Donald Trump has revealed what could be the fate of nearly 90,000 newly hired Internal Revenue Service (IRS) staff, suggesting he might 'move them to the border'.

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"Remember, too, that by coercing the ceasefire Trump now owns any renewal of Zionist genocide."

So important. I imagine there has to come a day where the ICC ICJ UN Global South not only call for investigation, but hopefully and by the grace of God shall have one.

We cannot turn a blind eye to this type of behavior setting a global acceptable precendent of horror.

International Holocaust Rememberance Day is Mon, Jan 27, 2025

The United Nations General Assembly designated January 27—the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau—as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time to remember the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution.

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How in the world would Trump "own" any renewal of Zionist genocide? He gets a maniac state to stop what it's doing so if they go back to being a maniac state it's . . his(?) fault?

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Exactly. If he can stop them, that means they can only start up again if he gives them the go ahead. If he had the means to make them stop, he has the means to keep them stopped. You'll never convince anyone otherwise.

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Israel has no money. They overextended in cost militarily

they lost their tourism, foreign investment, and most of their businesses

How well did the work week go with Hezbollah & Houthis sending missiles and employees rushing to shelter ? How many of their neighbors really want to do business ? How many Israeli citizens and businesses already moved to the US and elsewhere ?

Israel is effectively bankrupt without US providing many many billions of support

that is money and weapons yearly for the foreseeable future

Israel is desperate for Palestine resources, (nice water front) land, but also oil and gas. But that too will need a) protection and b) investment

Together with US bribes to Egypt and UE to continue business and complete the ethnic cleansing ( removal of Palestinians )

Another eg: Blackrock is chomping at the bit to get in there with loans guaranteed by US taxpayers Isreal is effectively (credit rating bankrupt) not even able to take out a loan except the US is signing as Guarantor and will pay them

You will hear in the media Israel is taking out loans, but again, no one would lend without the US backing and payments ( US will pay for most if not all )

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Adelson may have given $ 100 ml to Trump

but over time Isreal may receive 1 trillion $ from Trump

Her families greatest investment ever ?

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The Israelis are showing their interest in Lebanon and Syria, and this interest has been in place since the beginning of the Zionist project. They are part of eretz yisrael. Search for those regions in this text about the history of "transfer" (ethnic cleansing) to see mentions quickly: https://edisciplinas.usp.br/pluginfile.php/7572869/mod_resource/content/1/Nur%20Masalha%20-%20Expulsion%20of%20the%20Palestinians%20-%20The%20Concept%20of%20Transfer%20in%20Zionist%20Political%20Thought%2C%201882-1948.pdf

When Israel Zangwill started socializing "we must drive out the Arabs by the sword" at the turn of the 20th century, he wasn't kidding and he did mean all of the land. https://archive.ph/Qz3Mp

When the British took over the administration of the Mandate for Palestine, the Zionists heard that as referencing a huge chunk of land and confirmed in their hearts that this meant it belonged to them. They had already equated desire with ownership, decades before.

There's a book, "Nietzsche and Zion", written by Jacob Golumb, which goes into how obsessively the 5 main leaders of Zionism adopted Nietzsche's crazier, more violent, more self-aggrandizing proposals as a way to construct a mythological sense of Jewish self. They didn't feel good about themselves, you see, and dreamt of glory. He offered a way to achieve that. Sound familiar? On the backdrop of the ceremony stage, the first quote makes explicit reference to the Naziism of Zionism. This is not hyperbole. They were proto-Nazis in all ways except the label.

Look up Nietzscheanism and Zionism on jstor to see more, particularly in re the youth groups so popular at that time in that region. Look up also, "muscular Judaism".

Max Nordau, one of the founders of Zionism, later moved away from Nietzsche and wrote a scathing critique of Nietzsche's influence on the youth of his time--glorifying mindless violence and etc. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51161/51161-h/51161-h.htm#c415

"Never again" never should have meant, "never again to the Jews", but that is how it's been taken--grabbed and held close to the takers' hearts, even when it's all of humanity that has to ensure it never happens again. To anyone, including whomever is holding onto something the Zionists want.

eta: a key thing to remember is that for many Zionists, history is not something to build upon and change from, it's a plan to execute upon, no matter how long it takes. Words from speaker to intended Zionist are not really seen as malleable, but rather as directives. That's not the same way that words are treated in situations such as hasbara.

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Jan 26
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YES to everything except that the comparison of Zionism is inapt. It is almost fully apt. The issue is that Zionism predated Naziism and in its form turns out to be one of a couple significant proto-Naziisms still in existence today. The other one is the far right of the Ukrainians who have constructed a "ukrainian" ethnicity as in opposition to Russian ethnicity, with similar effects on their society & behavior as with the Zionists. It's just that the Zionists also have other factors on their side which have allowed them to act this way and to establish that they can act this way.

The Nietzschean influence is what did it for all three groups of co-located people. The "sister's Nazified re-editing" turns out not to have been the case, rather, a feminist scholar who wanted to adopt Nietzsche's amoral grandiosity for herself framed his ramblings as 5d-chess-irony. For various structural-academic-political reasons, this was accepted.

Nordau's analysis of Nietzsche's effect on Zionists in the fin de siecle shows the error of viewing him/his philosophy as coherent or pacifist. The violence, free-reign-to-the-will, and crucially the ethnic mythologizing are from Nietzsche.

A simple point that doesn't need to be focused on overmuch except to identify that they are proto-Nazis, and that a correct understanding of this specific European tribalism, with violence as a unifying factor for its subculture, depends on understanding that aspect of history.

Also the Palestinians themselves used the comparison in their recent POW handover, on the banner backing the stage, and if their studies of the situation have inclined them to make this comparison, it is not up to anyone else to reject it.

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Here's the skinny on that single feminist scholar's re-framing of Nietzsche https://psyche.co/ideas/how-the-feminist-philosopher-helene-stocker-canonised-nietzsche Ah if only we could all be that influential, but for good instead of for elevating a guy whose murderous freeform rants have inspired way too many over the past 150 +/- years.

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Jan 26Edited
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I also feel as though this is rather extensive for this article, but at least it is buried deep.

I'm not sure I understand

>Puzzles me why Germany became the all-around all-times boogey-man

Do you mean before or after WWII?

Herzl was a charismatic leader who, according to Golomb in *Nietzsche and Zion*, sought to self-actualize and basically feel better about his perceived second class status in Central European society, his "marginality", by some grandiose project or another. So did many of the other Zionists who latched on to Nietzsche, according not just to him but to other scholars such as Shmuel Nili writing in 2016 https://www.jstor.org/stable/26228725?read-now=1&seq=5#page_scan_tab_contents (this article is worth the free account creation). I'm jumping to page 5 in this link because it points out that Nietzsche glorified the Old Testament Yahweh, which specifically is a god of conquest and terrorization of the land of Canaan.

Herzl specifically spent some time looking for a way to achieve social standing, and eventually landed on Zionism. Other Zionist leaders similarly wanted to be at the head of a society of "reborn" Jews they could essentially feel proud to be part of.

Jews who struggled with assimilation felt this marginality but those who were fine assimilating, in Western Europe especially, but also in Central and even Eastern Europe, did not--and didn't turn to Zionism. It wasn't a completely totalizing cult.

Golomb always returns to Nietzsche's encouragement of "monumentality" in personal action in order to achieve self-actualization and so, through that, self-regard. He divides the Eastern European Jews into three, and notes that only the 1/3 of these who felt that sense of marginality and alienation turned to Zionism, and that when they did, it was through Nietzsche and that promise of a monumental, significant life.

Well, coupled with amorality (feel no guilt) and a lauding of violence (like the lion), this is a recipe for ... what we see.

At this time, a significant portion of European Jews were struggling with modernity. The ones I think you are mentioning, who were assimilating without much angst, they weren't feeling this, and therefore weren't attracted to Zionism.

Yes, every other European and Europe-affected country was struggling with modernity, but this was not a struggle that the Jewish subset which felt this struggle, felt they were going through together with larger society, even though they were going through it simultaneously. They were too alienated and caught up in the drama of the self to feel that, it seems. Freud was also interested in Nietzsche and fwiw if you've watched Adam Curtis' *The Century of the Self*, the relationship of self-absorption to narcissism and willingness to watch or engage in destruction pops out there, too.

Here's a transcript of a symposium on a book, *Messiah or Simple Son: Theodor Herzl and Eastern European Jewry*. https://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/files/2021-05/Messiah%20or%20Simple%20Son%20Theodor%20Herzl%20and%20East%20European%20Jewry%20-%20Derek%20Penslar%20%2809272017%29.pdf Some points I find interesting: that he was a charismatic leader, that he was mentally unstable as you mentioned, that he had contempt for lesser Jews--contempt is another sign of the sort of personality disorder that leads to violence.

Golomb mentions that the Eastern European Jews had contempt for the cultures in which they found themselves. "Peasants" etc., even if peasants themselves. I don't quite know how that relates to whether Zionists are ok with non-German ethnicities, or if they really even are. Golomb mentions a lot of self-hatred as well as contempt for their neighbors.

This essay about Ahad Ha'Am https://www.commentary.org/articles/hans-kohn/ahad-haam-nationalist-with-a-differencea-zionism-to-fulfill-judaism/ provides historical evidence for [a] Jewish immigrants (he says "serfs", and given the timeframe these were predominantly Russian Jews) being cruel to the Palestinians because they suddenly had power whereas before they had not, and that [b] Nietzsche was influencing the Jewish youth to physical violence:

"In a famous essay, “The Transvaluation of All Values,” he turned against the “young men” who under the influence of Nietzsche wished to “cure” the Jews by emancipating the physical life from its subservience to the limiting forces of the spirit.4 They demanded that “the Book yield to the sword and the Prophets to the blond beast” It seemed incredible to Ahad Ha’am that the Jews, who had been taught by prophets and scribes to base their vitality on the conviction that they had to bear the yoke of the most exacting ethical duties, could suddenly transvalue all their values to become a tiny and negligible part in the world of the sword and of physical strength. "

Here's a writing from 1917 that discusses the penchant for violence found in Nietzsche's work https://www.marxists.org/archive/serge/1917/12/nietzsche.htm

As for psychologizing exactly what specific Jewish populations felt about where they had been living, either with or without integrating, with or without becoming dissatisfied with how they were living -- I think each group had its own arc. The subjective experience of inferiority seems to have been shared though.

To return to the Nili article from jstor, it jumps out at me that Nietzsche's glorification of the Jewish god Yahweh, holding this god up as better than the Christian god, seems specifically juxtaposed against the German Nazi anti-semitic perspective in certain ways. It would therefore be a sop to traumatized egos. It also seems practically designed to be a point that Zionists would pick up on and make use of, in mythologizing their ethnicity, in the process of steaming off to Palestine to conquer a land where they could build a nationstate. This physical endeavor becomes necessary when there is no way for them to build a nationstate in Europe. Nili talks about the physicality of the Zionist Nietzschean view. Well, this same physicality also spoke to the Germans. This is the proto Nazi pov. It is behind the youth groups, to my understanding. It was not solely a German phenomenon https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/255/oa_monograph/chapter/2679671 . The Nietzschean philosophy in the hands of dissatisfied charismatic men trying to become modern in fact ends up demanding that Jews pick up a sword and follow these men to create a nationstate: when they cannot let go of their ethnicity, even though in some ways he's against that in other ways he gives lots of permission for ethnic obsession, and they crave monumentality, and he describes the will to power as the fundamental human drive etc etc., it is the obvious step--for those who chose Zionism. Not all Jews did.

Many of those Jews of course had to flee eventually, but they had not intended to.

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Honestly, I expected the four female Israeli soldiers to be released in good health and smiling.

Now, what will the Zionits do to keep the young women from speaking honestly about their time in Gaza? The women have already done this publicly:

"They also thanked Hamas for keeping them safe from Israel’s bombardment."

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No need to worry about that. The Zionist Israel government is very good at and exhibits no reservations about handling problematic free speech issues:


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On the initial release of Israeli's

It was initially reported by Good Morning America and MSN

That At Least One had been detained by Israel

that article(s) now apparently ' changed ' or ' disappeared '

I tried to find it but had copied and posted the intitial language at the time January 20, 2025

They had interviewed and quoted Kaja Mouadi brother of Hostage Kaja Mouadi

""""Now that three Israeli female hostages have been released, Ibrahim Mouadi said he is hopeful he will be reunited with his sister as soon as Sunday night. """"

""" Brother of Hamas terror victim describes hostage exchange in Israel ... Kaja Mouadi, set free. He said he hadn't seen his sister since she was released " """"

"""""Kaja Mouadi Released Hostage Detained by Israel

“We honestly still have no clue," he told ABC News in an interview near the prison.

He said he suspects Israeli authorities detained his sister because of something she may have posted on social media.""""""

The links to where I had obtained these quotes appear to have been altered

I searched but now cannot find the reports


Middle East live updates: 90 Palestinian prisoners released



Now that three Israeli female hostages have been released, Ibrahim Mouadi said he is hopeful he will be reunited with his sister as soon as Sunday night.


Israel has received the first three hostages released from captivity in Gaza ... Kaja Mouadi, set free. He said he hadn't seen his sister since she was ...


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Correction - should have read

"They had interviewed and quoted Ibrahim Mouadi

brother of Hostage Kaja Mouadi"

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Copy and past this quote into Google Search

" We honestly still have no clue," he told ABC News in an interview near the prison. He said he suspects Israeli authorities detained his sister because of something she may have posted on social media "

It appears Kaja Mouadi had posted about her treatment

Israeli's then did not allow her to immediately go to meet her family

isolated her from her family and otherwise detained her

postponing her meeting with her family members

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Correct. She's on record acknowledging she was treated honorably and with respect. It was her mother who enabled the false story of her rape, her mother for God's sake!.

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I think I see what you're seeing, but I think there are two separate missing females. Not sure if that's what you mean?

Naama Levy is the Israeli soldier who was taken prisoner on Oct 7th. She is not mentioned in the "3 Israeli girls released" blurb from Good Morning America. So, she's missing from the list, probably because she was central to that rape narrative? They were all soldiers were they not? https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/news/live-updates/middle-east-live-updates-region-fundamentally-changed-biden-117613593/idf-says-3-released-hostages-are-being-airlifted-to-a-hospital-117858400?offset=6

Directly below the 2 blurbs about "3 Israelis" is a story about 90 Palestinians kidnapped by the IOF. One of them is Kaja Mouadi whom you mentioned.

"Relatives wait outside Israeli prison for release of Palestinian prisoners

Palestinians waited outside an Israeli prison in the West Bank on Sunday anticipating the release of 90 mainly female Palestinian prisoners as part of the hostage release and ceasefire deal.

As Israeli police attempted to move the crowd of mostly young Palestinian men away from the Ofer Prison, 19-year-old Ibrahim Mouadi told ABC News he is hoping to see his 27-year-old sister, Kaja Mouadi, set free. He said he hadn't seen his sister since she was arrested nine months ago when Israeli police raided their family home in the middle of the night."

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yes thank you my error


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I'm still concerned about where Naama has gone--I wouldn't have realized it if you hadn't mentioned the three having replaced the four. So thank you for that.

So what happens to Zionists who belie the party line? In such a crucial matter as a, perhaps the, major justification for the early days of hell unleashed (before the Israelis decided they'd just do whatever without caring to justify it).

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