Mark, if an open convention, riots and the resulting mayhem transpires, I can offer you temporary sanctuary In Florida. Although you would miss some of the open warfare. Popcorn indeed.

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Alex Berenson (his recent substack) has heard from a commenter who is a neurosurgeon that Zhou suffers from “mid-stage Parkinson’s and dementia.” The Parkinson’s is visible in the physical symptoms: the blank stare, the unsteady, stiff gait and soft voice. The dementia we have seen in the mental confusion and memory loss. If the Dems and their media cronies had faced this reality, (and think back to Rosenstein proposing to wear a wire in Trump’s presence to record signs of incompetence or other cognitive issues…) they would not now be facing the disastrous and appalling situation of their own making. And at the core, Zhou himself is unable to decide not to run again - also due to a lack of dopamine, a/k/a Parkinson’s. Dr Jill is complicit in elder abuse and betraying her country, as are all the other courtiers…knives drawn and waiting in the wings…

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I have an aunt who is a diagnosed sufferer of Parkinson’s (with some dementia characteristics) the similarities to Joe are pretty comparable, fortunately for her family, unlike him, she was the kindest of souls before the disease took hold so much of her personality stays intact

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Bahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good. Let them panic.

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Thank you Texas Khaan Having Hunter Biden step in in Joes place might not be a terrible idea...at least we would know who's running the show. him or maybe his favorite pimp or perhaps his crack dealer...well, that sure narrows it down doesn't it.??

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There are many Blacks in the US who aren't descended from US slaves. In the US, the most important thing about being Black and running for office is it means you may be descended from US slaves. Neither Kamala nor Obama are descended from US slaves. Kamala's mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica which means he's likely descended of British slaves on sugar plantations, the most brutalized slaves on earth, treated so badly that many died after only 3 yrs there, so UK had to constantly bring fresh shipments over from Africa. I'm descended on both sides from Irish immigrants who came to the US in 1800s and early 1900s. But I don't call myself "Irish American." Kamala is as much African American as I'm Irish American.

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In a New Orleans tour it was mentioned Black Slaves were treated better than indentured Irish Workers. Indentured servants got their freedom in a couple of years, so their long term value was zero.

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Interesting, I visited New Orleans in 1990s, took a half day tour of the city. I never felt racial tension the entire time I was there. It was quite surprising. Not that it doesn't exist everywhere in some form, but in Northern US, NY City, nothing else exists.

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Years ago I took a work trip to NO, and for complicated reasons my wife was able to come, too. I went to meetings during the day while she took tours--including to Laura Plantation, which later burned down.

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"The Democrat National Committee is weighing nominating Joe Biden as early as mid-July to quiet calls for a replacement after a disastrous debate night." Wow, sounds very Macronesque.

The Dems will be eating their own selves at the convention. Plan to avoid my downtown Merchandise Mart office that whole week. Stay in the burbs. And I thought violence in Chicago was already a public health emergency. Add these nut cases and all bets are off. Wait till they get get caught in the construction traffic starting at the Junction on their way downtown to the UC. LOL.

I'll bring the cherry Coke Mark.

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The Democrat party changed their rules in November, after the delegates vote for Zhou at the convention the "leaders of the Democrat Party" can step in and take the nomination away in a "smoke filled back room".

Look it up. Never mind here is the link....


They changed the parties bylaws in preparation of removing him by hook or by crook.

Redstate dot com exposed this.

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Right. I can just see the law suit on the meaning of "disability". That'd look great, going on at the same time as two litigating campaigns.

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Which is to say, Two litigating DEM campaigns.

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Never mind litigating....they "litigate" with violence now.

I can't wait for their convention in Chicago this year.

Get your popcorn ready for that $hit show.

Think 1968 was a riot?

Blue on Blue, they use violence to get their way.

It has only been escalating and encouraged lately. It has all been allowed so......

The pro Palestine movement and Antifa all in one place.

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The only thing that matters is who controls the brick pallets.

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The fact that he had been nominated and accepted two months earlier by the very same people trying to replace would be a strong argument against disability.

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I think the Dems are missing the obvious solution! Let's see the list so far. The Replacement Nominee a) must be a woman, b) must be able to raise big bucks (legal schmegal, just bucks), and c) must be able to get the cooperation of the Biden clan. OK so far? Desperate times call for desperate, measures. Who checks all three boxes? Dr. Jill (call me "Edith") Biden herself! Plus, plus, plus... The super Vogue cover pic!!! Doesn't it just scream "Madame President"? Even now, she stands and asks: "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" Nominate Dr. Jill, and solving another problem, Zhou gets the Jack Nicholson treatment. (And, no, I am not recanting Hilary's chances. Wait until the 85th ballot of that open convention in Chicago, Hil's hometown.)

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The Saudis are so much more practical (can't believe I just said that ) but look what happened when King Salman came to power ..a man obviously as wasted as Joe Biden and in no way equipped to run that kingdom. A succession fight would have been as bloody as anything you're gonna see in Chicago either at the convention or in South Chicago on the average Saturday night. To avoid something which could have become very ugly they let his son step in and run the Kingdom.....very practical.. Well... Joe Biden just happens to have a son. So what's the problem...why all the drama?

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"Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm." When I read foolishness like this, I check out.

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I left Michigan for Tennessee in 2021 because of the Three Harpies From Hell (Whitmer, Nessel and Benson), and I didn't just move a household. I moved a farm. With livestock. That's how bad it was under those hellbeasts.

Whitmer is as stupid and incompetent as Harris. I suspect that Nessel is the one who's really in charge. One might even say that Nessel is Dick Cheney to Whitmer's Dubya.

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I concur with your assessment or lived reality. I still have family and a home there. Every time I think about moving back (it is a beautiful state) the idiots elect an even worse socialist as governor.

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…and Mark, I’d dread the day you go with “President Gretchen!” Double Yikes!!

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Obama must have a personal reason or scheme to suggest an open convention. 🤔

He is showing more of himself lately as if to signal that he is Kingmaker.

Interesting times indeed...🍿🍿🍿 scary too

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Ambitions to be the new future "First Man".

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Second Man. He'll be right behind Big Mike.

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