From Johnson's quote on Newsmax, "For those of us who are believers, it's a Biblical admonition to stand with Israel", it seems he is saying that based on his beliefs, he had no choice but to fund Israel. That seems to be the logic of a follower, not a leader.

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Well, if the God Johnson is praying to told him to fund continued death & destruction in Ukraine and a genocide in Israel, sounds like he prays to a false idol. I personally do not view any of the people in Washington as moral, principled or possessing any shred of human compassion, empathy or decency. Bad people make bad decisions. It wasn't really that surprising to see them all stand up and wave Ukrainian flags and chant "Ukraine!!" after the bill was passed.

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The Duran’s podcast thought it was pressure from the gop committee chairs that caused Johnson to end the 6 month delay in Ukraine funding.

Alex Mercouris commented the Ukraine funding was all about moving Ukraine’s collapse past the November election to help Biden, and hurt Trump.. And a lot of eGOP, including committee chairs, share this goal.

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That's one side of the coin, and I agree--except that perhaps too much credit to Johnson. Tracey only sees the other side of the coin, in which Johnson and Trump--Trump leading--colluded with the Deep State. These are not, as I argued, mutually exclusive.

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Very smart:

Chay Bowes


This is the United States Embassy compound in Kiev. [photo]

Imagine Russia slammed a balistic missile into it, killing 7 senior American officials, including 2 Generals, alleging (correctly) that they were coordinating a proxy War from the site, targeting Russian ships and bases?


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Compounds seem to be the "du jour" these days.

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Co-opting always works. Establishment always wins: "That's the secret to politics: trying to control a segment of the people without those people recognizing that you’re trying to control them." GOP Establishment used co-opting to end Tea Party. NY Times, 10/16/2011: "[GOP] Party leaders have managed to bleed some of the anti-establishment intensity out of the movement, [GOP insider Scott] Reed said, by slyly embracing Tea Party sympathizers in Congress, rather than treating them as “those people.”

Did he mean to say that the party was slowly co-opting the Tea Partiers?

“Trying to,” Reed said. "And that's the secret to politics: trying to control a segment of the people without those people recognizing that you’re trying to control them.”...(p. 1) 10/16/2011, "Does Anyone Have a Grip on the G.O.P.?" NY Times Magazine, Matt Bai... https://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/16/magazine/does-anyone-have-a-grip-on-the-gop.html?pagewanted=1&ref=magazine...[In Nov. 2010 Tea Party added landslide 63 sets to House GOP. This enraged GOP Estab. which prefers being permanent minority and left alone by annoying voters].

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It goes to show you Speaker Johnson's weaknesses. Getting a Deep State intel assessment that drives the hard bargain to shell out funds for both with no interest in looking at the big picture. Johnson's weakness is his inner circle group think influence.

He appears to be more "shallow" than I thought. Rivaling McCarthy for sure. No ability to assess the "long gain" impact of these decisions in all respects militarily, politically, economically, etc.

I gather Trump whispered in his ear and told him he has his blessing. The Deep State wins again.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

Note TikTok was included…

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Noted... that's intended to piss off the young voters.

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It brings up the real question: who rules/runs the US/West? I spent a decade in DC, and one can argue that: CIA handles the PR - television and the newspapers (note the comments regarding Johnson on this) and the lobbyists handle the groundwork…note that we have been told for a year plus that most of the $ is spent in the US to our benefit…

Mark, you might find this interesting:


From the Chinese (throw in India, Russia and virtually everyone outside of Europe/Five Eyes) perspective, the US has lost its “authority,” since it has no population base that agrees with it. This lack of authority is causing others to move away from the US and make their own plans (ex, BRICS). This is THE major shift causing instability abroad.

Also, do elections in the US/West matter?

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Johnson dropped to his knees to pray for guidance=Evangelical virtue signalling or he was waiting for the next Zionist to step up and pull his zipper down. Crude, yes, but accurate, you be the judge..

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Just like Judas Pence. Nauseating.

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Indeed it is!

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When he dropped for his knees to pray someone should have kicked the back of his head.

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NYT is family newspaper.

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Even cruder:

Who’s getting pounded the hardest?

American tax payers, or Senate Staffer in Senate Hearing Room?

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I'm guessing the Senate staffer at least had lube.

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