Then in 1967 Vatican II assassinated Catholicism. The Church abandoned its mission of saving souls to become one of the US government's largest social services contractor and human trafficking organizations. I raised two iconoclasts who want nothing to do with all of the institutions that have betrayed and perverted their charters. I've no idea what is coming, but I pray for them and anyone else who swims upstream against the raging river. I'm not sorry that I brought them into the world, but I'm sorry for the role that we Boomers played in the Great Spiritual Dissolution--and inexorable embrace of Satan and the demonic.

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Yep. As with the dissolution of our republic, the rise of the Anti-Church was a long time coming--V2 marked the point beyond which it all became clear. Think of Athanasius: They have the buildings, we have the faith.

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According to some reports, as many as 80 FBI agents may have been tasked to assist in the censorship efforts. Yet, the FBI has offered little more than a shrug in the face of credible constitutional concerns.

The FBI issued a statement that there is nothing to see here. It is notable for what it does not contain: any recognition of the gravity of the allegations or pledge to investigate whether this relationship crossed over to de facto government censorship.

The FBI responded to the Twitter release by explaining that it regularly alerts companies of "foreign malign influence actors’ subversive, undeclared, covert, or criminal activities." It is not clear if "subversive" satire led to the inclusion of "Fromma."

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Pathetic and unbelievable response.

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The Deep State has defeated the Deep State. They have truly thrown out the baby with the bath water. The curtain has been thrown back and the Wizard of Washington has been revealed as a bunch of incompetents pulling levers that will sooner rather than later cause the good ship America to crash. I don't doubt the power of the Administration to survive. Neither do I doubt the power of the American people to survive. It's just that we are no longer shipmates, and as they ignore us and our needs so we will ignore them as much as possible and not cater to their needs. Too bad.

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The repubs in the house need to start by defunding the corrupt intel agencies until people start squealing, ie: use the power of the purse.

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People need to start pressuring their state governments to use their powers of nullification to weaken the federal government and to defund the military-industrial complex which includes the intel agencies. There is no part of the federal government that will be able to stand up to the deep state, including members of Congress. Too many have been compromised.

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Here's one way to get yourself killed--deliver a speech like this one:


Trump's whole program was reminiscent of that, too. Lucky for him he didn't get killed. Yet.

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My jaw dropped at this.

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I never thought of Trump’s Foreign Policy as similar to Kennedy.

It blows my mind the US has 30 nations under sanction. Pepe Escobar mentioned it:


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The Petrodollar enabling decades of "Helicopter money" - yep. Pepe's column is very good and he is correct in what he says. But what he fails to mention is a very important aspect:


The PetroYuan trade will be backed in Gold. This in addition to the Brics+ basket of commodities currency valuation idea. We are going back to the pre-Nixon days when Gold essentially backed all sovereign currencies. If you don't believe that just research how many nations have been buying up how much Gold recently. And the U.S. will not admit how much it does or doesn't have now.

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022

The challenge with gold is paper gold is 24x valuation of physical. Atvonevtomevit was 100x per a Tom Luongo podcast.

With this, the big players can and have kept the price of gold down.

J.P. Morgan paid a $920 million fine for precious metal market manipulation in 2020.


Interesting article that is mind blowing if true. And it’s probably true.


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"The top officials of the U.S. State Department just explained to you that whichever government or group of governments has the most gold has the crucial “reserve-creating instrument,” the instrument that can create money, and can control the instrument's valuation and implicitly the valuation of every currency in the world."

There you go. Views haven't changed much after 50 years, I guess... even after the PetroDollar.

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Yeah, it is coming down, though. Investors are wising up on the difference. Governments don't deal in paper. I hadn't heard about JPM case but I am not surprised. A lot of the commodity prices are manipulated. The worst right now is Oil. If it was true supply/demand we would be looking at well over $100/bbl. But Joe needs to resupply the SPR doncha know.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

Their foreign policies were similar in that they both threatened the designs of the security state and its military-industrial complex — what Vindman coyly called “the interagency.”

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I have always thought that Schumer's remark was a friendly warning to Trump, not an attack.

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You are so wrong about that. Schumer is no friend to Trump in fact he is only friends to those who line his pockets and his tribe. Schumer's bodily language in issuing that statement was one of undisguised glee.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

Yeah, as in “Get a clue pal, everyone around here knows who’s really in charge.”

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I'm gonna say that the moment we're in right now began on Nov 22, 1963....

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My great grandmother was watching my 4yo brother & 3yo me the day of the Kennedy assasination. I remember her "soap operas" being interrupted for the news from Dallas. The JFK assasination was definately a drastic turning point in 1963. Perhaps partially thru a decade or two following, the US remained more of a sovereign state rather than a full partner in this global "new world order." When Kennedy died, just about everything was made in the USA. Then creep, creep, fed govt kept expanding; labor oriented industry began to contract until there was almost nothing but today's technocrat oriented industry.

When I hear the talk of BRICS and a "multipolar" world, that sounds good to me. What better place for citizen's rights to (re)develop & flourish or citizen determination of who & what one's country is & stands for? Do we really want, like or need all of our goods to be made elsewhere?

Of course the globalist "one world order" types hate multipolar thinking & will fight like heck to preserve what they consider 'their' treasures. I'm a relatively powerless & aging plebe, but take my cue from Nancy Reagan - "just say no" - as much or many times as it takes.

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I feel that John Kennedy's malevolent younger brother Ted was the antithesis of John. John was a man of courage and principals, Ted was a coward with no principals. Ideological rigidity disguised as values which are always malleable with principals.

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Forbes, the metric is modeled... just as for covid hospitalizations and deaths prevented by the vaccines. I'm sure many millions of actions on Twitter by malign foreign actors were prevented by FBI surveillance. Tens of millions, probably. We'd be speaking Russian by now if it weren't for the FBI.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 17, 2022
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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

You said, "...preparing the way for a totalitarian state."

Haven't we already arrived? They have overt contempt for the citizenry...they don't even bother to conceal it anymore. They do anything they want and when caught shove their treachery down our throats. They are now the lawmakers, the lawbreakers, the judges, the juries, and the prison guard and executioners (Epstein didn't kill himself). Thought experiment: if the Biden puppet master were a full-on totalitarian what would he be doing differently?

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Removed (Banned)Dec 17, 2022
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I read Gulag Archipelago in 1975. Obviously they've not descended to Stalinesque depths yet, but then they don't need to. Their control is broader and more effective, albeit less violent. And let's not forget the hundreds held in the squalor of the D.C. jail without bail and without charges. Granted, that may be four orders of magnitude fewer than those who went to the Soviet gulag--but it's the same in character if not volume.

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Where are the j6 prisoners if not in the gulag. And yes I’ve read all of solzehenitzen.

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