Did anyone besides me notice the male to female ratio in the North Dakota birth report? While it is normal for more males than females to be born the difference is nowhere near that large. Very suspicious indeed folks.

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It's very interesting, for sure.

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Eugenics has been the driving force behind abortion for over 100 years. The purpose of birth control is "to create a race of thoroughbreds," Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood Nov. 1921. "More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control."
Margaret Sanger. Democratic Party eugenics also has a strong racial component. "We do not want word to go out that we want to ext**minat* the N[Black] population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Margaret Sanger. The attitudes of Sanger were not a one-off. In 2009 SCOTUS Justice Ginsburg wrote: “I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” Ginsburg never identified who comprised the "populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” However comparing the positions which Sanger and Ginsburg espoused makes it clear which population they referred to.

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Creating a race of thoroughbreds, that really worked out well for the equines, and for families like the Windsors. INBREEDS !!!

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The key for Ginsburg was that overturning the Hyde amendment would have led to *Medicaid* funding for abortion--which she obviously favored. That's a fairly broad hint.

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So, the plan is to kill off the educated (I use that word loosely) first world population that presents the greatest risk to them. They are still going to need drones to do the remaining manual jobs that robots haven't yet replaced (plumber, electrician, etc.). But robots don't micturate or defecate. And they probably won't live in what we would consider housing. The transhumans will likely be weaker, stupider, and less efficient than the pure AI. Oh to be a fly on the wall when the robots figure out the elite transhumans are no longer necessary.

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Dr. Malone wrote:


In part 1 he stated that BA.4 & 5 are spreading, but it's unknown if it's a stronger or weaker virus? Here we go again in a new rabbit hole. The BS isn't palpable any longer. It doesn't mention fertility rates, but we'll know soon enough.

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Jun 26, 2022
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Forbes - I’m not sure.

6 months ago I would have agreed with you.

With all the lies on Covid, and the fubar covid fda trials, and now the push to vax babies, I’m not sure what to believe.

After the jab, There is a definite immediate impact right after vaccination on fertility. And if you are pregnant, a huge increase in death of fetus (not sure on the right word).

And the impact of the vax seems to increase with each shot.

I’ll see if I ever become a grandfather. My daughter did not think it was a big thing, and got the jab even though she had already had Covid, so she could travel. I found out after the fact. At least no boosters for anyone in my immediate family.

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Jun 26, 2022
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Gates the greedy grinner must be thrilled by the success of his philanthropy . . . or pathology, or philandering?

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We thought we were getting philanthropy, but instead we got misanthropy. :(

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Melinda has been the "beard" for Bill.

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