27, 2022
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It would seem not!

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

Hey Nick, Hope your Christmas was pleasant and the New Year treats you well!

There appears to be much to unravel; I suspect many intertwining ops exist (I think Mark might use Psy-Ops, but it's not mine to put words into his mouth here). WEF has long term 'plans' for the Globalized world they envision. The funds were carefully, obscurely channeled into Wuhan and the Level 4 lab, from Fauci, et al (although I don't give him credit for being smart enough to truly comprehend what was going on). He slipped up stating a bad bug would afflict Trump's tenure, if you recall. The idea was way past planning at that time, likely years.

Obama outlawed Gain of Function research (supposedly); was that to distract the on-going developments? I say that, just as an example of how quickly the waters muddy-up.

I'll just end with a frustration I have regarding election-eering. If literal millions of ballots were falsified (many variations of ways suggested) how is it there is not one person who's been uncovered and turned for information? The deep state, 3-lettered scam/gov't agencies, dem operatives, WEF reps (i.e. Kerry, etc.) may be in bed together, but unless the entire gov't is somehow superhuman operatives, there should be some investigative-line in to reveal all this.

What I am grateful for is those, like Mark (our author), who served and retain integrity. There has got to be a majority still in our agencies of similar ilk. I'm not too good with these complex criminal conspiracy plans; I'd be a lousy crook so just don't spend any time trying to understand it all. (Apologies for a very long ending there!)

Take care; God 1st, your family/loved one/people next then Country. Won't fix the phonies but we'll sleep much better at night!

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

Making information-sharing platforms such as Meaning in History very important.

It is hard to be 'positive' when we see our once highly regarded FBI having fallen so far. When (somehow) 81 million votes are cast for a basement-dwelling campaigner who's lack of ability, lying, (etc. ad nauseum) were clearly his 'norm' for decades one wonders (aside from 'where did so many votes come from) of those actual voters just what are they thinking? Perhaps I answer my own question, I used the term 'thinking'. If it ain't on their social-networking ap on their phone it must not exist. Censor the 'net and the ill-informed voters line up, I guess.

Ugh, sorry to (again?!) be focused on the downer stuff! The stupid, 35 degree rain-storm we've got falling on our snow should be bad, yet it's comforting to be where I am -slightly insulated from all those afflictions- here in Idaho. (Where it's still okay to say God Bless you when someone sneezes...)

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In light of the Luongo Theory of Everything, even a national divorce or getting U.S. out of DC plays right into their goal of social instability and making it an unattractive place for the wealthy to leave their currency.

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As I was just reviewing a highly regarded financial report, with some trepidation on Fed Powell likely knowing about the lies regarding employment reporting (10K vs 1.1 Mil) I was reminded of the Luongo Theory of Everything, specifically the war against the WEF. I guess I'd say I fall onto the side of "fight the WEF". Our President doesn't deserve any more support from lies (employment #'s made him look good amidst reality of economical failings) but the fight against Globalist agenda may be worth tolerating Fed Powell's inaccurate words that support his actions.

So much treachery, lying, censorship- all around failing US Gov't functioning. I fear for my family's future, our country's as well.

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My, what a Debbie-downer I've become lately! My apologies to all of Mark's readership: the bad stuff is easy: I do try to be of some encouragement, a bit harder. I've not been doing so well on that front...

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We need somebody to land on an aircraft carrier somewhere.

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