I'm making the call here, folks. Here's the play we're seeing.

We are getting played again. First, bear in mind what we've learned about mass formation. People are obsessed with the Branch Covidian cult and, according to the theory, cannot be released from the hypnosis without a kind of transference to a different object. What is that object? Blame and fury at the people who unleashed the bioweapon on us all. This will give the hypnotized a new, shiny and powerful object to fixate upon, and they will be easily duped and led into every kind of tyrannical manipulation by that fury to punish.

But who will be blamed, exactly? To answer that we need only look at what has been coming out like a steady breach in the dike. How is it that Dr. Malone-- a man w long and deep connections w the CIA and other govt agencies-- now suddenly, after 2 years of relative sidelines behavior decides to go on an all out media blitz? Joe Rogan similarly wakes up and decides it's time to join the Vaxx bash party. Now we have Project Veritas that very nicely gets these documents that very nicely point all the blame away from the CIA and onto whom? Fauci, yes, but also the Pentagon and military. And on the FDAand NIAID as well as Big Pharma. And now we have all kinds of stories coming out making Fauci look "radioactive " as Mark put it.

So my theory is that one or more members of the Criminal Cartel have decided that the Scamdemic is indeed failing and the hypnotis has to be shifted. That shift is now happening to blaming Fauci, Big Pharma, the military, and NIH/NIAID. The intel agencies hope to fly under the radar and manipulate the People all over again to focus on the designated Villains. And who else do you think will be part of the designated cast? President Trump of course. It's no coincidence that Trump did that interview with Candice Owens, praising the Death Jabs just weeks before the Fourth Branch shifted the narrative completely to now paint the jabs as a horrific conspiracy between Pharma, Fauci, and the military to release a bioweapon so they could profit from the jabs. And who is in the middle of that clusterfark? Mr. Operation Warpspeed himself. This will effectively sideline Trump, just what the 4th Branch wants.

Now watch to see whether Big Media will follow the lead and start the brainwashing w shocking revelations about Fauci and the virus.

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Very good article Mark. Part of me says the 4th branch of govt (IC) isn't that smart to scheme this all together. However, leveraging the 5th branch (Big Tech) and the 6th branch (MSM) perhaps it was a giant leap by Barak Obama to cut the legs out. Very good read though and thank you.

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correction: civil war was in 19th century. Sorry

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Hopefully the silver lining of the past 2 years of clouds obscuring all will be folks finally realizing that institutions public and private are never to be trusted to tell the public even ten percent of the truth. We the people must tell the powers that be to leave us be and STFU already! May Fauci with all of his co-conspirators soon answer to a tribunal prosecuting them for crimes against humanity.

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My favorite lawyer predicts Zhou will try to declare victory by his delayed 1 March SOTU. If he's correct, prepare for narrative whiplash, maybe some broken necks. A juggernaut like this one doesn't just stop on a dime.


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Stinking fog

The fog of war needs a strong wind of investigation to reveal the way forward

If the Project Veritas DARPA reveal stands up to near-term verification (it was a FOIA release), then several things need to happen quickly to head off a possibly even greater tragedy than what has already unfolded.

1. Fauci, Daszak and their named accomplices need to be arrested immediately by the US Marshalls office (not the FBI/DOJ because of its, by this time, almost total loss of credibility), and all their records seized and protected under Court subpoena.

2. A Special Prosecutor should be appointed to investigate the Veritas releases. This SP should be selected by a plurality vote of the Governors of all the states. Ideally and in the spirit of federalism, the SP should be selected by the Militia of the Several States acting in congress; The Milita of the Several States are the only named.bodies called out in Constitution and-enjoined to protect and enforce the Constitution. However, decades of weakening of the State Militias has made this currently impossible. But since the governors are the Commanders in Chief of the state militias, their combined action would be the best we can do at this time, consistent with the intent of the Constitution, IMO.

Selection of the SP by the governors should pay almost no attention to the entreaties of the current administration of the national government, the federal bureaucracy or the main-stream media, since they are likely to be witnesses if not defendants in any subsequent indictments and court proceedings. The SP MUST have the confidence of the political opposition and independents if what I fear most is to be avoided – a violent backlash from the populace who, if we are to believe current poling, are fed up with mandates, masks and jabs to the point of taking things into their own hands if further pressed. It is my sense that a significant portion of the 80+ million armed citizens are now locked and loaded at this point and only need the smallest indication that the rule of law is being subverted yet again in the face of the alleged enormous crimes exposed by the Veritas revelations. If this happens, it will be a tragedy of almost unparalleled proportions (think American civil war of the 18th century) and could well be the end of America as we know it and all that that entails.

3. While an American tragedy, this putrid pool of alleged crimes is global in scope and needs a global solution. Therefore, I call for a reincarnation of the Nuremberg trials in which individual nations of the world appoint delegations of appropriate skills (lawyers, investigators, ethicists, scientists . . .) on the pattern of the original tribunal after the second world war and using the current Nuremberg Protocols. IMO, this should NOT involve the UN, WHO, Fed or any other current international organization because I don’t believe they would have the confidence of the (armed) populace, at least in this country. Remember, we are trying to avoid a kinetic backlash and devolution into national (world) chaos.

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Look at the world o meter charts and numbers. They are freaking out because it’s over. By today 75% are currently or previously infected. By the end of the month 85%. The virus won, the vaccines they mandated lost, and the CYA is coming.

A very interested party might dig into the details of the massive daily death difference with FL in single digits and NY in triple digits despite similar per capita confirmed infection numbers. An especially interested person might look at their different approaches to early treatment - including ivermectin as well as how many deaths in NY are from “unvaccinated” people forced to get the jab in the last 2 months (remember, unvaccinated does not mean unjabbed).

I’d love to thank whatever person or lab leaked Omicron - a truly effective and free global vaccine with a better side effect profile than the mRNA shots delivered to the entire world in less than 6 months. Touché.

And yes, I do think Immacold, I mean Omicron (stolen from Brenenson), could have leaked from a lab experimenting with SARS-COV-2 on mice. Not as convinced as I am the original strain leaked from a Wuhan lab, but convinced enough based on analysis of genetic sequencing from smarter people than me that I think it’s plausible.

Go celebrate - the narratives are collapsing and the sheep are gonna be mad when they realize many of us just kept right on living. And we protected our kids from the hysteria and locking down, not a virus they never faced a risk of which was clear by April 2, 2020.

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And today Senator Paul took a blow torch to Dr. Fauci reputation.

Of course, if nobody hears about it, does it matter? Main stream media and Social Media will definitely not cover it. Twitter banned another project veritas account during the testimony.

But what of podcasts, Joe Rogan for example, and Substack?

And Trump's Social Media network is getting closer, he is hoping for Presidents Day. So just over a month away.

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The news is being seeded right now with lots of "scientist say" stories about how covid can cause 1. heart problems, even in young children, 2. type 1 and 2 diabetes, 3. autoimmune disorders, and 4. shortened lifespans, generally.

So they are going to try to launder all the vaccine side effects as being effects of coronavirus infections. Coronavirus is endemic; they may succeed.

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People are catching on. This article at The Atlantic is transparent propaganda, but if you approach it as such it's actually rather funny.

Why More Americans Are Saying They’re ‘Vaxxed and Done’


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Then there is Big Tech. Facebook and Twitter with their non-stop Covid vax cheerleading and cancelling those that differed from the 'party' line. These companies deserve to pay for the propaganda they spread as much as Big Pharma.

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I believe they did it for Trump. They would not have survived a Trump second term. It was life or death for them. Impeachments weren't working. Media was getting exposed. They had to use a nuke.

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