As an ex-Navy guy, I already tremble for those big fat US aircraft carriers faced with Russian hypersonic missiles. Let's hope it never comes to that.

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Another point is the recent airing of Ukrainian war crimes (execution of Russian POW's) that reached the MSM (specifically, BBC plus more). It's obvious that the West is beginning to pivot.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Agreed. It's been pretty amazing hearing the propagandists at the BBC actually report the truth about the Russian PoWs and the Poland missile strike. This would have been unthinkable a few weeks back. Of course, it's not because the hacks have suddenly developed a love for truth; it's because they know they've backed the wrong horse. OT, but I expect the same thing to happen with Covid.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

Has anybody used their instant read thermometer on the ground in Ukraine? It's been like waiting for the turkey to creep up to 165°F when all you've eaten all day are the apple and pecan scraps while making the Waldorf salad...

Bigger question: how screwed up is it to be rooting for a Russian rout of Ukraine--and by extension--the USA? Major props to the insane left and the feckless, corrupt GOPe on this Thanksgiving Day.

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Well, the part of the USA that will be routed is the DS, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Uniparty etc. hacks that know nothing other than their marching orders, and, we hope, the top level spokes in the wheel too. I am rooting for that! May they ALL have a great fall! May the true citizens of the USA see and finally understand it, and may the world see and understand, and may all of that be the catalyst for a true revival in this nation of ours!

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Thanks Mark!

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That would be the Multi-Polar world that the Globalists are desperately fighting against, which is espoused by Putin.

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It will be messy, but far better than the nasty little New World Order the globalists have in store for us.

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I'd imagine that when they start hitting the bridges and critical transport hubs, then the offensive will be ready to rip.

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What disaster? On us? My problem is that Washington considers me a domestic terrorist and a white suprematist and I can't get lettuce in the store. As Pogo put it, the enemy is us.

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Right you are, but the blunders in the Ukraine only make me ashamed, how did Michele Obama put it, of the people who have usurped our government.

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I don't think so.

According to Moa, Russia has destroyed the last fragments of Ukrainian electrical infrastructure. It isn't just Kiev. The only cities with a hope of receiving electricity would be those in the extreme West, bordering other countries.

The rest of the country will quickly become uninhabitable.

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I read "no water in Kiev". That's bugout time. Head for the Polish border.

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And the EU has not only lost its main provider of cheap energy, but is also about to face a massive wave of immigrants. Great strategy, guys! It's almost like they want to commit suicide.

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And find out just how much the Poles like you

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