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I can’t believe they are sending a carrier battle group to the Persian Gulf.

It’s a sitting target for Iranian suicide boats, missiles, etc. Oops, I meant “Houthani”.

My guess again trying to project strength and bluff away a confrontation.

I did not realize US forces were in Jordan, but I’m not surprised, sigh.

I wonder if Russia will publicly send more advanced air defense missiles to Iran, or if Russia will deploy Kinzals to Iran (under Russian control). Same can be done in North Korea.

McConnell against Jim Jordan, wow. I wish the eGOP fought as ruthlessly against the Left, as they do tea parties and Maga types.

And more Biden Scandals drop. His brother has had an amazing career.


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The Nation article (which is from 2019) which you link is well worth reading. Even before the Laptop, Biden's corruption was long-standing and well known. It is and has been so well known that the efforts by his supporters and enablers today to cover it up are really laughable.

The only part of the article that I take some issue with is the author's obligatory shot at Trump...the clear implication being that there is an argument that Biden is acceptable because Trump is worse.

To wit: "President Trump’s conflicts may be bigger and bolder and more likely to spark criminal charges or even corrupt US policy. But is this really the best Democrats can do: to point out that Trump is worse? They tried that in 2016—and it didn’t end well."

We've been listening to the 'Trump is worse' narrative since 2016...but other than simply saying Orange Man Bad, what are the details? When you read this Nation article it is clear that Biden has been a corrupt bribe taker for decades, for his entire life, really, with significant negative consequences for Americans...and yet the Democrat response is to say, with no proof whatsover, that Trump is worse? And millions of Americans have bought this line? When in fact the exact opposite is the case?

Really, the Emperor has no clothes.

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This is what I've been saying--Zhou's corruption and influence peddling was the biggest non-secret in DC for years, maybe decades. Anyone who thinks Barr didn't know what kinda man he was helping to install is totally deluded.

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Yup, its even a little exhausting to say it over and over again, here in the echo chamber. But we need to keep saying it.

And yes, Barr is deeply culpable. More than most of them, since he knowingly and intentionally and fraudulently betrayed the nation.

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And where are the Saudi’s when you need them?

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Army NG troops are among those deployed to Jordan.

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When I have a senior moment or say something really old-fashioned, my kids accuse me of being "old school". That's exactly what the whole Biden Regime is: old school. They have no idea that everything - globally, geopolitically and militarily - has changed, and that 3 years ago might as well by the Dark Ages. They are still stuck in their imperial hegemony mode, sending out gunboats and expecting lesser breeds to bow down. They are in for a massive awakening.

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Actually, Steg, the Biden Regime does know that everything has changed. They have to know. Better than we observers do.

But because they are literally owned by, variously, the Defense Industry/MIC, China, the Neocons, the WEF, MI6, George Soros, the Deep State, the Banks, the CIA, the Donor Class, and the Israel Lobby their hands are hopelessly tied and the web is hopelessly tangled as they fall deeper and deeper into the vortex of catastrophe.

Its exactly like when the Mob owns you. There is no turning around. This is when you find guys (figuratively) mysteriously falling out of windows on the 48th floor. There is no other way out.

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Hey S'21 and Cass! I suggest 'they' know but don't understand. Man tries, but can't be god-like in the end. Original sin just has new faces... Best @ you! (WrH)

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https://youtu.be/xguam0TKMw8?si=hz6Hae0sZ7wyliU2 - Ray Dalio on the changing world order - very interesting look back at how empires rise and fall.

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Take away we need to keep in mind "Slowly at first, then rapidly". *80% of American dollars put in to circulation since 2020*, it's gotten rapid! Thank you Amanda for the link. Best @ you! (WrH)

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You are welcome Wayne. I'm glad you found it useful :)

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Excellent video, Amanda. Thanks for the recommend. Liberals see civilisations in linear terms: we evolve into higher and higher human forms, gradually dispensing with all those horrible MAGA/red neck Neanderthal types. That's why they get so angry and murderous. There are always some "impure" groups stopping them from reaching heaven on Earth. Wise people see societies as cyclical: the same old things repeating themselves throughout history. That's why nothing that is happening now comes as a surprise. It's not pleasant being in the midst of a Fourth Turning, but if you can see what is happening, it increases your chances of coming through the other side.

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You're welcome Steg. I'm glad you found it useful. Yes everything is cyclical. Here's a clip from a podcast that I watch every now and then when it's all a bit overwhelming. It's a reminder that this too will pass.


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The "lesser breeds" are not only highly unlikely to "bow down"...they look like they are willing to die. Are we?

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Yes, indeed. The "lesser breeds" includes us. And no, we aren't going to go willingly into the good night.

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Yeah that awakening may be brutal, expensive, and very painful for the rest of us.

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Yes, I'm sure they will try to share the pain and include us in the experience! :)

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