Wow gloves are coming off Russia. Russian Media taking on the Rothchilds.


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That's been disappeared.

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No where safe now for the chosen. God must have had the morning off.

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Russia could end all these wars tomorrow. Give Lebanon nukes.

Lebanon would say: Play nice chosen ones or else.

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FAFO... Israel will retaliate... what target is left in Yemen?

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Not sure why Russia isnt arming them to the teeth. GIve West taste of own medicine.

Actually Russia has 6 ways to Sunday to cripple west without a shot fired but doesnt for some reason.

US has 50 nuclear power plants which all get fuel from Russia

Diesel fuel needs Russian heavy crude to make

Uparm various ppls who have a cankering to hit NATO intrests

50% of EUs gas still coming from Russia


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Just yesterday I saw that Russia is talking about cutting US off from uranium and titanium.

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Once BRICS+++ gets its act together raw materials sanctions on the genocidal west will do more damage than a million missiles.

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Russia alone could do it now. I have my theories but Z-anons hate hearing Russian oligarchs like money more than Russian lives.

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Exactly. The dollar alternative must be in place before this can happen in order for the powerful to not bear the brunt of this approach.

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I feel like Private Joker (in full metal jacket) reflecting on his experiences in Vietnam, stating “I am in a world of shit.” looking at world's leadership even Russia's - not a saint among them

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Exactly why we (ALL) need Jesus

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I'm a pretty casual Orthodox but I firmly believe return to spirituality is the only way to prevent extinction. We need to value life again instead of money and treating everything as a commodity.

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What’s amazing is the missile is solid fueled and truck based, and has the maneuverability warhead (to avoid anti missiles).

In the first Iraq war Iraq fired scud missiles which are liquid fueled. Liquid fueled missiles need to be fueled before launch. And even those the U.S. had limited success in hunting down. Solid fueled missiles don’t need to be immediately fueled prior to launch.

The Iranians have been steadily improving their missile technology.

And this missile does not represent the cutting edge missile technology the Russians and Chinese have that is more a true hypersonic missile, that the U.S. does not have. And even this lower level of technology Israel and the West did not intercept.

This action is a tit for tat going on between the Iranians and Israeli’s, using the Houthis as a cats paw. Perhaps for the Israeli assassination in Iran, while not upsetting / inconveniencing China and Russia. While Russia improves the Iranian air defenses to reduce Israeli retaliatory ability.

Or perhaps this is a indirect message to the U.S. from Russia, just think what true Russian hypersonic missiles could do.

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Exactly. You're not the only one who knows this--DoD knows it, too. And now they're asking, what else--like PDG anti ship missiles--might the Houthis (and Hezbollah) have that we haven't seen yet?

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Your words....

And this missile does not represent the cutting edge missile technology the Russians and Chinese have that is more a true hypersonic missile, that the U.S. does not have. And even this lower level of technology Israel and the West did not intercept.

my comment

Absolutely a key Point. This is extremely worrisome. In a major war, the US Aircraft carrier fleet will be in deep trouble. I would not want to be stationed on one.

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Spot on, I’m not fully convinced that the Pentagon has realized how the advent of hypersonic missiles is essentially the death knell for aircraft carriers, with additional implications for naval power in general.

It seems to me that the US is relying on echoes from the past to project power while the rest of the world moves forward. I’m thinking that the phrase “flailing about” is appropeaux. Dangerous approach to use in a rapidly evolving environment.

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