Why not? It actually makes total sense. Anyway, that’s the title of a Matthew Crawford substack:
The Wars of Wars Part 5
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” -David Rockefeller
The 'E' is for Economics. Also, "World War WTF" only plays outside the mainstream, and also the alt-mainstream (that's a thing, now).
Economics is ultimately what all the other wars are about, one way or another.
Here’s the face of your enemy—to be totally personal.
You’ll see the relevance of this reference almost immediately, if you haven’t already. Crawford’s latest highly disturbing substack takes a deep, deep dive—in more senses than one.
Here’s another way to look at the World War E meme:
Fortunately, Crawford provides a handy bulleted list of topics he covers in his super lengthy substack—plus an even shorter summary at the end. First the list:
The stakes are pretty high—this is a historical battle in the larger World War E. There is no simple preview, but here are some of the topics we hit:
A giant cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, and its companion quant trading/investment firm, Alameda Research, have collapsed in what appears to be a leveraged Ponzi-esque event that poisoned many other businesses in the nascent crypto-finance ecosystem. This isn't exactly the right story, and I aim to clarify.
FTX was likely one of several available attempts by the Globalist Elite to establish the intended new global financial network and currency.
A second attempt to control digital currencies is likely planned to take place through the regulatory system, using the FTX debacle as the excuse.
The flood of information about the first point seems meant to obscure the second, third, and other points.
The pandemic [= “major crisis”] is the fog of war intended to create the opportunity and obscure the activities behind this plan.
This plan connects a lot of stories, including the activities of Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein. It weaves through MIT Media Labs along the way, but goes to the heart of the powers who ultimately control the military-intelligence-banking complex—and that includes the pedophile elite. Whitney Webb has done us great favors tunneling toward much of this, but hasn't yet reached the core (an overly tall task for any one person).
The endgame is conceived as an intellectually (genetically) superior human race, but that may be merely a conceptual construct of an insane network of situationally brilliant, if overconfident psychopathic elites. The mass gathering of genetic data and gene-drive technology likely play a role.
And here’s the even shorter summary:
Now, let us summarize: Under a pandemic-induced fog of war, the military-banking complex may be enabling an elite pedophile class of blackmail agents at least partially organized around MIT to establish a Global Digital Central Bank to enslave the human race, cull populations, and subject them to genetic information control.
Nothing to see here, … Whoa!
Now, here’s a brief preview. Brief in comparison to the whole.
Controlling Politics
If you're one of the billions of people whose instincts point toward a world of sophisticated election engineering, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
There is nothing illegal, of course, with spending millions of dollars during an election cycle. Unless that money isn't yours. But let's agree that this "ownership of the money" thing seems like a gray area for a whole lot of people who don't understand Cantillon-fueled currency theft.
Numerous others writing about the FTX scandal have explained what appears to be a money laundering operation through Ukraine. I'll try to repeat it in a simple way, then move on:
POTUS Biden & Co. sent billions to Ukraine.
Ukraine put vast sums in the hands of FTX
SBF & Co. spent tens of millions on primarily Democratic candidates during the Midterm elections.
Addendum: The scheme may work a little differently, but I'm choosing to step over such trees to focus on the forest.
It is noteworthy that the "Aid for Ukraine" website apparently set up by SBF and reportedly took in $60 million in donations is last picked up by the Wayback machine ten days prior to the U.S. Midterm elections.
One thing that such a scheme generally secures is the willingness of everyone involved to defend everyone else. If one participant falls (legally speaking), they can take all their co-conspirators with them.
Again, others have written about how SBF was Biden's second-largest donor, the $70 million SBF & Co. spent on Democratic Party candidates during the 2020 Midterms and the billion dollars he planned to spend going forward, so I'm not going to lay all that out in detail.
Then money handed out like cheap Halloween candy was not entirely pushed to Democrats. A good strategy must also involve capturing enough of both sides of the aisle to push an agenda. Buying influence with a former Bush-era HHS bureaucrat fits a lot of Venn intersections.
In order to keep the public in the dark, it is necessary to cover all bases—this means intelligent politicians who know the vaccine-pushing organization that is the HHS.

Given the razor-thin margins in recent elections, I don't need to go out on a limb to discuss the likelihood that these donations make a difference at every level of policy-making.
Timing: One might wonder if the November 8th revelation of FTX-A's financial woes was held back until after the elections.
Obligatory reminder: All of this is in addition to and aside from the 2018 FBI Masterclass prepared for the media crowds on how to use mailed ballots to engineer an election, punctuated with the observation (paraphrased), "It will be years before the FBI has the capabilities to stop this," and then memory holed (try and see how long it takes you to find this on the internet) with an MIT stamp of approval.
Timing: Is it becoming clearer why Big Tech firms known for their close ties with intelligence and the DoD waited until after the Midterms to lay off tens of thousands of employees? Absent Democratic Party control needed to run these operations with an entirely free hand, Bitcoin moves closer to escape velocity.
Whatever may or may not be true about the Bigger Picture, know that you're not going to be allowed by Big Tech to ask the President's son about any of it.
With Midterms out of the way, the Democrats felt free to vote us into a continued state of COVID emergency. Huzzah!
On the media side, we see the traditional Titans of the Mainstream running a well-practiced interference circle jerk for FTX-A:
WaPo: Dude gave money to politicians. Move along.
Vox: Look, it's a narcissist! And he regrets filing for Chapter 11. Move along.
Vox: Impact on politics overrated. (Do we have to stop and argue with this nonsense? Or just look for who butters whose bread?)
Forbes: Caroline Ellison was a weird, nerdy, narcissistic sociopath, and new darling of the alt right (ha!). Move along.
NPR: Fortunately this isn't the real economy. Move along.
Forbes: Gensler just wants to build a resume. Move along.
EA: "We disavow!" Move along.
Jane Street: "We are disappointed in SBF." (This one may be fair and true.)
And so much more.
Completely off topic but, saw a video on Intel Slava Z. Russian tanks headed for Ukraine, painted white. Tells me all I need to know.
Crawford's sub describes a vast horizon of corruption, mendacity, and evil... He makes a very convincing argument.
The comments to his lengthy, and extremely important analysis are almost as valuable as the piece itself. He participates in the discussion.
Most Strongly Recommended.