Fico had today 1st appearance on TV. See if there is any resemblance with the current state of US politics.


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Yeah, saw that. Tough guy.

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Mark, I know this is OT but I'm just putting it here to bring it to your attention and as a placeholder:


Interested in what you might have to say. Thanks for everything as always.

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Just posted. It's nonsense.

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That would be Orban, Meloni, and perhaps whoever leads the new Dutch coalition. Am I missing anyone?

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Mark, I just messaged back&forth with my childhood friend. He said that the shooter’s wife is not Ukrainians, but 100% local woman who teaches on local high school.

The story about 2 days delayed search warrant on his apartment is true. A lot of government officials were confused why it took so long. I’m not sure what’s the name of the agency here in the US who investigate police actions. I guess internal investigations or something like that. So this Police Internal Investigation Service in Slovakia is under investigation, half of them were fired and one person arrested. Don’t know any more details right now. Apparently a lot of cell phones were confiscated from police & hospital where Fico is right now.

I just hope that they will find some extra courage and go after everything POS Soros is supporting and all NGOs.

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OK. Thanks for the updates.

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Any European leaders without fully paid up memberships in the Club of Globalists should be very paranoid right now. It's the safe way to be. Maybe do a globalist aliyah to Georgia to participate in demonstrations along with the Icelanders and such.

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