I began reading Bobby Kennedy‘s new book on Dr. Fauci. I was only into it by about 140 pages and I gave it to someone on Thanksgiving that was considering taking a booster in the hopes that she will reconsider. It’s completely shocking some of the stuff, but a lot of us have already seen the evidence either here with marks revelations or through other folks like Denninger. Although I think Kennedy‘s book is got a lot of things right, I think he does not quite see the big picture, even though he seems to point everything at money and corruption. Even so, I think he’s spot on with all the folks that are unwilling to stand up to Fauci in the medical field because they are captive to his organization given all the money that Fauci is able to wield as power to keep them in check.

As an example, a friend of mine knows someone who does audits on people that work at CDC and FDA to ensure they don’t have inappropriate investments that would be a conflict of interest. However, after reading chapter 2, it seems that all that is a drop in the ocean compared to the unbelievable collusion between our government agencies and pharma. I was quite surprised to see that all the monies that are collected on behalf of Fauci are in the billions (such as patent royalties and fees) which allows him to not only control what gets studied and evaluated, but who gets to do it whicj allows Dr. Fauci a unbelievable amount of control over these people since they are beholden to funding for their studies. Although I did give the book away, I ordered another one which is due in tomorrow. Here’s hoping she doesn’t take a booster after reading the book and also seeing the insanity going on with the new Omicron variant

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It's so pathetic that none of the corporate U.S. media, none, are bringing us this story. How do they sleep with anything less than a handful of pills?

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As Sundance says, "They [leftists, which definitely includes the legacy media] have to pretend not to know things."

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