Very, very glad to hear of the continual strengthening of mobility after the surgery, and that your family helps in progessing that recovery by being out and about, together, anywhere and everywhere----is delightful.

I re-read your June analysis of Kevork Almassian's interview on The Duran, about Syria as a lynchpin in this now-opened war. I agree that Ukraine's complete military defeat by Russia is coming to pass in plain view; that the Russian state's far range planning in all of its security, diplomatic, and military affairs will enable it to influence this opened Israeli war on Lebanon with the force and weight of proven leadership. The American and Israeli economic and military control over the middle east will subside rapidly, going forward.

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We can only hope it subsides. To a tolerable level!

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I think that the BRICS' emergence as a substantial alternative model of nation state relationships will continue to attract new membership from countries that look to their own people to build up the prosperity of their individual nations. Not destroying people and their land in other countries in order to loot whatever remains....And the lies of the elites are killing all of us.

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Let’s summarize. A Middle East war is “too costly”. But launching misses into heavily nuclear armed Russia is okie-dokie. Conclusion, costly only involves money, nothing about deaths of us peasants. Time to Ceausescu these MFs.

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Sounds like someone quit holding back.

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Thanks for the well wishes and advice. We took our grandson to the Botanic Gardens, my wife in the wheel chair. But the ride and the hike went perfectly, whereas before the replacement the hip was painful just going over rough surfaces in the car/chair. My wife reads the comments here so she'll be checking out the advice.

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A perfect storm is brewing. The dockworkers strike (if prolonged) is going to be a huge shock to the world's economy with many unpredictable downstream consequences. Russia's continued success in Ukraine means that Blackrock's pension fund clients are going to take an enormous bath soon. Israel just whacked a hornet's nest and the damage to its economy is going to be far greater than to its military. The US federal government is headless and staggering like a drunk onto the interstate. And all over the West, sane citizens have had it with the globalist woke agenda and closeted tyranny.

Something's gotta give and the match will be lit on November 5th (outcome irrelevant). Best to plan accordingly.

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You have a real talent for descriptive language - great summary.

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Interesting times.

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I wonder what is the production rate for all the bombs Israel has been using? Especially the smart munitions.

And of the Iron Dome missiles?

And how many have been used in the past year by Israel. How are their stocks? How are the US stocks?

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Don't forget that the US has many targets in the region that will be very vulnerable. If we get involved, we'll need those for ourselves.

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Dear sir, I have RA and I'm going to talk to my specialist about the use of DMSO, as my TNF blocker med costs about $70,000 a year. But you may want to try the topical use of DMSO as described in this article for your wife.


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I just now noticed Mr. Jones posted the same. Never mind, but thank you for the daily reading you provide for me. It is greatly appreciated and forwarded on to my email contacts and facebook.

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It sounds like the best thing the Pentagon could do to help USA's security is maybe take out Blinken's office, and those of a few prominant neocons. Probably don't even need the Bunker Busters that have been all given over to our Zio masters.

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It's good to hear your wife is doing better!

Life can be rough at times. I hope things begin to smooth out for you and your family.

Thank you for all that you do!

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Grandchildren in the house are good medicine when one is healing and/or hurting. Spirit-lifters, they are.

If your outlook is happy, you feel better physically.

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If there any problems with your wife's recovery, check out the Midwestern Doctor's articles on DMSO. It's magical stuff (which I am now using)




Keep well.

David Jones

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I hope your wife’s recovery continues well and she is feeling back to normal very soon.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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