That was utterly brilliant. I can only imagine the time and effort it took to construct this article. Please be assured it's appreciated here near the very tip of England. These days I seem to miss quite a few posts but that's only because of the frequency. I hope you are not wearing yourself out. Let's face it, all of us: keeping half-an-eye on the utter scummery going on as the Biden Syndicate vacates is tiring.
Running amok sounds about right. The sheer open, naked, evil brutality of their savagery, in pursuit of dominance and conquest, seems simply grow and grow even as the mask slips and we can see their faces clearly. It is very distressing and heart breaking for those of us not being bombed to smithereens daily, to realise there is nothing we can do to stop it. Voting out a government in the UK made no difference. Writing to your MP in the UK, congressman in the US, will make no difference, as they are all sold out; bought and paid for.
It is despairing and I guess this is the objective. It will continue until they collide with the rest of the world and the economies and markets tank.
Why do I keep feeling like “Baghdad Bob” is alive and well and working for the neocons?
At this point in the situation, it won’t take a wheel actually coming off of the wagon, a loose spoke could easily create a cascading calamity that might easily slip beyond anyone’s control, no matter how clever they think they are.
Ayn Rand summed it up nicely, “You can ignore reality but you can’t avoid it.”
A quick footnote, as the days roll by, I’m less and less encouraged about any meaningful success that Trump’s second term may produce in either domestic or foreign policy matters.
I'm inclined to agree, but he is being visibly vindictive against people outside of and within the US, and ensuring they fall off their perches, the people that joined the mob - so confident they were! - that tried to derail his candidacy. I am hoping he will remember some of the very worst of the collaborationists in, say, the BBC and Guardian.
The Project Ukraine mob are crumbling and msybe Zelenskyy is spared for three weeks more, to be publicly rebuked, ridiculed, rebuffed once and for all by your incoming President.
His new “friends” in the R controlled senate and barely there house majority will cripple his agenda. The courts and permanent bureaucracy will tie up any executive action attempted. The Ds know how to wield power, the Rs not so much. The stoopid party.
The courts are the most destructive element in our society or in the West. They use a form of the law that has been bent to allow them to adjudicate issues the overlords want while stifling the voices of the so-called citizen participant in"muh Democracy." Government by judiciary tends to be a dictatorship of over class libertarians in robes.
Israel is following Roman norms: “ They make a desert and call it peace”, in Syria.
And part of the Israeli idea is create examples so their enemies are afraid of them, establishing deterrence. Basically terrorism at a national level. Same things is being done in Gaza, and to an extent in Lebanon.
"First of all, I think [it's] just the Israeli urge to destroy anything that is not theirs, not in their camp, and so it's gone beyond the bounds of just protecting Israel."
-A Crooke
If you are not of the tribe, therefore you are gentile and those that need to be ruled by the super mensch. This is terrorism and we The United States enables and protects this for the benefits that accrue to the politically connected overlords.
I have to say that on the original Judge Nap podcast, Alistair Crooke used a tone of voice that was almost dismissive. I think he was conveying the message that people of the utterly worst kind are bound to behave in a way that is the worst.
Herzbolla has adapted to the tactics and technology of Israel. The deception that eliminated the top levels of Herzbolla was a learning experience. Right now Herzbolla is fighting Israel on the ground to a draw.
Iran has been advancing their drone and missile technology since the Gulf War, over 20 years, and has a larger economy than Israel. Israel is still stuck in the age of primacy of an airforce, and has not adopted to the new world of hyper sonic missiles, air defenses that work (Russian), and anti missile defenses that work (Russian). Israel's missiles defenses seem questionable. This has changed the balance of power in the Middle East.
US Aircraft Carriers were a way that US AirPower could be deployed anywhere in the world. Now, aircraft carriers are just huge targets to Iran and their allies. And the relative power of aircraft has decreased verses drones and missiles.
Syria has been the sick man of the Middle East for many years, so it did not take a huge amount of force to over throw Assad.
Comparing Turkey vs Israel war abilities I wonder. Turkish ground forces I would give an edge.
1. At a rough guess I'd say about a third of people do think beyond, depending on circumstances, pressures, etc. An additional difficulty is that many of those inclined to think beyond, who may be dissatisfied with the propaganda even if only vaguely, may also lack both information and a frame of reference for judging what they learn.
2. As a cultural matter I would argue that there are at least two Judaisms, related but distinguishable, distinct from other cultures.
3. Judeo-Christianity is mostly a Protestant construct, encouraged by the Israel Lobby. "The West" was formerly Christendom, united as Latin Christianity centered at Rome. Interestingly, surprisingly, according to Gallup in both America and Europe close to 70% percent of adults identify as "Christian"--although only God (!) knows what that means in terms of actual meaningful beliefs. I suspect what it really means is that in a cultural sense--and in a pinch--some form of Christian "values" offer a backstop of sorts in their lives. On a day to day basis, it turns out to be more of a form of Deism and libertarian attitude toward social norms.
Note: While both Christian faith and Rabbinic/Talmudic Judaism arose in an historical sense from late Israelite religion and culture, they are quite distinct and have been from the start. A book that at least gives some idea of the cultural/religious milieu in which Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism arose is Boccacini's "Beyond the Essene Hypothesis: ..." Most people probably assume that "Judaism" then and "Judaism" now are more or less the same animal--an understandable but misleading perception in important respects.
That was utterly brilliant. I can only imagine the time and effort it took to construct this article. Please be assured it's appreciated here near the very tip of England. These days I seem to miss quite a few posts but that's only because of the frequency. I hope you are not wearing yourself out. Let's face it, all of us: keeping half-an-eye on the utter scummery going on as the Biden Syndicate vacates is tiring.
Running amok sounds about right. The sheer open, naked, evil brutality of their savagery, in pursuit of dominance and conquest, seems simply grow and grow even as the mask slips and we can see their faces clearly. It is very distressing and heart breaking for those of us not being bombed to smithereens daily, to realise there is nothing we can do to stop it. Voting out a government in the UK made no difference. Writing to your MP in the UK, congressman in the US, will make no difference, as they are all sold out; bought and paid for.
It is despairing and I guess this is the objective. It will continue until they collide with the rest of the world and the economies and markets tank.
Why do I keep feeling like “Baghdad Bob” is alive and well and working for the neocons?
At this point in the situation, it won’t take a wheel actually coming off of the wagon, a loose spoke could easily create a cascading calamity that might easily slip beyond anyone’s control, no matter how clever they think they are.
Ayn Rand summed it up nicely, “You can ignore reality but you can’t avoid it.”
A quick footnote, as the days roll by, I’m less and less encouraged about any meaningful success that Trump’s second term may produce in either domestic or foreign policy matters.
I'm inclined to agree, but he is being visibly vindictive against people outside of and within the US, and ensuring they fall off their perches, the people that joined the mob - so confident they were! - that tried to derail his candidacy. I am hoping he will remember some of the very worst of the collaborationists in, say, the BBC and Guardian.
The Project Ukraine mob are crumbling and msybe Zelenskyy is spared for three weeks more, to be publicly rebuked, ridiculed, rebuffed once and for all by your incoming President.
His new “friends” in the R controlled senate and barely there house majority will cripple his agenda. The courts and permanent bureaucracy will tie up any executive action attempted. The Ds know how to wield power, the Rs not so much. The stoopid party.
The courts are the most destructive element in our society or in the West. They use a form of the law that has been bent to allow them to adjudicate issues the overlords want while stifling the voices of the so-called citizen participant in"muh Democracy." Government by judiciary tends to be a dictatorship of over class libertarians in robes.
Israel is following Roman norms: “ They make a desert and call it peace”, in Syria.
And part of the Israeli idea is create examples so their enemies are afraid of them, establishing deterrence. Basically terrorism at a national level. Same things is being done in Gaza, and to an extent in Lebanon.
"First of all, I think [it's] just the Israeli urge to destroy anything that is not theirs, not in their camp, and so it's gone beyond the bounds of just protecting Israel."
-A Crooke
If you are not of the tribe, therefore you are gentile and those that need to be ruled by the super mensch. This is terrorism and we The United States enables and protects this for the benefits that accrue to the politically connected overlords.
I have to say that on the original Judge Nap podcast, Alistair Crooke used a tone of voice that was almost dismissive. I think he was conveying the message that people of the utterly worst kind are bound to behave in a way that is the worst.
True, but it only works for a time.
How long is that time to be?
Herzbolla has adapted to the tactics and technology of Israel. The deception that eliminated the top levels of Herzbolla was a learning experience. Right now Herzbolla is fighting Israel on the ground to a draw.
Iran has been advancing their drone and missile technology since the Gulf War, over 20 years, and has a larger economy than Israel. Israel is still stuck in the age of primacy of an airforce, and has not adopted to the new world of hyper sonic missiles, air defenses that work (Russian), and anti missile defenses that work (Russian). Israel's missiles defenses seem questionable. This has changed the balance of power in the Middle East.
US Aircraft Carriers were a way that US AirPower could be deployed anywhere in the world. Now, aircraft carriers are just huge targets to Iran and their allies. And the relative power of aircraft has decreased verses drones and missiles.
Syria has been the sick man of the Middle East for many years, so it did not take a huge amount of force to over throw Assad.
Comparing Turkey vs Israel war abilities I wonder. Turkish ground forces I would give an edge.
1. At a rough guess I'd say about a third of people do think beyond, depending on circumstances, pressures, etc. An additional difficulty is that many of those inclined to think beyond, who may be dissatisfied with the propaganda even if only vaguely, may also lack both information and a frame of reference for judging what they learn.
2. As a cultural matter I would argue that there are at least two Judaisms, related but distinguishable, distinct from other cultures.
3. Judeo-Christianity is mostly a Protestant construct, encouraged by the Israel Lobby. "The West" was formerly Christendom, united as Latin Christianity centered at Rome. Interestingly, surprisingly, according to Gallup in both America and Europe close to 70% percent of adults identify as "Christian"--although only God (!) knows what that means in terms of actual meaningful beliefs. I suspect what it really means is that in a cultural sense--and in a pinch--some form of Christian "values" offer a backstop of sorts in their lives. On a day to day basis, it turns out to be more of a form of Deism and libertarian attitude toward social norms.
Note: While both Christian faith and Rabbinic/Talmudic Judaism arose in an historical sense from late Israelite religion and culture, they are quite distinct and have been from the start. A book that at least gives some idea of the cultural/religious milieu in which Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism arose is Boccacini's "Beyond the Essene Hypothesis: ..." Most people probably assume that "Judaism" then and "Judaism" now are more or less the same animal--an understandable but misleading perception in important respects.