Netanyahu is the last of the Bolshevik Zionists whose goal is to destroy everything of beauty and goodness in the world to serve their tribal Judaic god. Read Douglas Reed's "Controversy of Zion." The US has been the Zionist tool for a long, long time, but now under Biden the takeover is compete. Pay the price, America. https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/

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" —because the Israel Lobby owns the American Empire"

That says it all........

But it's not just the Israel Lobby, it's the Western Oligarch's of which the most active and vocal are Jews. They are funding and the most active in the transformation of not just American, but the West, and that's not enough they want the whole world under their thumb hence the great re-set. 75% of all political donations buys a lot of influence and this bends the recipients to do their will. We all know it and are afraid to say it for the potential threats that are sure to come our way.

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I fully understand what you are saying and why however, if you haven't seen this then read the whole thing. It's becoming increasingly more difficult to absorb and endure the hate that comes at white Christian America from the ethnicity that we are told cannot be named. I think this feeling is growing in this country and I sense the danger we face as the foundation is cracking and the chasms are widening between decent humanity and the other. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-11-15/elon-musk-shifts-discussion-antisemitism

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There's an actual English word for what you're describing: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/antigentilism#English

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Spoke to soon, I read the link and I was enlightened,thanks.

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Enlighten me?

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Spoke to soon read the link, and I was enlightened, thanks.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Great effort, Mark. Yes, the neocons really have given Netanyahu a blank cheque for genocide. The Two Alexes take it even further in their latest video. They talk about the staggering build up of US forces in the Eastern Med and ME. For them, this can only mean one thing: the neocons are ready for their next play - war with Iran. However, they failed to mention two more elephants in the room - Russia and China. Will they stand by and let Iran duke it out with the US, or will they get involved? Whatever the outcome, we are back in 1989: trying to shuffle an evil old empire off stage into the dustbin of history without them setting the world on fire.

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I listened to them yesterday re wider war. I remain of the view that the purpose of the military buildup is to deter Hezbollah. We shall see.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Maybe, but as the Alexes said, there's no-one in DC to hold back the neocons, so the slightest spark could set things off. Let's hope it doesn't happen.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 15, 2023
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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

The problem is that once you set such massive forces in place events can have a momentum of their own. There are people in DC who are crazy and suicidal enough to believe that they can win it all back with another big hit.

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I tend to agree with your and Mark's analysis, but this assumes that there are still a handful of rational actors on our end calling the shots. Based on our decisions to proceed in Ukraine as we have, where all the markers of eventual defeat were clear as day way back in February 2022 to anyone paying attention, I'm not so sure this is the case. We were fortunate that Putin just sat back and rope-a-dope'd to let us wear ourselves out. We may not be so lucky with the current crop of adversaries. I guess our best case is that our foreign-policy betters are rational enough not to do anything suicidal, but are merely going hard here for the MIC and foreign-aid skim. Rosy times, indeed.

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“or permanently scattered across the West.” Great, just what we needed. The make America Europe again campaign. MAUA. One world dysfunctional order.

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I thought.. the West ... Bank? West Bank? Ok. but nope, replacement is real and we are witnesses.

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All I can do is to keep trying to think for myself, which reminds me that Trump just lost me with his Israeli speech.

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Trump lost me back there with his vigilante assassination of Soleimani. In collusion with Netanyahu as it turns out, as if we didn't know, in the mayhem of the most nepotistic admin. since JFK. (yeah, try comparing Ivanka with Robert) Then he half-assedly whines about Netanyahu ducking out at the last minute and leaving him to carry the blame. Duh. One could almost get the impression it was an escapade like showing off his MAGA Military; an I'll show you, dancing with the stars moment. WTF was that ? Soleimani was due to be a leader of Iran, the kind you could actually do deals with like Putin, a man with his people behind him to hold good for years , a general not a vigilante. So Trump JFKed him for Netanyahu. And we bless our lucky stars not much happened. Yet.

I also remember being alarmed early on that General Flynn's best friend was Michael Ledeen; arch Neocon. So now I pay close attention whenever Flynn opens his mouth about

Iran, as Iran is next on the famous list and the old civilizational El Nino that cultivated all those

countries after 9/11 is at it again. This time we're due to be one of them. Who would Trump be under the duress of that? Who would his associates be this time beyond his son in law, Netanyahu's roommate? Who would his VP be should something happen to him? He should choose someone to seriously dissuade mishap. Indeed such choices might reveal his direction.

So far not so good IMO. Trouble is they're always after the fact.

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He had his moments, like with the Global Hawk shootdown by Iran. But overall, yeah, it's worrying. The impression is that he backed away from war, but tried to keep the Deep State happy with some limited strikes. That's worrying. FP wise, hard to see good choices.

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what was the problem with Trump's speech, in your view?

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Trump seems to be following this:

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

Napoleon Bonaparte

On both Ukraine and Gaza.

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I don't think the public is in the mood for Bonaparte.

Countries aren't voters. Cute, but, basically, a throw away comment. Anything short of agreement with international condemnation at this time, is a disrespect to every human being. He sure does run his mouth about other immoralities, lies, betrayals here and wherever and whenever he wants. That there should be any confusion just points to the enmity among voters now. There is something shallow with him.

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Both parties appear poised to lose significant parts of the remaining voting public.

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Yes. It is hard to imagine that a majority of the voters in either party really want WWIII. But, as we know, it is very hard for our elected officials in DC to confront the MIC/Israel/NeoCon lobbies. I asked my Congressman (Red State GOP) to vote against further financial support for Ukraine. No answer.

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My conservative (and some paleo-liberal, heterodox-thinking) friends and I were generally in sync (and, where we weren't, it typically brought new ideas/resources to the conversation, you know, the way conversation's supposed to work) from very early on regarding COVID and Ukraine, but now I am definitely in the outlier group on Israel/Palestine. Something different, entirely-visceral about this one for many people, which surprised me at first (not now, in retrospect, after fully noticing the build-up), because I thought all along that our common strain of thinking was the minimization of innocent lives ended or trampled upon.

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Or labeled as anti semite

“ To question this current narrative”

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It's been a hell of a ride, hasn't it, Credenda. Today I went from working in a school which was celebrating a transgender parent to talking with some "conservative" friends who want Gaza and Iran bombed off the face of the Earth because "democracy". Crazy times.

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Very good start, Pete. And let's add term limits; end the political gravy train as many ways as we can. All Senators and Congressmen must write their own bills (yes, they can have help from staff and interns, but NOT lobbyists!), and no campaign contributions from *any* source greater than $250. We have to end the power lobbying has. Can we make it illegal? We have to put a STOP to "the best government money can buy". And yes, the tax system needs to be changed. Majorly! How about a VAT instead of income taxes? Maybe on almost everything except food. That would need some adjustments for primary housing, primary cars, etc., but those can be worked out. In essence, those who consume more pay more. They are the people with more money, after all. And we truly need *limited* government, and a return to a full separation of powers, including the Feds not usurping the roles of the states.

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Good ideas, Pete, but which mice is going to hang the bell on the cat?

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"The solution: antitrust enforcement, higher tax rates on the very rich, removing certain tax advantages of the very rich, etc. "

That would be a good start. But the power of the oligarchy you identify runs so much deeper. In my 45 year career in Big Law/Wall Street/Corporate America I observed this power being exercised regularly to influence and change business decisions, promotions, committee memberships, leadership decisions, club memberships, school admissions, salary and bonus decisions, partnership elections, hiring decisions, financing availability, litigation settlements, alumni donations. And, of course, much more. And if you question or object out loud? You will be cancelled.

As Chuck Schumer told Rachel Maddow (in a slightly different context): “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

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The only honest thing Schumer ever said. He probably had to take a sabbatical afterwards.

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Hah! Love it.

It must not be easy being Chuck Schumer.

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I think Schumer was lying here. He shifted the fear to the intelligence community when it's the is the Israel Lobby. The intelligence community gets it marching orders not from congress, but the Oligarchs in collusion with the Israel Lobby which for all intents and purposes are the same..

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My point...exactly.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 15, 2023
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Are you suggesting that the American Revolution was a response to the foreign conquest of...England? If so, that's an interesting theory...

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Very interesting. I've just ordered a copy of Albion's Seed. I've not been familiar with it.

As it happens my own direct ancestors include 17th Century Puritan and Pilgrim settlers in Plymouth and Salem, and Cavaliers in Virginia, as well as Dutch merchants in New Netherlands. As well as 18th Century Scots and Irish immigrants to Pennsylvania, Georgia and the Carolinas. As I grow older (and older), and become more and more interested in the details of my ancestry, I have often wondered what conditions would have motivated these immigrants to abandon their homes and properties, their extended families, and their occupations and sources of income, to risk travelling to the New World with all of its uncertainties. As we know, more than one half of the Mayflower passengers and crew died either en voyage or during the first year in America. The risks were enormous. The motivations had to be even greater. We know that 'religious freedom' and economic opportunity were motivating factors. But there had to have been even more.

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To your point regarding removing tax advantages, it's way past time to remove many of our largest foundations from tax exempt status. Many foundations have been around a long time and no longer do the sort of philanthropy for which they were intended by their founders (Ford Foundation?), they need a sunset clause. Only high net worth people are capable of hiding their money in foundations and non-profits all of which have been turned over to leftisits and under the pretense of charity they do politics. Look how George Soros, Bill Gates, et-al all are hailed as great philanthropists, but what has their generosity built for America? Not much, they've been busy tearing it down. So many of these so-called non-profits are just training grounds for radical leftists and they pump money into campaign donations and activism. Same thing with NGO's which are really the scourge of the world. They rip societies apart under the pretense of the greater good. Who pays taxes? We are always told the richest 1% pay nearly half the taxes, but do they really? The middle class pays as a percentage of their income and net worth a lot more and there once were a lot more of us than the 1%. I'm all for people realizing what was once known as the American Dream and the notion that anyone could make it here, but that seems no longer a reality.

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True. NGOs need to be removed from the corridors of power.

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Among the most egregious examples of concentrated, unregulated, and untaxed wealth deployed against our civilization: university endowments.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023
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You have to weigh up all news against who is saying it, what their past record is, and what their purpose is.

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