The better title is "Democrats Spinning Out of Control".

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California has been running this way for decades. The people vote one way......the State Court nullifies it. It's how Gay Marriage happened, the people chose not to but somehow the SCOTUS found a Constitutional clause supporting it, through creative interpretation.

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

I am not sure which is the bigger threat to America: that we have an out of control Administrative state, or that at local, state and Federal levels judges who legislate from the bench.

Both are unelected and essentially unaccountable to the people.

And for The Republic to survive, both threats need to be eradicated.

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This needs to be curbed stomped as soon as possible. These people have zero ability to control themselves. Whichever of our founders said that this government needs people of virtue otherwise it’s doomed was absolutely correct. Sam Adams??

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These judges are insane. Every ruling is a hand out to some special interest group. It’s a far left court in a moderate center right state.

The cities in NC are heading to 💩 fast. Well, Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, Greensboro-Winston-Salem are. Everywhere else is still nice and sane and thriving. It’s not sustainable.

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That's the question: Is America sustainable? There are still plenty of nice places, but "they" aren't about to leave you alone. Example, you can go to almost any Red area of the country and find that the government schools, supported by Red voting citizens, are actively engaged in child abuse and indoctrination.

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I’m not sure. I fear the path we are on tumbles to darkness, or fractures the country permanently. Both of those creat lots of pain and suffering. We need a revolution of the sane to open more paths.

But then I see hope. I see my kids’ school - an ACSI exemplary accredited school, in a woke county, full of smart, motivated, conservative kids. They thrive. Even the wokies are open this conservative Christian school is the best school in the region, openly admitting it’s better than the one they pay twice as much to send their woke kids to (it’s very bizarre having these conversations). The accomplished alumni list rivals any overpriced New England prep school, and has for decades. Example - a graduate still under 40 won both cases he argued before the Supreme Court by the time he was 35. Both assured expanded religious freedom and helped ensure we have this protected religious space my husband and I are using to raise kids with actual values.

The school is bigger than most high schools in my urban county, it’s also k-12, so the high school itself is smaller. Still, there are lots of hardworking, intelligent, conservative kids graduating every year. 100% college acceptance and 90% get into every single college/ university they apply to. The one kid who opted not to attend University, despite getting into every school he applied to, decided to skip college because the business he started at 14 was already netting him over 100K/ year by the time he graduated, I believe with honors. 😂

There must be others schools like this one. There must be other people holding the line in their backwards woke urban areas around the country. There must be people who aren’t gullible and actually care. I see them everywhere.

Even if it’s only a few in each state - a few of these schools and communities - then I have hope for tomorrow. Unmasked, never isolated, and not vaxxed kids who already had a leg up from realizing merit matters, work matters, decision making matters, can assure a better tomorrow because their isolated and dehumanized masked cohorts aren’t exactly learning about charisma or building personal and community bonds. If we fight to make sure the kids who have motivation have the space to claim their personal agency and lead in the next couple of decades, then I have hope.

So I don’t know. I’m not underestimating the headwind, but I’m not giving up hope either.

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Another example of “By any means necessary”

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I live in North carolina, and there's a lot I could say about this, but I need to be out the door in a few.

North Cariolina is NOT a Red state, it's purple on a good day, and it's a lot more diverse, in several senses of that term, than most people realize. It is not culturally a Souther state and has not been in a very long time. I am not surprised by this ruling, and no one who knows NC politics should be.

I have no plans to vote in the NC Senate race (It is pointless) but will crawl on my belly under artillery fire through no man's land and barbed wire to cast a vote on this.

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When you're too cute by half, the other half tends to fall on your head. These 'jurists' who believe they know what's best for the state better keep their eyes peeled skyward for that ACME anvil plummeting toward them.

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The NC Supreme Court obviously fails to understand that they are the court of last resort in NC. They are far from having the last word on the actions of the other branches of the state government. I suppose the legislature doesn't have the votes to impeach and remove the offending justices, every member of the state legislature regardless of party should act to protect their powers from the rogue court.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 19, 2022
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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

When I was in high school, we had a Mock Constitution exercise where a friend of mine proposed an idea that he called "No Rules Day." As per his proposal, on one given day each year no action taken could result in any criminal or civil legal penalty.

I remember telling him that the other 364 days of the year would be spent trying to sort out and recover from the messes created on No Rules Day. Now we have No Rules Day 365 days a year. Neil was ahead of his time.

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The made a movie about that - The Purge. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. God help us.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Made in 2013? Neil's NRD idea was back in 1969. Like I said: ahead of his time. But thanks for the flick idea. I like Ethan Hawke.

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Right. This is one of many aspects of life in America that seems to be falling apart--without much in the way of organized opposition.

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