Don't lose sight off the underlying plan. Biden's numbers are irrelevant to the Puppet Masters. The goal is to use Biden to force through the Agenda, which is vastly unpopular with the citizenry. By the time his withered, spent carcass is kicked to the curb, all the pieces will be in place...

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If you don't trust anything else that these media organs issue forth -- and you shouldn't -- then why would you trust these polls? I sure don't. I think the real numbers are much worse. This is damage mitigation.

Once, about 20 years ago, I actually worked for a telephone polling firm. It's a dirty business. Since then, I've seen so many ways to manipulate and skew data, I can hardly keep track.

None of this stuff is real. It's all narrative.

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"None of this stuff is real. It's all narrative" how can we doubt it at this point?

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed the Parental Rights in Education bill which bans certain instruction about sexual orientation and “gender identity” in classrooms.

“I don’t care what corporate media outlets say, I don’t care what Hollywood says, I don’t care what big corporations say. Here I stand. I’m not backing down,” DeSantis said at the bill signing.

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Dumba** South Carolinians keep voting for Lindsey. Dumba** South Dakotans keep voting for John Thune. Dumba** Kentuckians keep voting for McConnell. Dumba** keep voting for (fill in the blank with the other 44 or 45 lousy GOP Senators).

Some fearless leader (DeSantis?) has to articulate a clear America First agenda. As a precinct committeeman in a swing state, I can tell you that people are really worried about losing the country. I worked the Republican booth at a community event last weekend and people are scared. They are thirsting for candidates who will walk the walk and do what they promise.

Unfortunately, too many Americans still simple-mindedly equate "GOP" with "the good guys" at the ballot box. It is obviously not enough to condemn the Dems. The GOP hasn't given voters a clear picture of what it will do if given power again. The simple truth is that we cannot do so because we have too many cowardly, corrupt charlatans in office.

The way to fix this is to turn primaries into clear candidate litmus tests every cycle. Incumbents who have not lived up to their promises must be turned out. Newcomers must be graded based on their commitments to America First principles--not on the curve. American schools have failed due to 'social promotion' and so has American governance. Incumbents have two or six years to perform. If they earn a failing grade they must be dispassionately called out and dismissed. We need to start naming names after Dr. Malone's example (starts at 16:30):


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A bit off topic but I found this piece by Matthew Crawford really helpful to my understanding of the money issues and goes along with the Luongo. As the petrodollar regime collapses....https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/inside-money-and-outside-money?s=r

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Interesting. I agree the Russia Ukraine Mess is creating an alternative payment mechanism outside of the control of the US.

G7 is saying Russia breached their gas contract by demanding payment in Rubles! Russia is we are not a charity, and will just shut off the gas if we don't get payment.


So why should Russia take payment in Euros, when you just illegally seized Russian Euro Reserves? And other Russian linked assets? I don't understand...

Rules for me, but not for thee!

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Richard Werner speculates that there may be a force majeure clause in those contracts that Russia can take advantage of. So who's acting outside of the rules based order again?

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When your customers have just stolen money from you it seems that force majeure would apply - stated or not. You have a right to protect yourself from fraud (further theft of the funds you obtain via their purchases).

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"Rules for me, but not for thee"

This is what we mean by "rules based order"

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It's not Matthew B. Crawford. It's Mathew with one "t", and he's a statistician. Very worthwhile substack author.

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I hear you Forbes and by no means make any claim to expertise (god forbid). I'm feeling though that humanity would be better off with a decentralized financial system than a centralized one. Anything that holds promise as a decentralizing force right now gets my tentative vote of confidence.

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CBDC's are a misdirection. 99.9% of all USD's in current existence are digital - they exist only as an entry into a ledger. Using a blockchain that is controlled by the Fed or Treasury to store that ledger is simply a technological upgrade to the current technical database system they use.

There is literally no difference between current USD and a CBDC except for a technical upgrade that will allow 'them' to have more control. BTC, as you describe, is another kettle of fish. ' It' is not going to save anyone, it is simply a tool.

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Cozying up to the Fake News sure helped out two of the most notable RINOs of our modern political era, McCain and Romney - NOT. Trump, and now DeSantis, are giving lessons on how to win against a biased and belligerent media.

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The challenge for Republican Governors, such as the Utah Wimp, and other GOP Elected is the base is angry and out of patience, and the masks have been ripped off. And Trump is still around, even if muffled. Desantis is showing it's possible to take action, please your voters, and not be destroyed by a hostile press. Kristi Noem South Dakota Governor destroyed her chance of being President due to her political cowardice. I am SURE there are a lot of other Elected GOP that are also committing political Sepeku through their actions on the Trans Issue, as well as letting the 2020 Election Fraud happen. Critical Race Theory is another hot button issue that is enraging and motivating parents.


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Excellent article. Thanks.

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