Glad to see you're reading Crawford! His back-catalog is well worth perusal. He's a big Bitcoin believer, but I can't fault him too hard for it. Seems everybody's got faith in something.
This post or its sequel linked me to another Luongo follower here on Substack. He seems a bit lonely, to judge by the comments section. But he bundles up a lot of economic / geopolitical analysis and might be interesting to others here:
The reality of anything at this scale is always convoluted. Whether any of the complications are needed to understand "what happened" is hard to say. Different people will find different aspects meaningful. I appreciate a good tangled web for where the loose ends lead, but I agree we can sum this up in a tidy paragraph like yours and there's plenty of fuel for righteous indignation (outrage? despair? cynicism? steely resolve?) in that already.
"The narrative constructed by RTE (Matthew Crawford) is way too convoluted."
Way too convoluted for what? The real world? Just read up on Epstein's career to see all of the same stuff intertwined. As for not needing "an overarching conspiracy", such a conspiracy is likely necessary to accomplish the goal of one world government. That's the point that David Rockefeller is making.
KD's a fun read, if a bit salty, and hits occasional home runs. But nobody can be expected to have the whole truth all the time.
The depopulation program is right in our faces, though. We can certainly dispute specific linkages and mechanisms, but the overall thrust is right out in the open, starting with's Gates Foundation and WEF talking points. Or Rockefellers, for the more historically minded. Georgia Guidestones, etc etc.
Glad to see you're reading Crawford! His back-catalog is well worth perusal. He's a big Bitcoin believer, but I can't fault him too hard for it. Seems everybody's got faith in something.
This post or its sequel linked me to another Luongo follower here on Substack. He seems a bit lonely, to judge by the comments section. But he bundles up a lot of economic / geopolitical analysis and might be interesting to others here:
Completely off topic but, saw a video on Intel Slava Z. Russian tanks headed for Ukraine, painted white. Tells me all I need to know.
So interesting to see Little Ben Sasse on the FTX take. Could that be why he bailed out of the Senate in such haste? What's coming?
FWIW, it's not possible to spell Sasse without spelling ASS !!!
Completely off topic but, saw a video on Intel Slava Z. Russian tanks headed for Ukraine, painted white. Tells me all I need to know.
Crawford's sub describes a vast horizon of corruption, mendacity, and evil... He makes a very convincing argument.
The comments to his lengthy, and extremely important analysis are almost as valuable as the piece itself. He participates in the discussion.
Most Strongly Recommended.
The reality of anything at this scale is always convoluted. Whether any of the complications are needed to understand "what happened" is hard to say. Different people will find different aspects meaningful. I appreciate a good tangled web for where the loose ends lead, but I agree we can sum this up in a tidy paragraph like yours and there's plenty of fuel for righteous indignation (outrage? despair? cynicism? steely resolve?) in that already.
You might be interested in this piece on Tether, the sketchy "stablecoin" that several FTX players were also involved in. It's much bigger than FTX.
"The narrative constructed by RTE (Matthew Crawford) is way too convoluted."
Way too convoluted for what? The real world? Just read up on Epstein's career to see all of the same stuff intertwined. As for not needing "an overarching conspiracy", such a conspiracy is likely necessary to accomplish the goal of one world government. That's the point that David Rockefeller is making.
"David Rockefeller is dead"
His legacy lives on--as he made sure would be the case. That means his culpability hasn't expired. Culpability expiring with death is a funny concept.
You said culpability expires with death. It doesn't. Now you've changed the story. WEF is a good place to start in terms of acting against.
KD's a fun read, if a bit salty, and hits occasional home runs. But nobody can be expected to have the whole truth all the time.
The depopulation program is right in our faces, though. We can certainly dispute specific linkages and mechanisms, but the overall thrust is right out in the open, starting with's Gates Foundation and WEF talking points. Or Rockefellers, for the more historically minded. Georgia Guidestones, etc etc.